Hey, I needed to dust the cobwebs out of my brain anyway and this caught my eye (obviously I couldn't find the old source), so a bit of thinking and here's the output. Mark any shape, the condition is that you must connect the beginning of the line with the end (tolerance of 5 pixels from each other). After marking the selection of the image, the program will only show you what you marked with the selection.
![[Image: output.png]](https://i.ibb.co/cbNqTG2/output.png)
Code: (Select All)
'copy/paste polygon image
'use mouse for inserting image
Image& = _ScreenImage
_Delay .5
Screen _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)
Type Points
As Integer x, y
End Type
ReDim P(20000) As Points
_PutImage , Image& 'place complete image to screen
Locate 1
Print "Use mouse, press left button and select any image area"
While _MouseInput
MX = _MouseX
MY = _MouseY
LB = _MouseButton(1)
Print LB, MX, MY, j, max
If LB = -1 Then
'insert coordinate to array if is left mouse button pressed
If oMX <> MX Or oMY <> MY Then 'if is mouse moved to other position
P(j).x = MX ' add new coordinates to array P
P(j).y = MY
oMX = MX ' and memorize old coordinates
oMY = MY
j = j + 1
max = 0
i = UBound(P)
If j = i Then ' if array P is full, add next 20000 records
ReDim _Preserve P(i + 20000) As Points
max = 0
End If
End If
End If
'draw selected area: find used indexes
If max = 0 Then 'lock for search maximum once if now record is not added
max = UBound(P)
Do Until P(max).x > 0 Or P(max).y > 0
If max > 0 Then max = max - 1 Else Exit Do
End If
If max Then
PReset (P(0).x, P(0).y)
For D = 1 To max
Line -(P(D).x, P(D).y)
End If
'control if area is completed
If max > 10 Then
If Abs(P(max).x - P(0).x) < 5 And Abs(P(max).y - P(0).y) < 5 Then
Print "select complete!"
'find maximal/minimal X and Y
c = 0
minX = _Width
minY = _Height
Do Until c = max
If minX > P(c).x Then minX = P(c).x
If maxX < P(c).x Then maxX = P(c).x
If minY > P(c).y Then minY = P(c).y
If maxY < P(c).y Then maxY = P(c).y
c = c + 1
'copy full rectangle image area to new image
copyImg& = _NewImage(maxX - minX, maxY - minY, 32)
_PutImage (0, 0), Image&, copyImg&, (minX, minY)-(maxX, maxY)
'create alpha mask for image
Mask& = _NewImage(maxX - minX, maxY - minY, 32)
_Dest Mask&
Cls 'now is the background color black and alpha is full - set to 0,0,0,255
For D = 1 To max
Line (-minX + P(D - 1).x, -minY + P(D - 1).y)-(-minX + P(D).x, -minY + P(D).y), _RGB32(100)
Line (-minX + P(0).x, -minY + P(0).y)-(-minX + P(max).x, -minY + P(max).y), _RGB32(100)
Paint (_Width(Mask&) \ 2, _Height(Mask&) \ 2), _RGB32(100) 'colorize selected area
_SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(100), Mask&
'place mask image
_PutImage , Mask&, copyImg&
_FreeImage Mask&
_Dest 0
_Source 0
'view output
_PutImage (0, 0), copyImg&
_FreeImage copyImg&
End If
End If
_Limit 30
![[Image: output.png]](https://i.ibb.co/cbNqTG2/output.png)