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Return to the Old Classic Battleship Game
This is simple elegant version in Screen 0 ie no noisey, shiney bling!

Its all about getting an fairly intelligent AI to play against. I call this version of Battleship Mod842 because the structure of the AI's random shots uses waves of Mod 8 then Mod 4 then Mod 2 in it's bombing patterns so the Destroyer the smallest ship of length 2 has to be caught in final mod 2 net if not found before that.

Code: (Select All)
_Title "BattleShip Mod842" ' b+ 2024-07-26 port from JB
' Battleship Mod842 b+ 2024-07-25 uses a garanteed AI to find Destroyer in 50 shots
' unlike Battleship 2 which AI uses mod 3 it is screwed if fails to find Destroyer when mod 3 shooting
' covers the ocean taking something like up to 66 shots to garantee finding Destroyer.
' This code starts from my first Battleship coded for JB:
' Battleship based on Hasbro Game b+ 2024-07-23 allot of code ported out of old QB64 version
' 2024-07-26 besides port trans back to QB64, fix the showing of computer ships so only the ones
' or parts not hit with ship number. Add Sound when ship is hit.

Dim Shared As Long PXO, PYO, CXO, CYO, SXO, SYO ' offsets for player, computer and ships sunk boards
Dim Shared As Long Dir ' for AI bombing testing  4 directions from last hit for more ship
Dim Shared As Long AiI ' index for AiShots$()
Dim Shared As Long CurrentHits ' tracks how many hits have been made when ship is sunk subtract it's length
'                                are there still unaccounted for hits?
Dim Shared As Long PTurn, GameOn ' TF players turn or not and GameOn if still running game
Dim Shared As Long X1, Y1, BombX, BombY, Hit2 ' tracking bombs and hits for AI to sink ship

Dim Shared As Long P(9, 9), C(9, 9), Hits(9, 9) ' player board, computer board and hits tracking for AI

Dim Shared As Long ShipLen(10), ShipHor(10), ShipX(10), ShipY(10), ShipSunk(10)
Dim Shared ShipName$(10), ShipHits$(10)
' Ship arrays are 0 based but are really numbered 1 to 10, 0 is ignored
' ShipName$() are names of ships according to length in character cells see approx line 38
' ShipLen() is the length or how many character cells a ship is long, 5 down to 2 according to index
' ShipHor() is a T/F value (0|-1) if it is Setup horizontal see SetUp where ships are positioned
' ShipX() and ShipY() locate the top of a ship if vertically set or the left start of ship if horizontal
' ShipHits$() tracks which cell on each ship was hit
' ShipSunk() T/F if ship has been sunk

Dim Shared AiShots$(50) ' AiShots sequence pattern coverage of board for bombs

Color 15, 9
Randomize Timer
'                      set one time only stuff
PXO = 8: PYO = 6 ' offsets for player grid
CXO = 35: CYO = 6 ' offsets for computer grid player shoots at
SXO = 68: SYO = 10 ' offsets ship tally
For i = 1 To 10 ' not sure I need names yet
    Select Case i
        Case 1: ShipLen(i) = 5: ShipName$(i) = "Carrier"
        Case 2: ShipLen(i) = 4: ShipName$(i) = "Battleship"
        Case 3: ShipLen(i) = 3: ShipName$(i) = "Cruiser"
        Case 4: ShipLen(i) = 3: ShipName$(i) = "Submarine"
        Case 5: ShipLen(i) = 2: ShipName$(i) = "Destroyer"
        Case 6: ShipLen(i) = 5: ShipName$(i) = "Carrier"
        Case 7: ShipLen(i) = 4: ShipName$(i) = "Battleship"
        Case 8: ShipLen(i) = 3: ShipName$(i) = "Cruiser"
        Case 9: ShipLen(i) = 3: ShipName$(i) = "Submarine"
        Case 10: ShipLen(i) = 2: ShipName$(i) = "Destroyer"
    End Select

