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Another small filled circe sub (not as fast as fcirc)
Here's yet another filled circle SUB.  I make a lot program using balls.  A personal challenge I've had for some time - trying to get a faster filled circle routine than the awesome fcirc SUB.  This came close, but fcirc still reigns supreme.  So I will finally yield to the champ (fcirc), posting the final attempt here.  On my laptop fcirc edges out the victory everytime.  I find it rather surprising - fcirc has many more lines of code, but it's still so fast.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'Dav, AUG/2024

'fc & fcirc circle fill test.
'testing two filled circle SUB's for the fastest one.
'draws 100,000 circles and compares speed.

'fcirc still reigns as fastest on my laptop, by a little.

Screen _NewImage(1000, 700, 32)

'time the fc sub
t# = Timer
For c = 1 To 100000
    fc Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 35, _RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
t1# = Timer - t#

'time the fcirc sub
t# = Timer
For c = 1 To 100000
    fcirc Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 35, _RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
t2# = Timer - t#

Print "fc    ="; t1#
Print "fcirc ="; t2#

If t2# < t1# Then
    Print "fcirc wins!"
    Print "fc wins!"
End If

Sub fc (cx, cy, r, clr&)
    For y = -r To r
        x = Int(Sqr(r * r - y * y))
        Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr&, BF
End Sub

Sub fcirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
    Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
    Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
    If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner

Messages In This Thread
Another small filled circe sub (not as fast as fcirc) - by Dav - 08-28-2024, 02:43 AM

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