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I was comparing that one to the one I downloaded...

2021 version:

Code: (Select All)
    Function pipecom& (cmd As String, stdout As String, stderr As String)
        stdout = "": stderr = ""
        $If WIN Then
                As _Unsigned Long nLength
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding
                $End If
                As _Offset lpSecurityDescriptor
                As Long bInheritHandle
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding2
                $End If
            End Type

            Type STARTUPINFO
                As Long cb
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding
                $End If
                As _Offset lpReserved, lpDesktop, lpTitle
                As _Unsigned Long dwX, dwY, dwXSize, dwYSize, dwXCountChars, dwYCountChars, dwFillAttribute, dwFlags
                As _Unsigned Integer wShowWindow, cbReserved2
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding2
                $End If
                As _Offset lpReserved2, hStdInput, hStdOutput, hStdError
            End Type

                As _Offset hProcess, hThread
                As _Unsigned Long dwProcessId
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding
                $End If
            End Type

            Const STARTF_USESTDHANDLES = &H00000100
            Const CREATE_NO_WINDOW = &H8000000

            Const INFINITE = 4294967295
            Const WAIT_FAILED = &HFFFFFFFF

            Declare CustomType Library
                Function CreatePipe& (ByVal hReadPipe As _Offset, Byval hWritePipe As _Offset, Byval lpPipeAttributes As _Offset, Byval nSize As _Unsigned Long)
                Function CreateProcess& (ByVal lpApplicationName As _Offset, Byval lpCommandLine As _Offset, Byval lpProcessAttributes As _Offset, Byval lpThreadAttributes As _Offset, Byval bInheritHandles As Long, Byval dwCreationFlags As _Unsigned Long, Byval lpEnvironment As _Offset, Byval lpCurrentDirectory As _Offset, Byval lpStartupInfo As _Offset, Byval lpProcessInformation As _Offset)
                Function GetExitCodeProcess& (ByVal hProcess As _Offset, Byval lpExitCode As _Offset)
                Sub HandleClose Alias "CloseHandle" (ByVal hObject As _Offset)
                Function ReadFile& (ByVal hFile As _Offset, Byval lpBuffer As _Offset, Byval nNumberOfBytesToRead As _Unsigned Long, Byval lpNumberOfBytesRead As _Offset, Byval lpOverlapped As _Offset)
                Function WaitForSingleObject~& (ByVal hHandle As _Offset, Byval dwMilliseconds As _Unsigned Long)
            End Declare

            Dim As Long ok: ok = 1
            Dim As _Offset hStdOutPipeRead, hStdOutPipeWrite, hStdReadPipeError, hStdOutPipeError
            Dim As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa: sa.nLength = Len(sa): sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0: sa.bInheritHandle = 1

            If CreatePipe(_Offset(hStdOutPipeRead), _Offset(hStdOutPipeWrite), _Offset(sa), 0) = 0 Then
                pipecom = -1
                Exit Function
            End If

            If CreatePipe(_Offset(hStdReadPipeError), _Offset(hStdOutPipeError), _Offset(sa), 0) = 0 Then
                pipecom = -1
                Exit Function
            End If

            Dim As STARTUPINFO si
            si.cb = Len(si)
            si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
            si.hStdError = hStdOutPipeError
            si.hStdOutput = hStdOutPipeWrite
            si.hStdInput = 0
            Dim As PROCESS_INFORMATION procinfo
            Dim As _Offset lpApplicationName
            Dim As String lpCommandLine: lpCommandLine = "cmd /c " + cmd + Chr$(0)
            Dim As _Offset lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes
            Dim As Long bInheritHandles: bInheritHandles = 1
            Dim As _Unsigned Long dwCreationFlags: dwCreationFlags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW
            Dim As _Offset lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory
            ok = CreateProcess(lpApplicationName, _Offset(lpCommandLine), lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, _Offset(si), _Offset(procinfo))

            If ok = 0 Then
                pipecom = -1
                Exit Function
            End If

            HandleClose hStdOutPipeWrite
            HandleClose hStdOutPipeError

            Dim As String buf: buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
            Dim As _Unsigned Long dwRead
            While ReadFile(hStdOutPipeRead, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0) <> 0 And dwRead > 0
                buf = Mid$(buf, 1, dwRead)
                GoSub RemoveChr13
                stdout = stdout + buf
                buf = Space$(4096 + 1)

            While ReadFile(hStdReadPipeError, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0) <> 0 And dwRead > 0
                buf = Mid$(buf, 1, dwRead)
                GoSub RemoveChr13
                stderr = stderr + buf
                buf = Space$(4096 + 1)