While 1 'run game loop until player quits

Sub Setup ' get a game ready to play
    ' clear shared arrays and variables
    Erase ShipX, ShipY, ShipHor, ShipHits$, ShipSunk, P, C, Hits
    PTurn = 0: GameOn = 0: Dir = 0: AiI = 0: CurrentHits = 0 ' globals

    'setup 2 bombing patterns to cover sea in checkerboard pattern one is chosen in each game
    s1$ = "A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7I8J9I0J1A8B9E0F1G2H3I4J5A4B5C6D7E8F9C0D1E2F3G4H5I6J7A6B7C8D9G0H1I2J3A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9"
    s2$ = "A9B8C7D6E5F4G3H2I1J0B0A1I9J8A5B4C3D2E1F0E9F8G7H6I5J4A3B2C1D0A7B6C5D4E3F2G1H0C9D8E7F6G5H4I3J2G9H8I7J6"
    If Rnd < .5 Then shots$ = s1$ Else shots$ = s2$ ' don't be predictable with bombing patterns
    ' shuffle sections: priority diagonal then sub diagonals, Mod 8 then mod 4 then mod 2
    ReDim As Long T(50), i
    For i = 1 To 50: T(i) = i: Next
    start = 1: stp = 10: Shuffle T(), start, stp
    start = 11: stp = 14: Shuffle T(), start, stp
    start = 15: stp = 26: Shuffle T(), start, stp
    start = 27: stp = 50: Shuffle T(), start, stp
    For i = 1 To 50 ' stow into an array
        AiShots$(i) = Mid$(shots$, 2 * T(i) - 1, 2)
    ' Game Board draw once per game
    Print ""
    Print "             Player                    Computer"
    Print ""
    Print "       A B C D E F G H I J        A B C D E F G H I J"
    Print "       -------------------        -------------------"
    Print "    0| . . . . . . . . . .     0| . . . . . . . . . ."
    Print "    1| . . . . . . . . . .     1| . . . . . . . . . ."
    Print "    2| . . . . . . . . . .     2| . . . . . . . . . ."
    Print "    3| . . . . . . . . . .     3| . . . . . . . . . .   Ships:     P C"
    Print "    4| . . . . . . . . . .     4| . . . . . . . . . .   Carrier    . ."
    Print "    5| . . . . . . . . . .     5| . . . . . . . . . .   Battleship . ."
    Print "    6| . . . . . . . . . .     6| . . . . . . . . . .   Cruiser    . ."
    Print "    7| . . . . . . . . . .     7| . . . . . . . . . .   Submarine  . ."
    Print "    8| . . . . . . . . . .     8| . . . . . . . . . .   Destroyer  . ."
    Print "    9| . . . . . . . . . .     9| . . . . . . . . . ."
    Print "       -------------------        -------------------"
    Print "       A B C D E F G H I J        A B C D E F G H I J"

    'locate 6, 5: print "X" ' check offsets

    ' check AIshots$((aiI) OK
    'For i = 1 To 50 'double check checker board coverage 50 cells in priority order
    '    x = InStr("ABCDEFGHIJ", Left$(AiShots$(i), 1)) - 1
    '    y = Val(Mid$(AiShots$(i), 2, 1))
    '    LP x, y, "p", "O"
    '    _Delay 1

