04-27-2024, 08:43 PM
(04-27-2024, 04:18 PM)bplus Wrote: well i thought the newest petecode3$ was faster than anacode3$ but it's too close, depends on temperment of my system, kinda odd, even with 25 passes through the WORD.txt each test there is no consistent winnerSo for me they are identical except for the decimal places.
here is everything in zip including the original unixdict.txt and the bas cleanup to WORDS.txt that my testing is using with the latest code test
Code: (Select All)Option _Explicit
_Title "anaCode3$ versus peteCode3$ with WORDS.txt" ' b+ 2024-04-26 speed test
' anaCode$ returned to original format of len = 26 letter counts but improved?
' this is most useful to use with games using letters from words
' anacode3$ is to compare apples to apples in the function return format
' aha, i cracked petecode2() time!
Dim a$(25000), p$(25000)
'''' check i made modifications correctly
'Dim test$(9)
'Dim As Integer i
'test$(0) = "grmaana"
'test$(1) = "angiogram"
'test$(2) = "naagrma"
'test$(3) = "telgram"
'test$(4) = "gramana"
'test$(5) = "gram"
'test$(6) = "nag"
'test$(7) = "tag"
'test$(8) = "am"
'test$(9) = "grip"
'For i = 0 To 9
' Print test$(i), petecode2$(test$(i)), petecode3$(test$(i))
'''' ok looks right
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim start#, w$, ana2Time#, peteTime#, anatime#, pete3time#
start# = Timer(.01)
For i = 1 To 25
j = 0
Open "WORDS.txt" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, w$
j = j + 1
p$(j) = petecode2$(w$)
peteTime# = Timer(.01) - start#
start# = Timer(.01)
For i = 1 To 25
j = 0
Open "WORDS.txt" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, w$
j = j + 1
p$(j) = petecode3$(w$)
pete3time# = Timer(.01) - start#
start# = Timer(.01)
For i = 1 To 25
j = 0
Open "WORDS.txt" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, w$
j = j + 1
a$(j) = altAnaCode$(w$)
anatime# = Timer(.01) - start#
start# = Timer(.01)
For i = 1 To 25
j = 0
Open "WORDS.txt" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, w$
j = j + 1
a$(j) = AnaCode3$(w$)
ana2Time# = Timer(.01) - start#
Print "Anacode3 Time ="; ana2Time#, "PeteCode3 Time ="; pete3time#
Print "altAnaCode$ time ="; anatime#, "PeteCode2 Time ="; peteTime#
Print "DIFF CHECK anaCcode3 versus PeteCode3"
For i = 1 To j ' checking for differences between array values
If a$(i) <> p$(i) Then Print a$(i), p$(i)
Print: Print " Check tail end of arrays:"
For i = j - 15 To j
Print a$(i), p$(i)
' back to original form of anacode using counts of each letter 1 to 26
' this limits numbers of repeated letters to 9 max
' this code also assumes all letters but need not be assumed capitals
Function AnaCode$ (wrd$) ' anaCode$ converts word to an Anagram pattern
' are assuming wrd$ is all letters
Dim s$, w$
Dim As Integer i, p
s$ = String$(26, "0") ' number of A's in first, number of B's in 2nd, number of C's in third
w$ = UCase$(wrd$) ' don't assume all caps as expected
For i = 1 To Len(wrd$)
p = Asc(w$, i) - 64 ' A=1, B=2...
Mid$(s$, p, 1) = _Trim$(Str$(Asc(s$, p) - 47)) ' finally!! better
AnaCode$ = s$
End Function
Function altAnaCode$ (wrd$) ' anaCode$ converts word to an Anagram pattern
Dim As Integer L(65 To 90), i, p
Dim t$(65 To 90), w$
w$ = UCase$(wrd$) ' don't assume all caps as expected
For i = 1 To Len(w$)
p = Asc(w$, i) ' A=1, B=2...
L(p) = L(p) + 1
For i = 65 To 90
t$(i) = LTrim$(Str$(L(i)))
altAnaCode$ = bind$(t$())
End Function
' return sorted anagram code string for any word, call ucase$(wrd$) for all caps
Function AnaCode2$ (wrd$) ' anaCode$ converts word to an Anagram pattern
' wrd$ is assumed to be in all capitals!!!
' number of A's in first, number of B's in 2nd, number of C's in third
Dim As Integer L(65 To 90), i, p
Dim rtn$, w$
w$ = UCase$(wrd$) ' don't assume all caps as expected
For i = 1 To Len(w$)
p = Asc(w$, i) ' A=1, B=2...
L(p) = L(p) + 1
For i = 65 To 90
If L(i) Then rtn$ = rtn$ + String$(L(i), i)
AnaCode2$ = rtn$
End Function
Function AnaCode3$ (wrd$) ' anaCode$ converts word to an Anagram pattern
' wrd$ is assumed to be in all capitals!!!
' number of A's in first, number of B's in 2nd, number of C's in third
Dim As Integer L(65 To 90), i, p
Dim w$
w$ = UCase$(wrd$) ' don't assume all caps as expected
For i = 1 To Len(w$)
p = Asc(w$, i) ' A=1, B=2...
L(p) = L(p) + 1
Dim t$(65 To 90)
For i = 65 To 90
If L(i) Then t$(i) = String$(L(i), i)
AnaCode3$ = bind$(t$())
End Function
Function petecode2$ (la$)
Dim rtn$, i%, seed%, j%, a$
a$ = UCase$(la$)
rtn$ = Space$(Len(a$))
For i% = 65 To 90
seed% = InStr(a$, Chr$(i%))
While seed%
j% = j% + 1
Mid$(rtn$, j%) = Chr$(i%)
seed% = InStr(seed% + 1, a$, Chr$(i%))
petecode2$ = _Trim$(rtn$)
End Function
Function petecode3$ (la$)
Dim i%, seed%, j%, a$
Dim t$(1 To Len(la$))
a$ = UCase$(la$)
For i% = 65 To 90
seed% = InStr(a$, Chr$(i%))
While seed%
j% = j% + 1
t$(j%) = Chr$(i%)
seed% = InStr(seed% + 1, a$, Chr$(i%))
petecode3$ = bind$(t$())
End Function
Function bind$ (arr$())
Dim As Long lb, ub, i, size, p
Dim rtn$
lb = LBound(arr$)
ub = UBound(arr$)
For i = lb To ub
size = size + Len(arr$(i))
rtn$ = Space$(size)
p = 1
For i = lb To ub
Mid$(rtn$, p) = arr$(i)
p = p + Len(arr$(i))
bind$ = rtn$
End Function