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PCOPY use with hardware and software images
Hey Terry,

Late to the party, because I'm finalizing a 4,000 sq ft roofing project. Just past final inspection, now.

I see you've made your decision on how to proceed, but just food for thought, if you want to preserve that initial image, you'd have to PCOPY it to page 2. Here is a more simplified SCREEN 0 text example...

Code: (Select All)

Locate 1, 1: Print "P"
PCopy 0, 1 ' Needed to preserve "P" when flipping pages. Also PCOPY to page 2, if needed.
    _Limit 30 '                          30 FPS
    Screen , , 1, 0 '                    active page 1, display page 0
    Locate 2, 1: Print "W" '_PutImage (100, 100), HWSprite '    draw hardware sprite on page 1
    PCopy 1, 0 '
    Sleep '                        copy page 1 to page 0
    Screen , , 2, 0 '                    active page 2, display page 0
    Locate 3, 1: Print "T" '_PutImage (200, 200), HWSprite '    draw hardware sprite on page 2
    PCopy 2, 0 '
    Sleep '                      copy page 2 to page 0
    Screen , , 0, 0 '
    Locate 4, 1: Print "Z" '_PutImage (220, 220), Sprite '      draw software sprite
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

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Messages In This Thread
RE: PCOPY use with hardware and software images - by Pete - 08-13-2024, 07:17 PM

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