    For i = 1 To 10 ' restring ship hits to all clear no hits
        ShipHits$(i) = String$(ShipLen(i), "o")
    Autosetup 1 'setup the Computers ships offer to that for player
    Message "Let computer setup your ships?  press y for yes, n for no..."
    k$ = UCase$(Input$(1))
    If k$ = "Y" Then
        Autosetup 0
        For s = 1 To 5 ' do it yourself ship placement
            OK = 0
            Locate 21, 1
            Print "To place ship:" + Chr$(13) + "Enter v for vertical, h for horizontal, letter and digit for top, left of ship"
            While OK = 0
                Message "Setting up the " + ShipName$(s) + " with length" + Str$(ShipLen(s))
                Locate 23, 1: Print Space$(80);
                Locate 23, 1: Input "placement? "; place$
                place$ = UCase$(place$)
                If Left$(place$, 1) = "V" Then ShipHor(s) = 0 Else ShipHor(s) = 1
                sx = InStr("ABCDEFGHIJ", Mid$(place$, 2, 1)) - 1
                sy = Val(Mid$(place$, 3, 1))
                Locate 23, 1: Print Space$(80);
                If ShipHor(s) Then
                    If sx <= 10 - ShipLen(s) Then
                        OK = 1
                        For xx = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                            If P(sx + xx, sy) <> 0 Then OK = 0: Exit For
                        If OK Then
                            ShipX(s) = sx: ShipY(s) = sy
                            For xx = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                                P(sx + xx, sy) = s
                                LP sx + xx, sy, "p", _Trim$(Str$(s))
                        End If
                    End If
                    If sy <= 10 - ShipLen(s) Then
                        OK = 1
                        For yy = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                            If P(sx, sy + yy) <> 0 Then OK = 0: Exit For
                        If OK Then
                            ShipX(s) = sx: ShipY(s) = sy
                            For yy = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                                P(sx, sy + yy) = s
                                LP sx, sy + yy, "p", _Trim$(Str$(s))
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
        Locate 21, 1: Print Space$(80); ' clear multi-lines
        Locate 22, 1: Print Space$(80);
        Locate 23, 1: Print Space$(80);
    End If
End Sub

Sub Autosetup (AItf As Long) '  there is surely a shorter way to do this but I am eager to get on with other stuff
    If AItf Then 'setup Computer's ships
        'setup a board with ships, Computer or AI's setup
        For s = 6 To 10
            OK = 0
            While OK = 0
                ShipHor(s) = Rand(0, 1)
                If ShipHor(s) Then
                    sy = Rand(0, 9)
                    sx = Rand(0, 10 - ShipLen(s))
                    OK = 1
                    For xx = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                        If C(sx + xx, sy) <> 0 Then OK = 0: Exit For
                    If OK Then
                        ShipX(s) = sx: ShipY(s) = sy
                        For xx = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                            C(sx + xx, sy) = s
                            'LP sx + xx, sy, "c", _Trim$(Str$(S Mod 10)) ' for debugg
                    End If
                    sx = Rand(0, 9)
                    sy = Rand(0, 10 - ShipLen(s))
                    OK = 1
                    For yy = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                        If C(sx, sy + yy) <> 0 Then OK = 0: Exit For
                    If OK Then
                        ShipX(s) = sx: ShipY(s) = sy
                        For yy = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                            C(sx, sy + yy) = s
                            'LP sx, sy + yy, "c", _Trim$(Str$(S Mod 10)) ' for debugg
                    End If
                End If
    Else 'setup Player's ships
        For s = 1 To 5
            OK = 0
            While OK = 0
                ShipHor(s) = Rand(0, 1)
                If ShipHor(s) Then
                    sy = Rand(0, 9)
                    sx = Rand(0, 10 - ShipLen(s))
                    OK = 1
                    For xx = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                        If P(sx + xx, sy) <> 0 Then OK = 0: Exit For
                    If OK Then
                        ShipX(s) = sx: ShipY(s) = sy
                        For xx = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                            P(sx + xx, sy) = s
                            LP sx + xx, sy, "p", _Trim$(Str$(s))
                    End If
                    sx = Rand(0, 9)
                    sy = Rand(0, 10 - ShipLen(s))
                    OK = 1
                    For yy = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                        If P(sx, sy + yy) <> 0 Then OK = 0: Exit For
                    If OK Then
                        ShipX(s) = sx: ShipY(s) = sy
                        For yy = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                            P(sx, sy + yy) = s
                            LP sx, sy + yy, "p", _Trim$(Str$(s))
                    End If
                End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Message (m$)
    Locate 20, 3: Print m$;
End Sub

Sub ClearMessage
    Locate 20, 1: Print Space$(80);
    Locate 20, 1: Print ""
End Sub

Sub LP (x As Long, y As Long, pcGrid$, s$)
    If pcGrid$ = "p" Then Locate PYO + y, PXO + 2 * x Else Locate CYO + y, CXO + 2 * x
    Print s$;
End Sub

