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Drawing Tools Subs or Functions with Demo
+1 @TerryRitchie for deep dive into this, specially impressed getting with Paul Dunn!

Terry, do you think that seam between Asia and Americas is from not precise 2:1 ratio of image?
I am suspecting that seam is why I did not switch the 3 and 6 back to 3.1415... and 2*Pi.
As it stands, no offense but it is kinda yucky.

The Red and White checkered glode seems fine! and good speed on both.

For everyone's convenience I've got all relevant files zipped into a project folder for easy download and viewing.
I added a modified version of Terry's Update version demo dressed up a tiny bit.

Update: On my mod of Terry's demo of his update Image2Sphere, escape refused to work even with a _keyclear so to exit the last demo use spacebar.
Someone, @SMcNeill might know, why _keydown(32) works fine but _Keydown(27) doesn't even with _KeyClear???

PS thanks @vince

Update: well _Keyclear doen't work with _Keydown for one thing! Maybe the code was running so fast that the last escape keypress was still being held down when we hit the loop code.

So a _delay to get free of the last escape keypress
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "bplus mod TerryRitchie Sphere2Image Update.bas" ' b+ 2024-09-06

Const wW = 800 '               screen width
Const wH = 600 '               screen height
Dim map As Long '              world map image
Dim Sphere As Long '           returned sphere image
Dim xoff As Integer '          map image x offset
Dim x As Integer '             counter
Dim y As Integer '             counter
Dim PaintNow As Integer '      paint toggle

Screen _NewImage(wW, wH, 32)

' ---------------------------------
' ---------------------------------

' Spinning sphere example

map = _LoadImage("worldmap.png", 32)
While _KeyDown(27) = 0 '                        ESC key pressed?
    xoff = (xoff + 1) Mod (_Width(map) + 1) '   no, rotate left (can't go right because of MOD use)
    Image2Sphere map, Sphere, 100, xoff '       map image to sphere
    _PutImage (300, 200), Sphere ' bplus mod
    _Limit 60

_FreeImage map

' Static spehere demo

map = _NewImage(600, 600, 32) '                 create a red/white checkerboard image
_Dest map
Cls , _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
For y = 0 To 599 Step 30
    If y / 30 Mod 2 = 0 Then PaintNow = 1 Else PaintNow = 0
    For x = 0 To 599 Step 30
        PaintNow = 1 - PaintNow
        If PaintNow Then Line (x, y)-(x + 29, y + 29), _RGB32(255, 0, 0), BF
    Next x
Next y
_Dest 0

Image2Sphere map, Sphere, 0, -1 '       map image to sphere without resizing (1 to 1 image to sphere)
_PutImage (0, 0), Sphere
_Delay .5 ' <<<< get your finger off last escape keypress fixed 9/7/2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Dim xo As Integer ' bplus mod
While _KeyDown(27) = 0 ' note: _keyclear doesn't do anything for _Keydown
    xo = xo + 1
    Image2Sphere map, Sphere, 100, xo '      map image to sphere with resizing
    _PutImage (300, 200), Sphere

Sub Image2Sphere (InImage As Long, OutImage As Long, Radius As Integer, xo As Integer) '                           |
    '| Fake Sphere Mapping                                                                                         |
    '|                                                                                                             |
    '| Adapted from code by bplus:           |
    '| Which was adapted from code by Paul Dunn:                       |
    '| I contacted Paul Dunn and confirmed that the code in the video above is his original work.                  |
    '| Quote from Paul, "yep, this one is mine, worked out from an algorithm for mapping lat/long to a rectangle." |
    '|                                                                                                             |
    '| Maps an image to a sphere.                                                                                  |
    '|                                                                                                             |
    '| InImage  : image passed in                                                                                  |
    '| OutImage : processed output image                                                                           |
    '| Radius   : sphere radius                                                                                    |
    '| xo       : input image x offset (supplying a negative value will not scale the input image)                 |
    '|                                                                                                             |
    '| If you wish to create a rotating image (such as a globe or planet) the input image (InImage) must be twice  |
    '| as wide as it is high. xo will then control the current view of the image on the sphere.                    |
    '|                                                                                                             |
    '| If you wish to map an image 1 to 1 onto a sphere then the input image (InImage) must have the same width    |
    '| and height (a square). xo must be set to a negative value so no scaling occurs. Radius will have no effect  |
    '| because Radius will be calculated based on the input image.                                                 |
    '|                                                                                                             |
    '| Anything other than the two conditions above will yield, let's say, "interesting" effects.                  |
    '|                                                                                                             |
    '| NOTE: the larger the sphere to be created the slower this algorithm performs.                               |

