08-13-2024, 02:53 AM
and the other way:
Code: (Select All)
'Thanks to ChatGPT for a little help figuring this out. I fixed the DIM numbers and removed the Function and made the code simpler.
'By SierraKen on Aug. 12, 2024
'I been wanting to make this since the 1990's! LOL
' b+ mod 2 2024-08-12
_Title "Numbers To Roman Numerals Converter"
B$ = String$(15, " ")
For i = 1 To 3999
r$ = Romanize$(i)
C$ = B$
Mid$(C$, 1, Len(r$)) = r$
Print i, C$, Numeralize%(r$)
Function Romanize$ (number As Integer)
Dim values(13) As Integer
Dim symbols(13) As String
If number < 1 Or number > 3999 Then
Romanize$ = "Number out of range. Please enter a number between 1 and 3999."
values(1) = 1000: symbols(1) = "M"
values(2) = 900: symbols(2) = "CM"
values(3) = 500: symbols(3) = "D"
values(4) = 400: symbols(4) = "CD"
values(5) = 100: symbols(5) = "C"
values(6) = 90: symbols(6) = "XC"
values(7) = 50: symbols(7) = "L"
values(8) = 40: symbols(8) = "XL"
values(9) = 10: symbols(9) = "X"
values(10) = 9: symbols(10) = "IX"
values(11) = 5: symbols(11) = "V"
values(12) = 4: symbols(12) = "IV"
values(13) = 1: symbols(13) = "I"
romanNum$ = ""
num = number
For i = 1 To 13
While num >= values(i)
romanNum$ = romanNum$ + symbols(i)
num = num - values(i)
Next i
Romanize$ = romanNum$
End If
End Function
Function Numeralize% (Roman$)
Dim tot As Integer
Dim copy As String
copy = Roman$
place = InStr(copy, "CM")
If place Then tot = tot + 900: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "CD")
If place Then tot = tot + 400: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "XC")
If place Then tot = tot + 90: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "XL")
If place Then tot = tot + 40: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "IX")
If place Then tot = tot + 9: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "IV")
If place Then tot = tot + 4: Mid$(copy, place, 2) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "M")
While place
tot = tot + 1000
Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "M")
place = InStr(copy, "D")
While place
tot = tot + 500
Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "D")
place = InStr(copy, "C")
While place
tot = tot + 100
Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "C")
place = InStr(copy, "L")
While place
tot = tot + 50
Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "L")
place = InStr(copy, "X")
While place
tot = tot + 10
Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "X")
place = InStr(copy, "V")
While place
tot = tot + 5
Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "V")
place = InStr(copy, "I")
While place
tot = tot + 1
Mid$(copy, place, 1) = " "
place = InStr(copy, "I")
Numeralize% = tot
End Function
b = b + ...