06-21-2024, 08:23 PM
@12centuries - I have checked again now, there is no resizing in C either - but in C you can program almost everything yourself if you can do it. Does it make sense?
Regarding "std::vector's resize", the dimension is not changed, or am I misunderstanding that? Only the size of the array is changed. This also works with Basic64.
Regarding "std::vector's resize", the dimension is not changed, or am I misunderstanding that? Only the size of the array is changed. This also works with Basic64.
Code: (Select All)
'Zweidimensionales Feld mit Redim neu dimensionieren - 29. Dez. 2022
Option _Explicit
Option Base 1
Dim As Integer neuDimensionZeile, neuDimensionSpalte
Dim As Integer zeilenDim, spaltenDim
Dim As Integer a, b, i, j, y, z
Locate 2, 2
Input "Feldimension Zeilen : ", zeilenDim
Locate 3, 2
Input "Felddimension Spalten: ", spaltenDim
'Feld mit Vorgaben initialisieren
Dim As Integer zweiDimfeld(zeilenDim, spaltenDim)
Locate CsrLin + 2, 2
z = 1
For i = 1 To zeilenDim
For j = 1 To spaltenDim
zweiDimfeld(i, j) = z
Print Using "## "; zweiDimfeld(i, j),
z = z + 1
Print: Locate , 2
'Vor Neudimensionierung Speicher freigeben. Ist bei Anwendung
'von REDIM nicht noetig, da dieser ERASE + DIM zusammenfasst - S.188
'Erase zweiDimfeld
'Feld neu dimensionieren
Locate CsrLin + 2, 2
Input "Neue Feldimension Zeile : ", neuDimensionZeile
Locate CsrLin + 0, 2
Input "Neue Feldimension Spalte: ", neuDimensionSpalte
ReDim zweiDimfeld(neuDimensionZeile, neuDimensionSpalte)
Locate CsrLin + 2, 2
y = 1
For a = 1 To neuDimensionZeile
For b = 1 To neuDimensionSpalte
zweiDimfeld(a, b) = y
Print Using "## "; zweiDimfeld(a, b),
y = y + 1
Print: Locate , 2
Locate CsrLin + 3, 2