06-27-2024, 04:02 PM
(06-27-2024, 01:09 PM)bplus Wrote:I also found something from 'RhoSigma'.Ohio's Heat Lightninginspired sometime ago
I changed it a bit and added some sound.
I'm attaching the sound files below.
Code: (Select All)
'| ###### ###### | .--. . .-. |
'| ## ## ## # | | )| ( ) o |
'| ## ## ## | |--' |--. .-. `-. . .-...--.--. .-. |
'| ###### ## | | \ | |( )( ) | ( || | |( ) |
'| ## ## | ' `' `-`-' `-'-' `-`-`|' ' `-`-'`- |
'| ## ## # | ._.' |
'| ## ###### | Sources & Documents placed in the Public Domain. |
'| |
'| === Lightning2.bas === |
'| |
'| == The filnal result of joint efforts by bplus, TylerDarko and |
'| == myself. (http://www.qb64.net/forum/index.php?topic=14532.0) |
'| |
'| Done by RhoSigma, R.Heyder, provided AS IS, use at your own risk. |
'| Find me in the QB64 Forum or mail to support@rhosigma-cw.net for |
'| any questions or suggestions. Thanx for your interest in my work. |
Dim h1 As Long: h1 = _SndOpen(_Embedded$("Gewi1"), "memory")
Dim h2 As Long: h2 = _SndOpen(_Embedded$("Gewi2"), "memory")
Dim h3 As Long: h3 = _SndOpen(_Embedded$("Gewi3"), "memory")
Dim Shared scrX%, scrY%
di& = _ScreenImage
scrX% = _Width(di&)
scrY% = _Height(di&)
_FreeImage di&
si& = _NewImage(scrX%, scrY%, 32)
Screen si&
_Delay 0.2: _ScreenMove _Middle
_Delay 0.2: _FullScreen
Const FORKINESS = 20 '1 to 20
Dim Shared scrX2%, scrX10%, scrXE%
Dim Shared scrY4%, scrY6%, scrYE%
scrX2% = scrX% \ 2: scrX10% = scrX% \ 10: scrXE% = scrX% - 1
scrY4% = scrY% \ 4: scrY6% = scrY% \ 6: scrYE% = scrY% - 1
Randomize Timer
flash& = _NewImage(scrX%, scrY%, 32)
land& = _NewImage(scrX%, scrY%, 32)
_Dest land&
DrawLandscape 6
_Dest 0
While InKey$ = "" And mx% = 0 And my% = 0
_PutImage , land&
_Dest flash&
Cls , _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 0)
Select Case RangeRand%(0, 180)
Case 0 To 35
DrawLightning scrXE%, RangeRand%(25, scrY6%), 50, 2.748893571, 1
_SndPlay h1 'My Sound file fo play
Case 36 To 71
DrawLightning RangeRand%(scrX2% + scrX10%, scrXE%), 0, 50, 1.963495408, 1
_SndPlay h2 'My Sound file fo play
Case 72 To 107
DrawLightning RangeRand%(scrX2% - scrX10%, scrX2% + scrX10%), 0, 50, 1.570796326, 1
_SndPlay h2 'My Sound file fo play
Case 108 To 144
DrawLightning RangeRand%(0, scrX2% - scrX10%), 0, 50, 1.178097245, 1
_SndPlay h3 'My Sound file fo play
Case 145 To 180
DrawLightning 0, RangeRand%(25, scrY6%), 50, 0.392699081, 1
_SndPlay h3 'My Sound file fo play
End Select
_Dest 0
_PutImage , flash&
_Delay 0.05
pulse% = RangeRand%(0, 3)
' h& = _SndOpen("splash_gewitter.mp3") 'My Sound file fo play
'If h& = 0 Then Else _SndPlay h&
For fade% = 1 To 24
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 10), BF
If fade% > 4 And fade% < 8 And pulse% > 0 And RangeRand%(1, 100) > 50 Then
_PutImage , land&
_PutImage , flash&
pulse% = pulse% - 1
fade% = 0
End If
_Limit 80
