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DIM - AS - VARIABLE TYPE likely bug
(05-06-2024, 05:56 PM)Dimster Wrote: I'm likely taking this topic a little more off the issue but rather than starting a new thread hoping it's ok to ask it here ... Is there an order to the assignment of a Type for a variable?
For example
Dim A$
Dim A
Dim A!

In the order above, why would not QB64, upon finding the 2nd Dim statement, simply change the type of A from a string to a single. Similar to a redim. So that in this dim order example the last Dim statement for A (A!) would rule? 

I haven't tested this yet but from past coding, this does appear to be the case (ie a 2nd incident of a change in Variable Type but no change in the Variable name) if Dimming locally rather than globally. I think I have in the past had a Dim A$ in one sub and DIM A in another sub without an error message.

Steve's earlier comment about the 2nd encounter of the same Variable Name triggering the error message of Name already in use must only apply to Globally Named variables correct?

yeah tested you will be enlightened to know a! is already used,

global = shared or constant i say yeah, before i tested ;-))
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
DIM - AS - VARIABLE TYPE likely bug - by bartok - 05-03-2024, 06:59 AM
RE: DIM - AS - VARIABLE TYPE likely bug - by bplus - 05-06-2024, 06:01 PM

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