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Is it possible to make a _SNDNEW song this way?
Here's an old program I made at the old forum before I knew PLAY could play more than one note at a time.  It used _SNDRAW to build notes and play them from the sound buffer.  Now that QB64PE has _SNDNEW,_MEMSOUND, etc. I wondered if this program can be used with those somehow.

Instead of playing with _SNDRAW like this, Is it possible to feed the data to a _SNDNEW memory instead so I could have the song with a handle for using it with _SNDPLAY controls?

I thought perhaps this music generator can be useful again for making background songs and play them using _SNDPLAY, and also still have PLAY & SOUND available too for sounds as well, like sound effects.

- Dav   

Code: (Select All)
'Attempting a PLAY-like song format using _SNDRAW
'Plays notes and allows more than one note to sound at the same time.
'Can play notes in the background.
'Coded By Dav, JAN/2021

'All 88 notes are available.
'Regular notes are lowercase (d4), Sharp notes are upper (D4).
'You can play a notes like this: f3 g3 a3 A3 cf d4 e4 f4
'Play a chord of notes by grouping inside (), like: (c4 e4 g4)

'Assign current note/rest length values like this...
'WN = Whole note, HN = Half note, DQ = Dotted quarter note
'QN = Quarter note, EN = Eighth note, SN = Sixteenth note

'Rests - nothing played, but time continues
'RN = Rest note.  Uses current note length value set.
'For example, to rest a quarter note, do this:

'Assign Tempos like this (always must be in 4 characters):
'T120  ... or T060  ...  or  T100

'Assign current meter (for whole length value to work)
'M3  (thats for 3/4)....  M4  (Thats for 4/4)


'=== Playing two octaves of all notes c3 to c5...
'Set tempo 120, meter 4/4, set sixteen note value
SPLAY "t160 m4 sn c3C3d3D3e3f3F3g3G3a3A3b3c4C4d4D4e4f4F4g4G4a4A4b4c5"

    Color Rnd * 16
    Print "Testing all notes...c3 to c5..."
Loop While _SndRawLen

'=== Playing a background song.... Silent Night.,,,

s$ = "t100 m3" 'tempo 100, 3/4 meter
s$ = s$ + "dq(c4e4g4) en(c4f4a4) qn(c4e4g4) wn(g3c4e4)" 'silent night
s$ = s$ + "dq(c4e4g4) en(c4f4a4) qn(c4e4g4) wn(g3c4e4)" 'holy night
s$ = s$ + "hn(d5b4g4) qn(d5b4g4) wn(b4g4d4)" 'all is calm
s$ = s$ + "hn(c5e4g4) qn(c5e4g4) wn(g4e4c4)" 'all is bright
s$ = s$ + "hn(c4f4a4) qn(c4f4a4) dq(c5a4f4) en(b4g4e4) qn(a4f4d4)" 'round yon virgin
s$ = s$ + "dq(c4e4g4) en(c4f4a4) qn(c4e4g4) wn(g3c4e4)" 'mother and child
s$ = s$ + "hn(c4f4a4) qn(c4f4a4) dq(c5a4f4) en(b4g4e4) qn(a4f4d4)" 'holy infant so
s$ = s$ + "dq(c4e4g4) en(c4f4a4) qn(c4e4g4) wn(g3c4e4)" 'tender and mild
s$ = s$ + "hn(d5b4g4) qn(d5b4g4) dq(f5d5b4) en(d5b4g4) qn(b4g4f4)" 'sleep in heavenly
s$ = s$ + "hn(c5g4e4) qn(c5g4e4) hn(e5c5g4) qnrn" 'peace....
s$ = s$ + "qn(c5g4e4) qn(g4e4c4) qn(e4c4g3) dq(g4d4b3) en(f4d4b3) qn(d4b3f3)" 'sleep in heavenly
s$ = s$ + "wn(c4g3e3) rn"


    Color Rnd * 16
    Print "Silent Night ";
    If InKey$ <> "" Then Exit Do
Loop While _SndRawLen


Sub SPLAY (Music$)

    rate = _SndRate

    'Set Defaults, just in case empty
    If Tempo = 0 Then Tempo = 60
    If Meter = 0 Then Meter = 3
    If NoteValue = 0 Then NoteValue = 1

    cur = 1


        'skip any spaces
        If Mid$(Music$, cur, 1) = " " Then cur = cur + 1

        'Check for tempo
        If UCase$(Mid$(Music$, cur, 1)) = "T" Then
            cur = cur + 1
            Tempo = Val(Mid$(Music$, cur, 3)): cur = cur + 3
        End If

        'Check for Meter
        If UCase$(Mid$(Music$, cur, 1)) = "M" Then
            cur = cur + 1
            Meter = Val(Mid$(Music$, cur, 1)): cur = cur + 1
        End If

        'Get notevalue
        Select Case UCase$(Mid$(Music$, cur, 2))
            Case Is = "DQ": cur = cur + 2: NoteValue = 1.5
            Case Is = "EN": cur = cur + 2: NoteValue = .5
            Case Is = "QN": cur = cur + 2: NoteValue = 1
            Case Is = "HN": cur = cur + 2: NoteValue = 2
            Case Is = "WN": cur = cur + 2
                If Meter = 3 Then NoteValue = 3 Else NoteValue = 4
            Case Is = "SN": cur = cur + 2: NoteValue = .25
        End Select