            Dim As Long exit_code, ex_stat
            If WaitForSingleObject(procinfo.hProcess, INFINITE) <> WAIT_FAILED Then
                If GetExitCodeProcess(procinfo.hProcess, _Offset(exit_code)) Then
                    ex_stat = 1
                End If
            End If

            HandleClose hStdOutPipeRead
            HandleClose hStdReadPipeError
            If ex_stat = 1 Then
                pipecom = exit_code
                pipecom = -1
            End If

            Exit Function

            Dim As Long j
            j = InStr(buf, Chr$(13))
            Do While j
                buf = Left$(buf, j - 1) + Mid$(buf, j + 1)
                j = InStr(buf, Chr$(13))
                Declare CustomType Library
                Function popen%& (cmd As String, readtype As String)
                Function feof& (ByVal stream As _Offset)
                Function fgets$ (str As String, Byval n As Long, Byval stream As _Offset)
                Function pclose& (ByVal stream As _Offset)
                End Declare

                Declare Library
                Function WEXITSTATUS& (ByVal stat_val As Long)
                End Declare

                Dim As _Offset stream

                Dim buffer As String * 4096
                If _FileExists("pipestderr") Then
                Kill "pipestderr"
                End If
                stream = popen(cmd + " 2>pipestderr", "r")
                If stream Then
                While feof(stream) = 0
                If fgets(buffer, 4096, stream) <> "" And feof(stream) = 0 Then
                stdout = stdout + Mid$(buffer, 1, InStr(buffer, Chr$(0)) - 1)
                End If
                Dim As Long status, exit_code
                status = pclose(stream)
                exit_code = WEXITSTATUS(status)
                If _FileExists("pipestderr") Then
                Dim As Integer errfile
                errfile = FreeFile
                Open "pipestderr" For Binary As #errfile
                If LOF(errfile) > 0 Then
                stderr = Space$(LOF(errfile))
                Get #errfile, , stderr
                End If
                Close #errfile
                Kill "pipestderr"
                End If
                pipecom = exit_code
                pipecom = -1
                End If
        $End If
    End Function

    Function pipecom_lite$ (cmd As String)
        Dim As Long a
        Dim As String stdout, stderr
        a = pipecom(cmd, stdout, stderr)
        If stderr <> "" Then
            pipecom_lite = stderr
            pipecom_lite = stdout
        End If
    End Function
$End If

And the one in the thread you mentioned from 2023. Oh, I substituted in Spriggsys while from Steve's post:

