Here it is in Basic coordinate system
Code: (Select All)
'(0, 1) would be 180 degrees.
'(1, 0) would be 270 degrees
'(1, 1) would be 135 degrees.
' assuming from (0, 0) on all these?
'(0,0) is top, left corner of Basic screen
' instead of 1 let's say 100
' (0,100) in blue
Screen 12
Color 9
Line (0, 0)-(0, 100)
Circle (0, 100), 2
Locate 12, 1: Print _R2D(_Atan2(100, 0))
' (100, 0) in yellow
Color 14
Line (0, 0)-(100, 0)
Circle (100, 0), 2
Locate 13, 1: Print _R2D(_Atan2(0, 100))
' (100, 100) in red
Color 12
Line (0, 0)-(100, 100)
Circle (100, 100), 2
Locate 14, 1: Print _R2D(_Atan2(100, 100))
b = b + ...