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Steve's Programming Challenge: Weights and Measures
I wrote my program to check all combinations of the above and discovered that the .1 LB could get close, but not exact:

Code: (Select All)
'1 four-pound weight.
'1 two-pound weight.
'1 one-pound weight.
'1 half-pound weight.
'1 quarter-pound weight.
'1 1/8-pound weight.
'And so on to give you one of each weight from 4 pounds to 1/256 pounds.
'Now the task is to figure out what weights are required to properly and perfectly weigh the following:
'A 3 pound gold nugget
'A 3/8 pound gold nugget
'A 11/32 pound gold nugget
'A 1/10 pound gold nugget

Dim mask$(2500)
Dim w##(20)

'w = weights
w##(1) = 4
w##(2) = 2
w##(3) = 1
w##(4) = .5
w##(5) = .25
w##(6) = .125
w##(7) = .0625
w##(8) = .03125
w##(9) = .015625
w##(10) = .0078125
w##(11) = .00390625

'si = sale items
si##(1) = 3
si##(2) = .375
si##(3) = 11 / 32
si##(4) = .1

'load binary masks
For x = 1 To 2047
    mask$(x) = Right$("000000" + Decimal2Binary$(x), 11)
Next x

For itemTOsell% = 1 To 4
    For combinationOfWeights% = 1 To 2047
        totalWeight## = 0
        For bit = 1 To 11
            If Mid$(mask$(combinationOfWeights%), bit, 1) = "1" Then
                totalWeight## = totalWeight## + w##(bit)
            End If
        Next bit
        If totalWeight## = si##(itemTOsell%) Then
            Print "MATCH##"
            Print "          itemTOsell%="; itemTOsell%
            Print " Total of weights used="; totalWeight##
            Print "    si##(itemTOsell%)="; si##(itemTOsell%)
            Print "Weights to use:"
            For z = 1 To 11
                If Mid$(mask$(combinationOfWeights%), z, 1) = "1" Then
                    Print w##(z)
                End If
            Next z
            i$ = "": While i$ = "": i$ = InKey$: Wend
        End If
    Next combinationOfWeights%
Next itemTOsell%

Function Decimal2Binary$ (number&)
    If number& = 0 Then Exit Function
        remain% = Abs(number& Mod 2) ' remainder is used to create binary number
        number& = number& \ 2 ' move up one exponent of 2 with integer division
        BinStr$ = LTrim$(Str$(remain%)) ' make remainder a string number
        Binary$ = BinStr$ + Binary$ ' add remainder to binary number
    Loop Until number& = 0
    Decimal2Binary$ = Binary$ 'binary result
End Function

Messages In This Thread
RE: Steve's Programming Challenge: Weights and Measures - by dano - 08-16-2024, 12:24 AM

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