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Another small filled circe sub (not as fast as fcirc)
Looks like FC_Dav* came in first, like my first screen shot test of Samuels' code after modifying the order of the tests.
FC_Dav* came in 2nd in my 2nd screen shot. * FC_Dav is Samuels name system, I prefer FC3.

What is opposite? You are opposite Samuel's screen shots because you used my code and ran Gold first in the sequence and for some reason that is the unlucky position. Put any of them in first run position and they will likely do the worse. Don't ask me why the first run is so handicapped but I find it over and over!

These subs are so close that anything in background like browser or running IDE in background or move your mouse or fart and the results will be different.

I think any of these versions including the Square Filled Circle fill are fast enough to serve the circle fill function, so at this point I'd say it's a matter of which appeals to you.

The Gold Standard and the Square filled are definitely the most insteresting and vince version is not far from the Gold Standard, so ???

If I want to save on LOC I will go with FC3.
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another small filled circe sub (not as fast as fcirc) - by bplus - 08-31-2024, 06:44 PM

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