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Schizandra - the QB64 English wordlist-walker
Glad to share the latest smooth walker.
Did add 8 short desktop videoclips on the repository, they highlight some basic/everyday functionalities.

Many little add-ons and refinements, I read and search and compress with this revision, on a hourly basis.

Two of the videos were placed on YouTube as well, they come with walkthroughs:

TriMasakari_r6_Exact-Internal-Non-Interactive-Search_followed-by_Exact-Internal-Interactive-Search.mkv, (238,202,530 bytes), walkthrough timestamps:

0:07 Launching a file explorer, KRUSADER (1 mouseclick)
0:19 Copying the fullpathname of needed file into CLIPBOARD (3 mouseclicks)
0:23 Launching TriMasakari (1 mouseclick)
0:32 Closing the "Ready-to-Resize" window with e.g. Left-Mouse-Button (1 mouseclick)
0:36 The status line shows 11+ billion "lines" 50 characters wide
0:39 Hovering Mouse Cursor over first 16 pixels at the top - this opens the "Hover Bar"
0:40 Clicking-n-releasing Left-Mouse-Button over 'End' tab (1 mouseclick)
0:40 Clicking-n-releasing Middle-Mouse-Button - this activates the Inverse Line i.e. Interactive Search Mode (1 mouseclick)
0:45 Scrolling with Mouse Wheel to the bottom
0:53 Pressing 'Backspace' to widen the textfield, which automatically goes at the top as well (1 keystroke)
1:01 Pressing 'Enter' - this activates the Inverse Line i.e. Interactive Search Mode (1 keystroke)
1:05 Hovering Mouse Cursor over the English-only-letters word "fieldwork" - this makes it automatically our Needle
1:06 Pressing 'Shift+F3' - this activates Non-Interactive Search (2 keystrokes)
1:55 Pressing 'Esc' - this stops the Non-Interactive Search (1 keystroke)
2:12 Pressing '/' - this enters the Edit Mode of the Inverse Line i.e. allows entering the Needle, the default Needle is the whole line (1 keystroke)
2:37 Entering "matron" and pressing Right-Shift
2:47 Hovering Mouse Cursor over "matrons"
2:49 Pressing 'F3' - this activates Interactive Search (1 keystroke)
3:14 Pressing 'F3' - this activates Interactive Search (1 keystroke)
3:23 Scroll Up with Mouse Wheel Up
3:31 Clicking-n-releasing Right-Mouse-Button - this "expands" the WRAP text field to RAW text field
3:46 Scroll Down with Mouse Wheel Down
3:56 Clicking-n-releasing Right-Mouse-Button - this "shrinks" the RAW text field to WRAP text field
4:00 Pressing 'z' - this activates 2x Magnifier (1 keystroke)
4:04 Pressing 'x' - this activates 3x Magnifier (1 keystroke)
4:05 Pressing 'c' - this activates 4x Magnifier (1 keystroke)
4:07 Pressing 'v' - this deactivates Magnifier (1 keystroke)
4:08 Clicking Left-Mouse-Button + Left-Ctrl - this draws vertical line at current Grey-Box-Mouse-Pointer position
4:11 Clicking Left-Mouse-Button - this draws horizontal line at current Grey-Box-Mouse-Pointer position
4:13 Pressing 'z' - this activates 2x Magnifier (1 keystroke)

Note: Non-Interactive Search (Shift+F3) is same as Interactive Search (F3), except, it is an automatic sequence of the latter.
The Inverse Line houses the hit i.e. the focus is updated at every hit by jumping.

Ergonomic breakdown:
So, 7 mouseclicks and 2 keystrokes in order to see how many hits exist from the Inverse Line to the end of file.
Bottomline: From bare Desktop to Window-With-Hits, 7 mouseclicks and 1 keystroke in order to jump at some context with our Needle.

The second video is:

TriMasakari_r6_Exact-External-Search_new_run_to_show_results.mkv, (96,833,132 bytes), walkthrough timestamps:

0:00 Launching a file explorer, CAJA (1 mouseclick)
0:03 Copying the fullpathname of needed file into CLIPBOARD (3 mouseclicks)
0:07 Launching TriMasakari (1 mouseclick)
0:11 Closing the "Ready-to-Resize" window with e.g. Left-Mouse-Button (1 mouseclick)
0:15 Hovering Mouse Cursor over first 16 pixels at the top - this opens the "Hover Bar"
0:16 Clicking-n-releasing Left-Mouse-Button over 'End' tab (1 mouseclick)
0:22 Hovering Mouse Cursor over the English-only-letters word "Bacteriologists" - it is highlighted since it is familiar to our 'masakari.wrd' wordlist
0:32 Hovering Mouse Cursor over the English-only-letters word "ondensation" - it is strikethrough since it is unfamiliar to our 'masakari.wrd' wordlist
0:40 Pressing 'Enter' - this activates the Inverse Line i.e. Interactive Search Mode (1 keystroke)
0:41 Pressing '/' - this enters the Edit Mode of the Inverse Line i.e. allows entering the Needle, the default Needle is the whole line (1 keystroke)
0:41 Pressing 'Esc' - this makes the Needle empty i.e. ""
0:42 Input our Needle "nagarjuna" and press 'Left-Ctrl' - this starts External NonInteractive Exact Search for the WHOLE file, notice, when Internal, the search is always from current/Inverse Line to the end of file
2:02 The search is done, the hits are reported and the search rate, now, the resultant file is accessible via another instance of TriMasakari
2:03 Launching another TriMasakari (1 mouseclick)
2:15 Closing the "Ready-to-Resize" window with e.g. Right-Mouse-Button (1 mouseclick)
2:16 Clicking-n-releasing Right-Mouse-Button - this "expands" the WRAP text field to RAW text field

Now, we have our resultant file ready for another nested filtering/searching, notice its filename which is within the titlebar, it is postfixed with its creation time.
Each line is prefixed with the Needle enclosed in brackets, followed by the line of occurrence, followed by the filename of origin enclosed in forward slashes.

Ergonomic breakdown:
So, 6 mouseclicks and 4 keystrokes in order to generate file containing all the hits. And, another 3 mouseclicks to visualize it.
Bottomline: From bare Desktop to Window-With-Hits, 9 mouseclicks and 4 keystrokes.

As you can see, the accent is on the minimalization the mouse/tackpad/keyboard usage while more work is done.


Oh, also added and reading aloud the major part of README.DIZ while hovering over the text:

"He learns not to learn and reverts to what the masses pass by."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Schizandra - the QB64 English wordlist-walker - by Sanmayce - 05-24-2024, 06:00 AM

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