Code: (Select All)
Common Shared winver%, utente$
Common Shared ip4$
Dim ver As String
ver = Mid$(pipecom_lite("ver"), 2)
Print pipecom_lite("ver")
k$ = ""
For f = 1 To Len(ver)
    If InStr("1234567890.", Mid$(ver, f, 1)) <> 0 Then k$ = k$ + Mid$(ver, f, 1)
Next f
If InStr(k$, "6.1.76") > 0 Then
    winver = 7
ElseIf InStr(k$, "6.2.") > 0 Or InStr(k$, "6.3.") > 0 Then
    winver = 8
ElseIf InStr(k$, "10.") > 0 Then
    winver = 10
End If
If winver = 10 Then
    For f = InStr(_Dir$(""), "User") To Len(_Dir$(""))
        If Mid$(_Dir$(""), f, 1) = "\" Then Exit For
    Next f
    utente$ = Mid$(_Dir$(""), f + 1, InStr(Mid$(_Dir$(""), f + 1), "\") - 1)
ElseIf winver = 7 Then
    For f = InStr(_Dir$(""), "User") To Len(_Dir$(""))
        If Mid$(_Dir$(""), f, 1) = "\" Then Exit For
    Next f
    utente$ = Mid$(_Dir$(""), f + 1, InStr(Mid$(_Dir$(""), f + 1), "\") - 1)
End If
'6.0.6000  Windows Vista
'6.0.6001  Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 'or Windows Server 2008
'6.1.7600  Windows 7 'or Windows Server 2008 R2
'6.1.7601  Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 'or Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1
'6.2.9200  Windows 8 'or Windows Server 2012
'6.3.9200  Windows 8.1 'or Windows Server 2012 R2
'6.3.9600  Windows 8.1 with Update 1
'10.0.10240 Windows 10 Version 1507
'10.0.10586 Windows 10 Version 1511 (November Update)
'10.0.14393 Windows 10 Version 1607 (Anniversary Update) 'or Windows Server 2016
'10.0.15063 Windows 10 Version 1703 (Creators Update)
'10.0.16299 Windows 10 Version 1709 (Fall Creators Update)
'10.0.17134 Windows 10 Version 1803 (April 2018 Update)
'10.0.17763 Windows 10 Version 1809 (October 2018 Update) 'or Windows Server 2019
'10.0.18362 Windows 10 Version 1903 (May 2019 Update)
'10.0.18363 Windows 10 Version 1909 (November 2019 Update)
'10.0.19041 Windows 10 Version 2004 (May 2020 Update)
'Note that there is normally no need to specify the build numbers (i.e., you may simply use "6.2" for Windows 8).
    Function pipecom& (cmd As String, stdout As String, stderr As String)
        stdout = "": stderr = ""
        $If WIN Then
                As _Unsigned Long nLength
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding
                $End If
                As _Offset lpSecurityDescriptor
                As Long bInheritHandle
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding2
                $End If
            End Type
            Type STARTUPINFO
                As Long cb
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding
                $End If
                As _Offset lpReserved, lpDesktop, lpTitle
                As _Unsigned Long dwX, dwY, dwXSize, dwYSize, dwXCountChars, dwYCountChars, dwFillAttribute, dwFlags
                As _Unsigned Integer wShowWindow, cbReserved2
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding2
                $End If
                As _Offset lpReserved2, hStdInput, hStdOutput, hStdError
            End Type
                As _Offset hProcess, hThread
                As _Unsigned Long dwProcessId
                $If 64BIT Then
                    As String * 4 padding
                $End If
            End Type
            Const STARTF_USESTDHANDLES = &H00000100
            Const CREATE_NO_WINDOW = &H8000000
            Const INFINITE = 4294967295
            Const WAIT_FAILED = &HFFFFFFFF
            Declare CustomType Library
                Function CreatePipe& (ByVal hReadPipe As _Offset, Byval hWritePipe As _Offset, Byval lpPipeAttributes As _Offset, Byval nSize As _Unsigned Long)
                Function CreateProcess& (ByVal lpApplicationName As _Offset, Byval lpCommandLine As _Offset, Byval lpProcessAttributes As _Offset, Byval lpThreadAttributes As _Offset, Byval bInheritHandles As Long, Byval dwCreationFlags As _Unsigned Long, Byval lpEnvironment As _Offset, Byval lpCurrentDirectory As _Offset, Byval lpStartupInfo As _Offset, Byval lpProcessInformation As _Offset)
                Function GetExitCodeProcess& (ByVal hProcess As _Offset, Byval lpExitCode As _Offset)
                Sub HandleClose Alias "CloseHandle" (ByVal hObject As _Offset)
                Function ReadFile& (ByVal hFile As _Offset, Byval lpBuffer As _Offset, Byval nNumberOfBytesToRead As _Unsigned Long, Byval lpNumberOfBytesRead As _Offset, Byval lpOverlapped As _Offset)
                Function WaitForSingleObject~& (ByVal hHandle As _Offset, Byval dwMilliseconds As _Unsigned Long)
            End Declare
            Dim As Long ok: ok = 1
            Dim As _Offset hStdOutPipeRead, hStdOutPipeWrite, hStdReadPipeError, hStdOutPipeError
            Dim As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa: sa.nLength = Len(sa): sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0: sa.bInheritHandle = 1
            If CreatePipe(_Offset(hStdOutPipeRead), _Offset(hStdOutPipeWrite), _Offset(sa), 0) = 0 Then
                pipecom = -1
                Exit Function
            End If
            If CreatePipe(_Offset(hStdReadPipeError), _Offset(hStdOutPipeError), _Offset(sa), 0) = 0 Then
                pipecom = -1
                Exit Function
            End If
            Dim si As STARTUPINFO
            si.cb = Len(si)
            si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
            si.hStdError = hStdOutPipeError
            si.hStdOutput = hStdOutPipeWrite
            si.hStdInput = 0
            Dim As PROCESS_INFORMATION procinfo
            Dim As _Offset lpApplicationName
            Dim As String lpCommandLine: lpCommandLine = "cmd /c " + cmd + Chr$(0)
            Dim As _Offset lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes
            Dim As Long bInheritHandles: bInheritHandles = 1
            Dim As _Unsigned Long dwCreationFlags: dwCreationFlags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW
            Dim As _Offset lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory
            ok = CreateProcess(lpApplicationName, _Offset(lpCommandLine), lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, _Offset(si), _Offset(procinfo))
            If ok = 0 Then
                pipecom = -1
                Exit Function
            End If
            HandleClose hStdOutPipeWrite
            HandleClose hStdOutPipeError
            Dim As String buf: buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
            Dim As _Unsigned Long dwRead
            While 1
                'While ReadFile(hStdOutPipeRead, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0) <> 0 And dwRead > 0
                x = ReadFile(hStdOutPipeRead, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0)
                If x <> 0 And dwRead > 0 Then
                    buf = Mid$(buf, 1, dwRead)
                    GoSub RemoveChr13
                    stdout = stdout + buf
                    buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
                    Exit While
                End If
            While ReadFile(hStdOutPipeRead, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0) <> 0
                If dwRead > 0 Then
                    buf = Mid$(buf, 1, dwRead)
                    GoSub RemoveChr13
                    stdout = stdout + buf
                    buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
                End If