Next fade%
_PutImage , land&
For fade% = 1 To 24
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 10), BF
Next fade%
_Delay RangeRand%(50, 4500) / 1000 '<< milliseconds to next lightning
Do While _MouseInput
mx% = mx% + _MouseMovementX
my% = my% + _MouseMovementY
_SndStop h&
_FullScreen _Off
_Delay 0.2: Screen 0
_Delay 0.2: _FreeImage si&
Sub DrawLandscape (hills%)
'--- sky ---
For i% = 0 To scrY%
Line (0, i%)-(scrX%, i%), _RGB32(128 * (i% / scrY%), 128 * (i% / scrY%), 128 * (i% / scrY%))
Next i%
'--- land ---
startH# = scrY% - scrY4%
rr% = 70: gg% = 70: bb% = 90
For hill% = 1 To hills%
Xright# = 0
y# = startH#
While Xright# < scrX%
'upDown# = local up / down over range, change along Y
'range# = how far up / down, along X
upDown# = ((Rnd(1) * 0.8) - 0.35) * (hill% * 0.5)
range# = Xright# + RangeRand%(15, 25) * (2.5 / hill%)
lastX# = Xright# - 1
For x# = Xright# To range#
y# = y# + upDown#
Line (lastX#, y#)-(x#, scrY%), _RGB32(rr%, gg%, bb%), BF 'just lines weren't filling right
lastX# = x#
Next x#
Xright# = range#
rr% = RangeRand%(rr% - 15, rr%): If rr% < 0 Then rr% = 0
gg% = RangeRand%(gg% - 15, gg%): If gg% < 0 Then gg% = 0
bb% = RangeRand%(bb% - 25, bb%): If bb% < 0 Then bb% = 0
startH# = startH# + RangeRand%(5, 20)
Next hill%
End Sub
Sub DrawLightning (X&, Y&, Segments&, Dir#, Fork&)
Sign# = 0.392699081
xSeg# = scrX% / (15.0 * Fork&)
ySeg# = scrY% / (15.0 * Fork&)
Angle& = RangeRand%(0, 100)
DeltaAngle# = Sign# * Angle& / 100.0
Dir# = Dir# + DeltaAngle#
Sign# = Sign# * -1.0
nX& = X& + (Cos(Dir#) * xSeg#)
nY& = Y& + (Sin(Dir#) * ySeg#)
DrawLine X&, Y&, nX&, nY&, _RGBA32(RangeRand%(160, 180), _
RangeRand%(117, 137), _
RangeRand%(235, 255), _
75 + (180 \ Fork&))
X& = nX&
Y& = nY&
If ((Fork& < 3) And (RangeRand%(0, 50) < (FORKINESS \ Fork&))) Then
DrawLightning (X&), (Y&), 5 + RangeRand%(1, 10), Dir# - (2.0 * DeltaAngle#), Fork& + 1
End If
Segments& = Segments& - 1
Loop While Segments& > 0 And Y& < scrY% - RangeRand%(75, scrY4% - 50)
End Sub
Sub DrawLine (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, col&)
If x1% < 0 Then
If x2% < 0 Then Exit Sub
x1% = 0
ElseIf x1% >= scrX% Then
If x2% >= scrX% Then Exit Sub
x1% = scrXE%
End If
If y1% < 0 Then
If y2% < 0 Then Exit Sub
y1% = 0
ElseIf y1% >= scrY% Then
If y2% >= scrY% Then Exit Sub
y1% = scrYE%
End If
If x2% < 0 Then
x2% = 0
ElseIf x2% >= scrX% Then
x2% = scrXE%
End If
If y2% < 0 Then
y2% = 0
ElseIf y2% >= scrY% Then
y2% = scrYE%
End If
Line (x1%, y1%)-(x2%, y2%), col&
End Sub
Function RangeRand% (low%, high%)
RangeRand% = Int(Rnd(1) * (high% - low% + 1)) + low%
End Function
'INCLUDE: '.\Gewitter1.bas.bm'
'INCLUDE: '.\Gewitter2.bas.bm'
'INCLUDE: '.\Gewitter3.bas.bm'
gewitter.mp3 (Size: 83.31 KB / Downloads: 17)
gewitter2.mp3 (Size: 90.75 KB / Downloads: 16)
gewitter3.mp3 (Size: 562.93 KB / Downloads: 18)