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Another small filled circe sub (not as fast as fcirc)
Steve yours has same flaw as Dav's FC4 from which you made youirs

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1200, 700, 32)
_Define A-Z As LONG
Dim Shared CircleXPos(500, 500)

StevePreCalcCircle 600, 350, 300, _RGB32(0, 0, 255, 100)

Sub StevePreCalcCircle (cx, cy, r, clr&)
    For y = 0 To r
        x = CircleXPos(r, y)
        Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), clr&, BF
        Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr&, BF
End Sub

Sub PreCalcX
    For r = 0 To 500 'circles with a radius from 0 to 500
        r2 = r * r
        For y = 0 To r
            y2 = y * y
            x = Int(Sqr(r2 - y2))
            CircleXPos(r, y) = x
End Sub

Does not work for transparent colors.

Both Steve and Pete are also using Dav's messed up FC3 code.

I've already pointed out these 2 things with Dav's code.
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another small filled circe sub (not as fast as fcirc) - by bplus - 08-30-2024, 02:17 PM

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