            While ReadFile(hStdReadPipeError, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0) <> 0
                If dwRead > 0 Then
                    buf = Mid$(buf, 1, dwRead)
                    GoSub RemoveChr13
                    stderr = stderr + buf
                    buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
                End If
            Dim As Long exit_code, ex_stat
            If WaitForSingleObject(procinfo.hProcess, INFINITE) <> WAIT_FAILED Then
                If GetExitCodeProcess(procinfo.hProcess, _Offset(exit_code)) Then
                    ex_stat = 1
                End If
            End If
            HandleClose hStdOutPipeRead
            HandleClose hStdReadPipeError
            If ex_stat = 1 Then
                pipecom = exit_code
                pipecom = -1
            End If
            Exit Function
            Dim As Long j
            j = InStr(buf, Chr$(13))
            Do While j
                buf = Left$(buf, j - 1) + Mid$(buf, j + 1)
                j = InStr(buf, Chr$(13))
                Declare CustomType Library
                Function popen%& (cmd As String, readtype As String)
                Function feof& (ByVal stream As _Offset)
                Function fgets$ (str As String, Byval n As Long, Byval stream As _Offset)
                Function pclose& (ByVal stream As _Offset)
                End Declare
                Declare Library
                Function WEXITSTATUS& (ByVal stat_val As Long)
                End Declare
                Dim As _Offset stream
                Dim buffer As String * 4096
                If _FileExists("pipestderr") Then
                Kill "pipestderr"
                End If
                stream = popen(cmd + " 2>pipestderr", "r")
                If stream Then
                While feof(stream) = 0
                If fgets(buffer, 4096, stream) <> "" And feof(stream) = 0 Then
                stdout = stdout + Mid$(buffer, 1, InStr(buffer, Chr$(0)) - 1)
                End If
                Dim As Long status, exit_code
                status = pclose(stream)
                exit_code = WEXITSTATUS(status)
                If _FileExists("pipestderr") Then
                Dim As Integer errfile
                Open "pipestderr" For Binary As #errfile
                If LOF(errfile) > 0 Then
                stderr = Space$(LOF(errfile))
                Get #errfile, , stderr
                End If
                Close #errfile
                Kill "pipestderr"
                End If
                pipecom = exit_code
                pipecom = -1
                End If
        $End If
    End Function
    Function pipecom_lite$ (cmd As String)
        Dim As Long a
        Dim As String stdout, stderr
        a = pipecom(cmd, stdout, stderr)
        If stderr <> "" Then
            pipecom_lite = stderr
            pipecom_lite = stdout
        End If
    End Function
$End If

That seems to be more updated than my saved copy. + 1 for the find!

Fake News + Phony Politicians = Real Problems


Messages In This Thread
Tasklist - by BDS107 - 08-08-2024, 01:59 PM
RE: Tasklist - by SpriggsySpriggs - 08-08-2024, 02:08 PM
RE: Tasklist - by Steffan-68 - 08-08-2024, 04:07 PM
RE: Tasklist - by SMcNeill - 08-08-2024, 02:34 PM
RE: Tasklist - by Pete - 08-08-2024, 03:31 PM
RE: Tasklist - by Pete - 08-08-2024, 04:13 PM
RE: Tasklist - by DSMan195276 - 08-08-2024, 04:17 PM
RE: Tasklist - by BDS107 - 08-09-2024, 09:57 AM
RE: Tasklist - by BDS107 - 08-09-2024, 08:53 PM
RE: Tasklist - by TerryRitchie - 08-09-2024, 09:44 PM
RE: Tasklist - by SMcNeill - 08-10-2024, 03:06 AM
RE: Tasklist - by Pete - 08-10-2024, 03:23 AM

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