I DO like type identifier suffixes, at least on strings. That goes back to the 8-bit days.
I usually UPPERCASE constants. Everything else is lowercase. Years of C programming taught me that.
I will sometimes resort to CamelCase if I'm writing for someone else's eyes, but I loathe ReallyLongCamelCaseNames.
I prefer to see as much of the program on one screen/page as possible, so I tightly control vertical whitespace.
SUBs & GOSUBs have their place and time, but they force the code's reader to break concentration and look elsewhere in the program. If it's just two or three small statements used two or three times in one small part of the code then forget SUBbing them out. Keep them where they are needed.
You will often see multiple statements per line in my programs.
x = x+3
y = y+5
becomes x=x+3: y=y+5, which is MUCH more readable to me.
I agree with Steve that GOTO has its uses, but I haven't touched it in years. It's usually possible to avoid using GOTO in modern languages, and I guess I consider finding ways to avoid unnecessary branching to be part of the fun of program design. The real interest for me has always been the intellectual exercise of designing the program, not the tedium of typing & deboogering.
At least modern BASIC gives us 'IF (condition) THEN statement', instead the Fortran-inspired 'IF (condition) THEN linenumber' spaghetti cooker of Dartmouth BASIC.
I usually UPPERCASE constants. Everything else is lowercase. Years of C programming taught me that.
I will sometimes resort to CamelCase if I'm writing for someone else's eyes, but I loathe ReallyLongCamelCaseNames.
I prefer to see as much of the program on one screen/page as possible, so I tightly control vertical whitespace.
SUBs & GOSUBs have their place and time, but they force the code's reader to break concentration and look elsewhere in the program. If it's just two or three small statements used two or three times in one small part of the code then forget SUBbing them out. Keep them where they are needed.
You will often see multiple statements per line in my programs.
x = x+3
y = y+5
becomes x=x+3: y=y+5, which is MUCH more readable to me.
I agree with Steve that GOTO has its uses, but I haven't touched it in years. It's usually possible to avoid using GOTO in modern languages, and I guess I consider finding ways to avoid unnecessary branching to be part of the fun of program design. The real interest for me has always been the intellectual exercise of designing the program, not the tedium of typing & deboogering.
At least modern BASIC gives us 'IF (condition) THEN statement', instead the Fortran-inspired 'IF (condition) THEN linenumber' spaghetti cooker of Dartmouth BASIC.