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Nice work on GIFPlay, @a740g.

Was wondering, did you ever write that FLI/FLC player?  I wrote a FLI player in Qbasic years ago (here) which I updated to QB64 code (below).  It's very limited but does play FLI's, here it is if it will help at all.

- Dav 

Code: (Select All)

PlayFlic "CLOWN.FLI"

SUB PlayFlic (file$)

    'open fli/flc file
    OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #1
    IF LOF(1) = 0 THEN
        CLOSE 1: KILL file$ 'if file empty, close and delete
        EXIT SUB
    END IF

    'grab fli/flc header
    header$ = INPUT$(128, 1) 'read 128 bytes for header info
    FlicId = CVI(MID$(header$, 5, 2)) 'flic id
    frames = CVI(MID$(header$, 7, 2)) 'number of frames
    FlicWidth = CVI(MID$(header$, 9, 2)) 'flic width
    FlicHeight = CVI(MID$(header$, 11, 2)) 'flic height
    Ticks = CVI(MID$(header$, 17, 2)) 'timing

    'validate fli/flc id
    IF (FlicId <> &HAF11 AND FlicId <> &HAF12 AND FlicId <> &HAF13) THEN
        CLOSE 1: EXIT SUB 'if not, exit
    END IF

    'setup screen with width and height
    SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(FlicWidth, FlicHeight, 32)

    DO 'loop animation

        SEEK 1, 129 'skip the fli/flc header

        FOR f = 1 TO frames 'do all frames

            framepos& = SEEK(1) 'save file pointer pos for current frame
            FrameHeader$ = INPUT$(16, 1) 'frame header
            FrameSize& = CVL(MID$(FrameHeader$, 1, 4)) 'size of the frame
            FrameChunks = CVI(MID$(FrameHeader$, 7, 2)) 'number of chunks in frame

            d$ = INKEY$: IF d$ <> "" THEN EXIT DO 'exit playback if key pressed

            FOR c = 1 TO FrameChunks 'do chunks in frame

                chunkpos& = SEEK(1) 'save file pointer pos for current chunk
                chunkheader$ = INPUT$(6, 1) 'chunk header
                ChunkSize& = CVL(MID$(chunkheader$, 1, 4)) 'size of the chunk
                ChunkType = CVI(MID$(chunkheader$, 5, 2)) 'chunk type ID
                chunkpos& = chunkpos& + ChunkSize& 'move chunk pos to next chunk

                SELECT CASE ChunkType 'do chuck type ID

                    CASE 11 'set palette chunk
                        REDIM pal&(255) 'palette array
                        clr = 0
                        packs = ASC(INPUT$(2, 1))
                        FOR d = 1 TO packs
                            skip = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1))
                            change = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1))
                            IF change = 0 THEN change = 256
                            clr = clr + skip
                            FOR s = 1 TO change
                                r = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1)) * 4 'red
                                g = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1)) * 4 'green
                                b = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1)) * 4 'blue
                                pal&(clr) = _RGB(r, g, b)
                                clr = clr + 1

                    CASE 12 'line compressed chunk (LC)
                        skip = CVI(INPUT$(2, 1)) 'unused lines to skip
                        change = CVI(INPUT$(2, 1)) 'lines to change
                        FOR y = skip TO change + (skip - 1)
                            packpos& = SEEK(1)
                            PackData$ = INPUT$(500, 1): midpos = 1 'grab all pack data
                            packs = ASC(MID$(PackData$, midpos, 1)) 'number of packs
                            midpos = midpos + 1: x = 0 'update midpos
                            FOR d = 1 TO packs
                                s% = ASC(MID$(PackData$, midpos, 1)) 'skip value
                                p = ASC(MID$(PackData$, midpos + 1, 1)) 'pixel value
                                midpos = midpos + 2: x = x + s% 'update midpos

                                IF p > 127 THEN 'if packed data
                                    p = (256 - p) 'decode pixel data
                                    LINE (x, y)-STEP(p - 1, 0), pal&(ASC(MID$(PackData$, midpos, 1)))
                                    x = x + p: midpos = midpos + 1 'update position
                                ELSE 'raw pixel data
                                    Row$ = MID$(PackData$, midpos, p) 'read pixels
                                    midpos = midpos + p
                                    FOR k = 1 TO LEN(Row$)
                                        PSET (x + k - 1, y), pal&(ASC(MID$(Row$, k, 1)))
                                    x = x + p 'update position ahead
                                END IF
                            SEEK #1, packpos& + midpos - 1: 'PackData$ = ""

                    CASE 13 'clear screen chunk
                        CLS 'clear screen to black
                    CASE 15 'brun compressed chunk
                        x = 0
                        FOR y = 0 TO FlicHeight - 1 'do row
                            packpos& = SEEK(1) 'save current pack pos
                            PackData$ = INPUT$(500, 1): midpos = 1 'load pack data
                            packs = ASC(MID$(PackData$, midpos, 1)) 'number of packs
                            midpos = midpos + 1 'update for mid$ usage

                            FOR d = 1 TO packs 'do packs
                                p = ASC(MID$(PackData$, midpos, 1)): midpos = midpos + 1
                                IF p < 128 THEN
                                    LINE (x, y)-STEP(p - 1, 0), pal&(ASC(MID$(PackData$, midpos, 1)))
                                    midpos = midpos + 1
                                ELSE 'if packed data
                                    p = (256 - p)
                                    Row$ = MID$(PackData$, midpos, p) 'raw pixels
                                    midpos = midpos + p
                                    FOR k = 1 TO LEN(Row$)
                                        PSET (x + k - 1, y), pal&(ASC(MID$(Row$, k, 1))) 'draw pixels
                                END IF
                                x = x + p 'update x position
                            x = 0: SEEK #1, packpos& + midpos - 1 ': PackData$ = ""

                    CASE 16 'raw image data chunk
                        x = 0
                        FOR y = 0 TO FlicHeight - 1
                            Row$ = INPUT$(FlicWidth, 1)
                            FOR k = 1 TO LEN(Row$)
                                PSET (x + k - 1, y), pal&(ASC(MID$(Row$, k, 1)))

                    CASE ELSE: CLOSE 1: EXIT SUB 'invalid chunk type, exit

                END SELECT
                SEEK #1, chunkpos& 'move file pos to next chunk

            SEEK 1, framepos& + FrameSize& 'move to the next frame
            _LIMIT Ticks * 8 'playback speed
    CLOSE 1

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner

Messages In This Thread
GIFPlay - by a740g - 11-30-2023, 10:48 PM
RE: GIFPlay - by FellippeHeitor - 12-01-2023, 10:38 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-01-2023, 10:39 PM
RE: GIFPlay - by a740g - 12-02-2023, 12:33 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-05-2023, 05:18 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-05-2023, 05:24 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by a740g - 12-05-2023, 08:56 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-05-2023, 07:38 PM
RE: GIFPlay - by Dav - 3 hours ago

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