Function Rand& (low As Long, high As Long) ' Random integer from low to high inclusive
    Rand& = Int(Rnd * (high - low + 1)) + low
End Function

Sub Shoot
    GameOn = 1
    While GameOn
        If PTurn Then PTurn = 0 Else PTurn = 1
        If PTurn Then ' player
            Locate 20, 1: Input "Enter your next bomb site letter digit "; place$
            If place$ = "" Then GameOn = 0
            place$ = UCase$(place$)
            bx = InStr("ABCDEFGHIJ", Left$(place$, 1)) - 1
            by = Val(Mid$(place$, 2, 1))
            If bx >= 0 And bx < 10 Then ' better check
                If by >= 0 And by < 10 Then
                    If C(bx, by) <> 0 Then 'hit
                        LP bx, by, "c", "X"
                        Sound 200, 2
                        HitEval "c", bx, by 'game could end here
                        LP bx, by, "c", "o"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            'AI's turn if it gets a hit it will bomb around the ship until it is finished
            'could be trouble if 2 ships are next to each other. Some effort to work it, still might get confused.
            'hits() array tracks red = 1 and white pegs = -1 like a human player for AI

            If Dir Then 'we are working around the latest hit with bombx, bomby to test
                If P(BombX, BombY) <> 0 Then 'hit!
                    Hit2 = 1
                    Hits(BombX, BombY) = 1: CurrentHits = CurrentHits + 1
                    LP BombX, BombY, "p", "X"

                    'we need to know stuff but can't use this info for AI finding the ship
                    'when hitEval announces a ship sunk we can reduce the currentHits count by that ships amount
                    'if still have more current hits, continue bombing area as another ship is there
                    Sound 2000, 2 ' wakeup player!
                    HitEval "p", BombX, BombY 'this will reduce currentHits by the amount a ship could take when sunk
                    If CurrentHits = 0 Then 'clear our checklist we sank all ships we hit, call off bombing of area
                        X1 = 0: Y1 = 0: Dir = 0
                    End If
                Else 'no hit from checklist scratch off one item
                    Hit2 = 0
                    Hits(BombX, BombY) = -1
                    LP BombX, BombY, "p", "o"
                End If ' are we still working on hit

                'not working on any hits x1, y1 = 0, dir = 0, currentHits might be = 0
                'random but systematic shooting, bring up next good shooting location
                AiI = AiI + 1 ' next random shoot
                If AiI > 50 Then ' we should never get this far but just in case
                    x = Rand(0, 9)
                    y = Rand(0, 9)
                Else ' normal shooting pattern by diagonals to form checker board coverage
                    x = InStr("ABCDEFGHIJ", Left$(AiShots$(AiI), 1)) - 1
                    y = Val(Mid$(AiShots$(AiI), 2, 1))
                End If
                If Hits(x, y) <> 0 Then GoTo alreadyHit

                ' was that shot just fired a hit or miss
                If P(x, y) <> 0 Then ' test our shot just fired is hit!
                    X1 = x: Y1 = y 'save first hit to come back to
                    Hits(X1, Y1) = 1: CurrentHits = CurrentHits + 1
                    LP X1, Y1, "p", "X"
                    ' we need to know stuff but can't use this info for AI finding the ship
                    ' keep the same as for the player
                    Sound 2000, 2 ' wakeup player!
                    HitEval "p", X1, Y1
                    'did we just happen to finish off a ship?  current hits = 0
                    If CurrentHits = 0 Then 'must of finished off an ship
                        X1 = 0: Y1 = 0: Dir = 0 'we are done
                        Dir = -1 ' this signals we are working on a hit
                    End If
                Else 'no hit
                    Hits(x, y) = -1
                    LP x, y, "p", "o"
                End If
            End If 'rI was hit or not
        End If 'whose turn is it
        _Delay 1.5 ' a sec pause to allow us to see computers move
    Message "Play Again? press y for yes, n for no..."
    k$ = Input$(1)
    If k$ = "n" Then End
End Sub

