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Shift key not recognized when focus is changed to QB64 program

This uses your routine with Win32 added. It will detect Shift key down when your return focus to the window.

1) Run program.
2) Click your desktop to take away focus.
3) Hold a shift key down.
4) Click your QB64 window to return focus while still holding down the shift key.

Code: (Select All)
Declare Dynamic Library "user32"
    Function GetAsyncKeyState% (ByVal vkey As Long)
End Declare
Locate 8, 2
Print "NOTE: _KEYDOWN only registers SHIFT keys and some of the other keyboard keys"
Print "      _KEYDOWN will register multiple keys"
Print "      A negative _KEYHIT value means the key was released"
    Locate 2, 2
    If _WindowHasFocus Then
        'IF focus = 0 THEN _KEYCLEAR
        focus = -1
        Print "WINDOW HAS FOCUS          "
        focus = 0
    End If
    a$ = InKey$
    Locate 4, 2
    Print "INKEY$  =  "; a$
    Locate 5, 2
    Print "_KEYHIT  = ";
    k = _KeyHit
    If k <> 0 Then Print k; "    "
    Locate 6, 2
    Print "_KEYDOWN =  ";
    If _KeyDown(100304) And _KeyDown(100303) Then
        Print "LEFT & RIGHT SHIFT"
    ElseIf _KeyDown(100304) Or focus = -1 And GetAsyncKeyState(160) Then ' <--------------------
        Print "LEFT SHIFT        "
    ElseIf _KeyDown(100303) Or focus = -1 And GetAsyncKeyState(161) Then ' <--------------------
        Print "RIGHT SHIFT      "
        For k = 33 To 122
            If _KeyDown(k) Then
                Print Chr$(k); " "; ' print multiple keys
            End If
        Next k
        Print "                  "
    End If
    _Limit 60
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Shift key not recognized when focus is changed to QB64 program - by Pete - 09-18-2024, 03:09 AM

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