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Drawing Tools Subs or Functions with Demo
(09-06-2024, 09:09 PM)bplus Wrote: +1 @TerryRitchie for deep dive into this, specially impressed getting with Paul Dunn!

Terry, do you think that seam between Asia and Americas is from not precise 2:1 ratio of image?
I am suspecting that seam is why I did not switch the 3 and 6 back to 3.1415... and 2*Pi.
As it stands, no offense but it is kinda yucky.

The Red and White checkered glode seems fine! and good speed on both.

For everyone's convenience I've got all relevant files zipped into a project folder for easy download and viewing.
I added a modified version of Terry's Update version demo dressed up a tiny bit.

Update: On my mod of Terry's demo of his update Image2Sphere, escape refused to work even with a _keyclear so to exit the last demo use spacebar.
Someone, @SMcNeill might know, why _keydown(32) works fine but _Keydown(27) doesn't even with _KeyClear???

PS thanks @vince
I just assumed the image is to blame for the seam. Your original demo overlaid a grid which covered the seam. I'll play around with another image to see what happens. It may have something to do with the Linelength (x) and image height (y) counters starting with +1 and ending with -1. When I played around with those though the circle was getting clipped ever so slightly on the right side. Some tweaking may be in order.

The ESC key works fine for me all the way through the demos. I wonder why it works for some and not others?

I'm playing around with trying to get the horizontal lines to bend in accordance with height as well. I'll post something if I get that figured out.
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RE: Drawing Tools Subs or Functions with Demo - by TerryRitchie - 09-06-2024, 11:47 PM

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