Sub HitEval (board$, bbx, bby)
    'this is like a referee for both players to announce a ship sunk and a game won?
    If board$ <> "p" Then
        s = C(bbx, bby) ' which ship number
        you$ = "Player": my$ = "Computer's"
        istart = 6: istop = 10
        s = P(bbx, bby)
        you$ = "Computer": my$ = "Player's"
        istart = 1: istop = 5
    End If
    If ShipHor(s) Then D = bbx - ShipX(s) + 1 Else D = bby - ShipY(s) + 1
    Mid$(ShipHits$(s), D, 1) = "X"
    If ShipHits$(s) = String$(ShipLen(s), "X") Then
        ShipSunk(s) = 1
        If board$ = "p" Then CurrentHits = CurrentHits - ShipLen(s)
        _MessageBox "Congrats:", you$ + " sank " + my$ + " " + ShipName$(s) + "!"
        tot = 0
        For i = istart To istop
            If ShipSunk(i) = 1 Then tot = tot + 1
        If tot = 5 Then
            If you$ = "Computer" Then ShowComputersShips
            _MessageBox "Congratulations ", you$ + ", you sank all " + my$ + " ships! GameOver..."
            GameOn = 0
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub DecideWhereToBombNext
    'find next good location, mark the direction we took
    If Dir = -1 Then '
        Hit2 = 0 'when direction = 0 reset 2nd hit signal to 0
        If X1 + 1 <= 9 Then
            If Hits(X1 + 1, Y1) = 0 Then
                BombX = X1 + 1: BombY = Y1: Dir = 1: Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        'still here?
        If Y1 + 1 <= 9 Then
            If Hits(X1, Y1 + 1) = 0 Then
                BombX = X1: BombY = Y1 + 1: Dir = 2: Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        'still here?
        If X1 - 1 >= 0 Then
            If Hits(X1 - 1, Y1) = 0 Then
                BombX = X1 - 1: BombY = Y1: Dir = 3: Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        'still here OK this has to do it!
        If Y1 - 1 >= 0 Then
            If Hits(X1, Y1 - 1) = 0 Then
                BombX = X1: BombY = Y1 - 1: Dir = 4: Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        'still here ???? damn! give up and go back to random shots
        Dir = 0: Exit Sub '   <    this signals that
    End If

    'setup next bombx, bomby
    If Hit2 Then 'whatever direction we are taking, continue if we can
        Select Case Dir
            Case 1
                If BombX + 1 <= 9 Then
                    If Hits(BombX + 1, BombY) = 0 Then
                        BombX = BombX + 1: Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
            Case 2
                If BombY + 1 <= 9 Then
                    If Hits(BombX, BombY + 1) = 0 Then
                        BombY = BombY + 1: Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
            Case 3
                If BombX - 1 >= 0 Then
                    If Hits(BombX - 1, BombY) = 0 Then
                        BombX = BombX - 1: Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
            Case 4
                If BombY - 1 >= 0 Then
                    If Hits(BombX, BombY - 1) = 0 Then
                        BombY = BombY - 1: Dir = 4: Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
        End Select
    End If

    'still here? then we have to change direction  and go back to x1, y1 the first hit
    Hit2 = 0 'reset this for the new direction check
    While Dir < 4
        Dir = Dir + 1
        Select Case Dir
            Case 2
                If Y1 + 1 <= 9 Then
                    If Hits(X1, Y1 + 1) = 0 Then
                        BombX = X1: BombY = Y1 + 1: Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
            Case 3
                If X1 - 1 >= 0 Then
                    If Hits(X1 - 1, Y1) = 0 Then
                        BombX = X1 - 1: BombY = Y1: Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
            Case 4
                If Y1 - 1 >= 0 Then
                    If Hits(X1, Y1 - 1) = 0 Then
                        BombX = X1: BombY = Y1 - 1: Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
        End Select
    'still here, well we've run out of directions
    Dir = 0 'back to random bombing
End Sub

