(09-23-2024, 04:56 AM)grymmjack Wrote: I LOVE PEGGLE. I beat Peggle2 on my XB360 finally. I'm playing nights now, and I bought the original I think too (I can't remember from where) LOL. Such an addictive casual game. The amount of dopamine I get when I clear a level from that epic orchestral fanfare and the growing higher and higher in pitch indicators and fireworks, just speaks to my soulPopCap rarely put a foot wrong with their games - Peggle being an excellent example. I lost untold hours on their Plants Vs Zombies and their absolutely awesome Bookworm Adventures!
gotta try this out. @RokCoder I'm sure this is going to be awesome!
Hope you enjoy Poly Blaster if you get chance to try it!
RokCoder - dabbling in QB64pe for fun