(08-28-2024, 08:09 PM)Pete Wrote: Way too advanced for me. I'm more of a BEEP man.Thanks Pete!
I have fiddled around a bit with sound and batch files.
For instance, what do you get when you put SOUND 0, 0 in a batch file?
The sound of silence
+2 to Sam and Rho for their work on this article.
(08-28-2024, 06:34 PM)Steffan-68 Wrote: First of all, a great explanation, I like it.Glad, you liked it.
And their example player (MIDIPlayer64) is simply brilliantly made.
I've been playing around with _MIDISOUNDBANK and I noticed something that wasn't said here or in the WIKI.
That works quite well.
But if you want to switch from one soundfont to another in your program, for whatever reason, you always have to first
Load the sound font and then the sound. All previously loaded sounds will not be played with the new sound font.
That wasn't explicitly stated here.
I also noticed that in such a case there is a pause of 1 second between load Soundfont and load Sound and Play
You have to insert it, otherwise it won't work either.
I made a little demo to quickly hear how different sound fonts sound with one sound.
I noticed this.
Take all _DELAY 1 out and it won't work anymore
Unfortunately I can't upload the sound font, despite 7z it's still 249 MB, which won't be accepted here.

Great feedback BTW.
Yes, previous MIDIs not using the newly set soundbank is an expected behavior. We'll have that documented in the wiki.
On the delay thing, I think it is some kind of synchronization issue. I haven't figured it out yet. But I am on it.