Sub UpdateStatus ' ships area
    For i = 1 To 5 ' row 10 carrier player colum 66 computer column 68
        If ShipSunk(i) Then Locate i + 9, 68,: Print "X";
        If ShipSunk(i + 5) Then Locate i + 9, 70: Print "X"
End Sub

Sub ShowComputersShips '  fixed this so only empty spaces not bombed are displayed
    For s = 6 To 10
        If ShipHor(s) Then
            sx = ShipX(s): sy = ShipY(s)
            For xx = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                If Mid$(ShipHits$(s), xx + 1, 1) = "o" Then LP sx + xx, sy, "c", _Trim$(Str$(s Mod 10))
            sx = ShipX(s): sy = ShipY(s)
            For yy = 0 To ShipLen(s) - 1
                If Mid$(ShipHits$(s), yy + 1, 1) = "o" Then LP sx, sy + yy, "c", _Trim$(Str$(s Mod 10))
        End If
End Sub

Sub Shuffle (a() As Long, start, stp) ' here used to randomize shooting pattern a bit
    For i = stp To start + 1 Step -1
        Swap a(i), a(Rand(start, i))
End Sub

PS I commented a little more than usual for Phil.

Oh here is Introduction to Battleship Game my version is based on Hasbro Game.
Quote:The object of the game is to sink all the Computer's ships before it sinks all yours.

Both the Player and the Computer are given 5 ships to lay out on a 10x10 grid.

The ships are a straight line of squares (2 to 5 squares) forming a long rectangle.
The ships are laid vertically or horizontally on the 10x10 cell grid without overlap.
Each square must be hit by the opponent in order to sink the ship.

The 5 ships are:
Carrier - 5 squares to hit
Battleship - 4 squares to hit
Cruiser - 3 squares to hit
Submarine - 3 squares to hit
Destroyer - 2 squares to hit

The game is started by each opponent laying out their ships secretly to the other.
You the Player must setup your ships on the left board.
They are setup in same order I listed above.

If you do not want the computer to setup for you:
So the first ship to set up will be the Carrier that is 5 squares long.
Enter v or h for horizontal or vertical then the column letter don't worry about capitals then
the digit 0 to 9. So that is 3 chraracters the first v or h, the 2nd abcdefghi or j and 3rd
is 0 to 9. Be careful not to click other places on board because printing will start there
and mess up board.

If there is room on board to lay out all 5 across AND this ship does not overlap another,
then the rest of the ship will be drawn in with its numbers 1 - 5 for the player. The computers
ship numbers are 6-10 but 10 is shown as 0 (after you lose and the comnputers ship placement is
displayed, you can see these before next game is started.)
(Of course, the first ship can't overlap another but every other ship has that potential.)
If there is not room or the ship would overlap another,
then you must start over with the prompt to lay the ship horizontally or vertically...

When you get all 5 of your ships laid out on the 10x10 grid on the left, the shooting match begins!

You will be prompted to Enter a cell on the right 10x10 board to guess where a Computer's ship might be.
If you hit a cell of the Computers ships an X for hit appears at that cell.
If you miss all the Computers ships, an O will appear = miss

The Computer will then take a shot and your board will show an X or O according to the Computer's hit or miss.

Then it's your turn again. If you had a hit the last turn you will likely want to find the
rest of the ship to sink it. So Enter cells above, below, left or right of the hit.
A 2nd hit will tell you if the ship is laid out horizontally or vertically.
A 2nd hit would actually sink a Destroyer because it is only 2 squares long.

So you scout around the 10x10 board making random shots (or systematically cover the board with shots)
until you find a ship, sink it and go hunting for the next ship to sink until you get all 5.

Meanwhile the Computer is doing the same thing, so whichever opponent sinks all the ships first, wins!

Oh a caveat!
It is possible to align the ships side by side or one end up next to another ship
(as long as they don't overlap). This makes it confusing as you might be hitting 2 different ships
with your shots, so pay close attention to which ship is announced sunk, you might have more hits
in the same area than how many it took to sink the ship.
PS where I say squares, I mean character cells that letters and digits... fit in.

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