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OMG! OMG! OMG! I found QB64's lost HOLY GRAIL!!
(09-21-2024, 02:27 PM)RhoSigma Wrote: Well, now I know it in conjunction between the different speeds of software vs. hardware layers. Not a big surprise TBH, but how fast is the opengl layer compared to both and what happens when I code:


so _DISPLAYORDER makes the software layer the 1st and the gl layer the 2nd, hence the gl layer shall be ON TOP off the sofware layer.

But _GLRENDER instead says render the gl layer behind the software layer, so what has precedence?

The last called or what?

No idea.   I've never found the GL implementation in QB64 to be useful enough for me to sit down and learn more than just a few raw basics about it.  I've certainly never tried to time test it or anything else.

From what little I know about _GLRENDER, I always *assumed* it was on its own little independent thread and didn't interfere/interact with the rest of our code on a normal basis.  (Kind of like an ON TIMER routine calls to that other routine every X seconds.)   I thought the _FPS command was what was used to set the speed for _GLRENDER...

And how that all bleeds together to affect performance with _Software and _Hardware, and such, I just simply have no clue.   Does anyone around here actually use SUB _GL enough to have tested it and benchmarked speeds and various things with it?  Is anyone actually enough of an expert on how it's *SUPPOSED* to perform to answer such details questions as "Which of these commands take precedence:  _DISPLAYORDER or _GLRENDER?" 

I, personally, don't have a clue.   My GL experience is closer to a "Hello World" type example with it, than anything impressive like mapping, rotating, and shading a globe of the earth as it revolves around the sun.  I left it out of my answer above simply because I don't know enough about it to say anything definitely about it one way or the other.

Messages In This Thread
RE: OMG! OMG! OMG! I found QB64's lost HOLY GRAIL!! - by SMcNeill - 09-21-2024, 03:09 PM

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