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Alphabetical sort of characters within a string.
(04-25-2024, 04:45 AM)Circlotron Wrote:
(04-25-2024, 01:28 AM)bplus Wrote: +1 that's pretty cool pete, here is quicker
Code: (Select All)
a$ = "lots of letters repeated"
For i% = 1 To 26
    seed% = InStr(LCase$(a$), Chr$(96 + i%))
    While seed%
        Print Chr$(96 + i%);
        seed% = InStr(seed% + 1, LCase$(a$), Chr$(96 + i%))
Wow! That is off the planet! Thanks so much guys. Even though I've been messing with basic on and off since 1989, when I see some of the examples here I feel similar to when I watch some people playing guitar on youtube. Makes me wonder why i even try... BTW the purpose of this is to find anagrams in a long list of words. Thanks again.
You may also be interested in something such as this then:

That's my Scrabble Word List maker, which does a good ob making words from various combinations of letters.  Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Alphabetical sort of characters within a string. - by SMcNeill - 04-25-2024, 05:23 AM

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