        'If regular note/rest found (not a group)
        Select Case Mid$(Music$, cur, 2)
            Case Is = "a0": note = 27.50: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A0": note = 29.14: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b0": note = 30.87: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c1": note = 32.70: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "C1": note = 34.65: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "d1": note = 36.71: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "D1": note = 38.89: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "e1": note = 41.20: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "f1": note = 43.65: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "F1": note = 46.25: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "g1": note = 49.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "G1": note = 51.91: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "a1": note = 55.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A1": note = 58.27: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b1": note = 61.74: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c2": note = 65.41: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "C2": note = 69.30: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "d2": note = 73.42: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "D2": note = 77.78: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "e2": note = 82.41: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "f2": note = 87.31: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "F2": note = 92.50: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "g2": note = 98.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "G2": note = 103.83: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "a2": note = 110.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A2": note = 116.54: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b2": note = 123.47: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c3": note = 130.81: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "C3": note = 138.59: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "d3": note = 146.83: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "D3": note = 155.56: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "e3": note = 164.81: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "f3": note = 174.61: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "F3": note = 185.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "g3": note = 196.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "G3": note = 207.65: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "a3": note = 220.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A3": note = 233.08: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b3": note = 246.94: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c4": note = 261.63: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "C4": note = 277.18: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "d4": note = 293.66: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "D4": note = 311.13: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "e4": note = 329.63: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "f4": note = 349.23: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "F4": note = 369.99: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "g4": note = 392.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "G4": note = 415.30: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "a4": note = 440.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A4": note = 466.16: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b4": note = 493.88: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c5": note = 523.25: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "C5": note = 554.37: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "d5": note = 587.33: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "D5": note = 622.25: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "e5": note = 659.25: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "f5": note = 698.46: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "F5": note = 739.99: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "g5": note = 783.99: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "G5": note = 830.61: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "a5": note = 880.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A5": note = 932.33: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b5": note = 987.77: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c6": note = 1046.50: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "C6": note = 1108.73: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "d6": note = 1174.66: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "D6": note = 1244.51: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "e6": note = 1318.51: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "f6": note = 1396.91: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "F6": note = 1479.98: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "g6": note = 1567.98: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "G6": note = 1661.22: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "a6": note = 1760.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A6": note = 1864.66: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b6": note = 1975.53: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c7": note = 2093.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "C7": note = 2217.46: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "d7": note = 2349.32: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "D7": note = 2489.02: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "e7": note = 2637.02: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "f7": note = 2793.83: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "F7": note = 2959.96: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "g7": note = 3135.96: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "G7": note = 3322.44: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "a7": note = 3520.00: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "A7": note = 3729.31: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "b7": note = 3951.07: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "c8": note = 4186.01: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
            Case Is = "RN", "rn": note = 0: cur = cur + 2: GoSub LoadNote
        End Select

        'if group of notes found
        If Mid$(Music$, cur, 1) = "(" Then
            cur = cur + 1
            'Grab up until ')' found
            Group$ = ""
                a$ = Mid$(Music$, cur, 1): cur = cur + 1
                If a$ = ")" Then Exit Do
                If a$ <> " " Then Group$ = Group$ + a$

            NumOfNotes = Len(Group$) / 2
            Length = (60 * NoteValue / Tempo)
            For L = 0 To Length * rate Step NumOfNotes

                For N = 1 To Len(Group$) Step 2
                    'fade = EXP(-L / rate * 8)
                    note$ = Mid$(Group$, N, 2)
                    If note$ = "a0" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 27.50 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A0" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 29.14 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b0" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 30.87 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 32.70 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "C1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 34.65 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "d1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 36.71 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "D1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 38.89 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "e1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 41.20 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "f1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 43.65 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "F1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 46.25 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "g1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 49.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "G1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 51.91 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "a1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 55.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 58.27 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b1" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 61.74 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 65.41 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "C2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 69.30 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "d2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 73.42 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "D2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 77.78 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "e2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 82.41 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "f2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 87.31 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "F2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 92.50 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "g2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 98.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "G2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 103.83 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "a2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 110.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 116.54 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b2" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 123.47 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 130.81 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "C3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 138.59 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "d3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 146.83 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "D3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 155.56 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "e3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 164.81 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "f3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 174.61 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "F3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 185.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "g3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 196.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "G3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 207.65 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "a3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 220.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 233.08 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b3" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 246.94 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 261.63 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "C4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 277.18 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "d4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 293.66 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "D4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 311.13 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "e4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 329.63 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "f4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 349.23 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "F4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 369.99 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "g4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 392.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "G4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 415.30 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "a4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 440.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 466.16 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b4" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 493.88 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 523.25 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "C5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 554.37 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "d5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 587.33 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "D5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 622.25 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "e5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 659.25 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "f5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 698.46 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "F5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 739.99 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "g5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 783.99 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "G5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 830.61 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "a5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 880.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 932.33 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b5" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 987.77 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1046.50 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "C6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1108.73 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "d6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1174.66 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "D6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1244.51 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "e6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1318.51 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "f6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1396.91 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "F6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1479.98 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "g6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1567.98 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "G6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1661.22 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "a6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1760.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1864.66 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b6" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 1975.53 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 2093.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "C7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 2217.46 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "d7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 2349.32 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "D7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 2489.02 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "e7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 2637.02 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "f7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 2793.83 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "F7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 2959.96 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "g7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 3135.96 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "G7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 3322.44 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "a7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 3520.00 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "A7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 3729.31 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "b7" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 3951.07 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.
                    If note$ = "c8" Then _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * 4186.01 * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade.


        End If

        If cur >= Len(Music$) Then Exit Do

        'IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN EXIT SUB


    Exit Sub

    Length = (60 * NoteValue / Tempo)
    For L = 0 To Length * rate
        'fade = Exp(-L / rate * 8)
        If note = 0 Then
            _SndRaw 0
            _SndRaw Sin((L / rate) * note * Atn(1) * 8) '* fade
        End If

End Sub

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Messages In This Thread
Is it possible to make a _SNDNEW song this way? - by Dav - 09-07-2024, 12:16 AM

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