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sin cos using SUB SumLocate (x,y,l)
here is mod using orbit
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1280, 720, 32)
_ScreenMove 0, 0
'Dim CIRCLOOP1(17, 3)
Dim Shared SPRITES As Long
SPRITES = _LoadImage("inva.png")
_PutImage , SPRITES, 0
_ClearColor _RGB32(&H39, &H2A, &H02), SPRITES
'For I = 1 To 16: Read CIRCLOOP1(I, 1), CIRCLOOP1(I, 2): Next I
'Data 3,1,4,1,5,1,6,2,7,3,7,4,7,5,6,6,5,7,4,7,3,7,2,6,1,5,1,4,1,3,2,2
'Cls , _RGB32(&H39, &H2A, &H02)
frame = 1
RR% = 400: XX% = 8
    'For I = 1 To 16
    '    Select Case frame
    '        Case 1
    '            _PutImage (CIRCLOOP1(I, 1) * 64 + RR%, CIRCLOOP1(I, 2) * 64), SPRITES, , (0, 0)-(63, 63)
    '        Case 2
    '            _PutImage (CIRCLOOP1(I, 1) * 64 + RR%, CIRCLOOP1(I, 2) * 64), SPRITES, , (64, 0)-(127, 63)
    '    End Select
    'Next I
    'Cls , _RGB32(&H39, &H2A, &H02)
    Cls , _RGB32(0, 48, 20)
    For a = 0 To 359 Step 360 / 16
        orbit RR%, _Height / 2, 310, a + da, x, y
        Select Case frame
            Case 1
                _PutImage (x - _Width(SPRITES) / 2, y - _Height(SPRITES) / 2), SPRITES, , (0, 0)-(63, 63)
            Case 2
                _PutImage (x - _Width(SPRITES) / 2, y - _Height(SPRITES) / 2), SPRITES, , (64, 0)-(127, 63)
        End Select
        orbit RR%, _Height / 2, 220, a - da, x, y
        Select Case frame
            Case 1
                _PutImage (x - _Width(SPRITES) / 2, y - _Height(SPRITES) / 2), SPRITES, , (0, 0)-(63, 63)
            Case 2
                _PutImage (x - _Width(SPRITES) / 2, y - _Height(SPRITES) / 2), SPRITES, , (64, 0)-(127, 63)
        End Select
    _Limit 5
    da = da + 2
    frame = frame + 1
    If frame > 2 Then frame = 1: Play "T255L32O1G" Else Play "T255L32O1C"
    i$ = InKey$
    RR% = RR% + XX%
    If RR% > _Width - 320 Then XX% = -8
    If RR% < 380 Then XX% = 8
Loop While i$ <> " "

Sub orbit (x0rigin, yOrigin, radius, degrees, xOut, yOut) ' all default single  should be ok
    xOut = x0rigin + radius * Cos(_D2R(degrees))
    yOut = yOrigin + radius * Sin(_D2R(degrees))
End Sub

b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
sin cos using SUB SumLocate (x,y,l) - by pmackay - 05-08-2024, 06:53 AM
RE: sin cos using SUB SumLocate (x,y,l) - by bplus - 05-08-2024, 10:54 PM

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