    Const rPI = .31830981 '     value of Pi recipricated
    Const rTWOPI = .1591549 '   twice the value of Pi recipricated
    Const HALFPI = 1.5707963 '  half the value of Pi
    Dim iWidth As Integer '     width of input image
    Dim iHeight As Integer '    height of input image
    Dim x As Integer '          location along horizontal line within sphere
    Dim y As Integer '          vertical location within sphere
    Dim LineLength As Integer ' length of horizontal line within sphere
    Dim ix As Single '          location of x within scaled image
    Dim iy As Single '          location of y within scaled image
    Dim oSource As Long '       calling SOURCE
    Dim oDest As Long '         calling DESTINATION
    Dim ScaledImage As Long '   temporary scaled input image

    ' -----------------------------------
    '| Scale input image to match radius |
    ' -----------------------------------

    If xo < 0 Then '                                          don't scale image?
        ScaledImage = _CopyImage(InImage) '                   yes, just make a copy of image
        Radius = _Height(ScaledImage) * .5 '                  calculate radius
        xo = 0 '                                              reset x offset value
    Else '                                                    image needs scaling
        ScaledImage = _NewImage(Radius * 4, Radius * 2, 32) ' create scaled image canvas
        _PutImage , InImage, ScaledImage '                    stretch input image to scaled canvas
    End If

    iWidth = _Width(ScaledImage) '                            width of scaled image
    iHeight = _Height(ScaledImage) '                          height of scaled image

    ' ----------------------------
    '| Set scaled image as source |
    ' ----------------------------

    oSource = _Source '                                       get calling source
    _Source ScaledImage '                                     POINT data will be retireved from scaled image

    ' ----------------------
    '| Prepare output image |
    ' ----------------------

    oDest = _Dest '                                           get calling destination
    If OutImage < -1 Then _FreeImage OutImage '               remove residual image if it exists
    OutImage = _NewImage(iHeight, iHeight, 32) '              create square output image
    _Dest OutImage '                                          draw on output image

    ' ---------------------
    '| Map image to sphere |
    ' ---------------------

    y = -Radius + 1 '                                         start at top of sphere
    Do '                                                      begin vertical loop
        LineLength = Sqr(Radius * Radius - y * y) '           calculate line length across sphere at current y location

        ' -------------------------------------------------------------------
        '| We want to use the full height of the scaled image here ( * rPI ) |
        '| The value returned here will be 0 to 1 (0% to 100%)               |
        ' -------------------------------------------------------------------

        iy = (_Asin(y / Radius) + HALFPI) * rPI '             calculate how far to come down vertically (y) within scaled image
        x = -LineLength + 1 '                                 start at left side of line
        Do '                                                  begin horizontal loop

            ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            '| We only want to use half the width of the scaled image here ( * rTWOPI ) |
            '| The value returned will be 0 to .5 (0% to 50%)                           |
            ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------

            ix = (_Asin(x / LineLength) + HALFPI) * rTWOPI '  calculate how far to go horizontally (x) within scaled image

            ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            '| Multiply ix and iy by scaled image width and height to get location of pixel on scaled image.      |
            '| Then, map that pixel onto the output image within the current horizontal line length.              |
            ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            PSet (x + Radius, y + Radius), Point((xo + ix * iWidth) Mod iWidth, iy * iHeight) ' map scaled image pixel to output image
            x = x + 1 '                                       move one pixel across line to the right
        Loop Until x > LineLength - 1 '                       leave when right side of line reached
        y = y + 1 '                                           move one pixel down the sphere
    Loop Until y > Radius - 1 '                               leave when bottom of sphere reached

    ' -----------------------------------------
    '| Restore original source and destination |
    ' -----------------------------------------

    _FreeImage ScaledImage '                                  remove temporary scaled image
    _Source oSource '                                         restore calling source
    _Dest oDest '                                             restore calling destination

End Sub

EDIT: 9/7/2024 fixed bplus mod code of the last demo so now you can use escape for all demos.

Attached Files
.zip   Test Image Spheres (Size: 265.85 KB / Downloads: 26)
b = b + ...

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RE: Drawing Tools Subs or Functions with Demo - by bplus - 09-06-2024, 09:09 PM

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