05-03-2024, 06:35 PM
here is game carlos brought to my attention at the other place
he wanted to build a character editor to change the shape of canon. i showed how he might do that without building character editor (for screen 0 chars, which i'm not sure how to do, graphics screen easy but changing screen 0, don't know...) I went on to make over the whole game, kinda cute
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Old SHMUP game"
Screen 0: Width 80: Color 15
Dim sk As String
Dim b$, m$, a$
Dim x, y, mx, my, ax, ay
x = 37
y = 23
b$ = " ÜÛÜ "
aa = 0
a$ = "*"
ma = 0
m$ = "|"
If Inp(&H60) = 75 Then
x = x - 1
End If
If Inp(&H60) = 77 Then
x = x + 1
End If
If x < 1 Then x = 1
If x > 75 Then x = 75
If aa = 0 Then
ax = Int(Rnd(1) * 76) + 2
ay = Int(Rnd(1) * y)
aa = 1
Locate ay, ax
Print a$
End If
If Inp(&H60) = 57 And ma = 0 Then
mx = x + 2
my = y - 1
ma = 1
End If
Locate y, x
Print b$
If ma = 1 Then
Locate my, mx
Print " "
my = my - 1
If my < 1 Then
ma = 0
Locate my, mx
If mx = ax And my = ay Then
aa = 0
ma = 0
Locate ay, ax
Print " "
ax = Int(Rnd(1) * 76) + 2
ay = Int(Rnd(1) * y)
Print m$
End If
End If
End If
_Limit 20
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27) ' Pressionar a tecla Esc para sair
he wanted to build a character editor to change the shape of canon. i showed how he might do that without building character editor (for screen 0 chars, which i'm not sure how to do, graphics screen easy but changing screen 0, don't know...) I went on to make over the whole game, kinda cute
SHMUP mod b+
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "SHMUP mod 1 b+ 2024-05-02"
Screen 0: Width 80: Color 15
Dim cannon1$, cannon2$, missile$, alien$
Dim As Integer cannonX, cannonY, missileX, missileY, missileActive
Dim As Integer alienX, alienY, alienActive, invaded, repelled, frame
Dim As Long kh
cannonX = 37
cannonY = 23
cannon1$ = " ÜÛÜ " 'this works better
cannon2$ = "ÛÛ ÛÛ"
alienActive = 0
alien$ = "<" + Chr$(233) + ">"
missileActive = 0
missile$ = "|"
'invaded = 60
kh = _KeyHit
If kh = 19200 Then 'LEFT
cannonX = cannonX - 1
ElseIf kh = 19712 Then ' RIGHT
cannonX = cannonX + 1
ElseIf kh = 32 And missileActive = 0 Then
missileX = cannonX + 2
missileY = cannonY
missileActive = 1
End If
If cannonX < 1 Then cannonX = 1
If cannonX > 75 Then cannonX = 75
If alienActive = 0 Then
alienX = Int(Rnd * 76) + 2 - 1
alienY = 1
alienActive = 1
frame = 0
frame = frame + 1
If frame = 15 Then alienY = alienY + 1: frame = 0
If alienY = 23 Then
invaded = invaded + 1
alienActive = 0
End If
End If
Locate alienY, alienX 'draw invader
Print alien$
Locate cannonY, cannonX 'draw canon
Print cannon1$;
Locate cannonY + 1, cannonX
Print cannon2$;
If missileActive = 1 Then ' handle missile
missileY = missileY - 1
If missileY < 1 Then
missileActive = 0
Locate missileY, missileX
If missileX = alienX + 1 And missileY = alienY Then ' hit
alienActive = 0
missileActive = 0
Locate alienY, alienX
Print " * "
repelled = repelled + 1
_Delay .1
alienX = Int(Rnd(1) * 76) + 2 + 1 'new alien
alienY = Int(Rnd(1) * cannonY)
Print missile$
End If
End If
End If
_Title "Shumps Invaded:" + Str$(invaded) + " Repelled:" + Str$(repelled)
_Limit 60
If Abs(invaded - repelled) > 25 Then Exit Do
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27) ' Pressionar a tecla Esc para sair
If invaded - repelled > 25 Then
Locate 12, 27: Print "Game over Aliens took over ;("
ElseIf repelled - invaded > 25 Then
Locate 12, 28: Print "Game over Aliens defeated :)"
End If
b = b + ...