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Simple Zeller's congruence to get day of week
First, I do want to thank you for pointing out these mistakes. If I am releasing a program or module (a"module" being a SUB or FUNCTION), it should be as close to perfect as possible for me to make it. However, while you are correct that I probably should have done it that way, I don't believe they are full "errors" in the technical sense. An "error," as I see it, is a bug in which the program produces inaccurate results. (Syntax errors - which prevent a program from even compiling in the first place - are pretty much prevented by the IDE.) I would consider them style mistakes. I will fix them, though. I appreciate the feedback, and if you notice mistakes or errors in anything I release, I would be delighted if you report them. This means my program has caught the attention of someone who thinks it may be useful for some purpose.
While 1
   Fix Bugs
   report all bugs fixed
   receive bug report
end while

Messages In This Thread
RE: Simple Zeller's congruence to get day of week - by TDarcos - 09-16-2024, 08:48 AM

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