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Help needed regarding Lesson 17
Instead of Asteroid making I did a host or regular Polygons to demo Sin and Cos Function with Angles and Movement for lesson 17
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Regular Polygons Demo of Sin and Cos" ' bplus 2024-10-10
Option _Explicit

Type XYPair
    As Single X, Y
End Type

Type PolyType 'first 5 for DrawPoly
    As XYPair Loc '          Location on screen
    As Long NSides '         Number of sides = Number of points
    As Single Radius '       From center to point
    As Single Rotation '     Rotation offset = how much is poly turned
    As _Unsigned Long Colr ' color
    As XYPair V '            Vx, Vy Vector components for movement
    As Single RotAmt '       Rotate Poly this angle amount
End Type
Dim Shared NPoly: NPoly = 20
Dim Shared Poly(1 To NPoly) As PolyType

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 60
Dim As Long i
For i = 1 To NPoly
    NewPoly i
    For i = 1 To NPoly 'draw amd update polys
        DrawPoly Poly(i).Loc, Poly(i).NSides, Poly(i).Radius, Poly(i).Rotation, Poly(i).Colr
        ' update poly position and rotation
        Poly(i).Loc.X = Poly(i).Loc.X + Poly(i).V.X
        If Poly(i).Loc.X < 0 Then Poly(i).Loc.X = 0: Poly(i).V.X = -Poly(i).V.X
        If Poly(i).Loc.X > _Width Then Poly(i).Loc.X = _Width: Poly(i).V.X = -Poly(i).V.X
        Poly(i).Loc.Y = Poly(i).Loc.Y + Poly(i).V.Y
        If Poly(i).Loc.Y < 0 Then Poly(i).Loc.Y = 0: Poly(i).V.Y = -Poly(i).V.Y
        If Poly(i).Loc.Y > _Height Then
            Poly(i).Loc.Y = _Height: Poly(i).V.Y = -Poly(i).V.Y
            If Poly(i).NSides < 9 Then Poly(i).NSides = Poly(i).NSides + 1 Else Poly(i).NSides = 3
        End If
        Poly(i).Rotation = Poly(i).Rotation + Poly(i).RotAmt
    _Limit 30
Loop Until _KeyDown(27) ' escape

Sub NewPoly (index) ' for shared array Poly() as PolyType
    Dim r, red, grn, blu
    Poly(index).Radius = Rnd * 60 + 20
    Poly(index).Loc.X = Rnd * (_Width - 2 * Poly(index).Radius) + Poly(index).Radius
    Poly(index).Loc.Y = Rnd * (_Height - 2 * Poly(index).Radius) + Poly(index).Radius
    Poly(index).NSides = 3 + Int(Rnd * 7)
    Poly(index).Rotation = Rnd * _Pi(2)
    red = -Sgn(Rnd < .5) * (76 * Rnd + 180)
    grn = -Sgn(Rnd < .5) * (156 * Rnd + 100)
    blu = -Sgn(Rnd < .5) * (156 * Rnd + 100)
    Poly(index).Colr = _RGB32(red, grn, blu)
    Poly(index).V.X = Rnd * 3 + 1
    If Rnd < .5 Then Poly(index).V.X = -Poly(index).V.X
    Poly(index).V.Y = Rnd * 3 + 1
    If Rnd < .5 Then Poly(index).V.Y = -Poly(index).V.Y
    Poly(index).RotAmt = Rnd * _Pi(1 / 10) - _Pi(1 / 20)
End Sub

Sub DrawPoly (Place As XYPair, NSides As Long, Radius, RadRotation, C As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim pAngle: pAngle = _Pi(2 / NSides) ' angles from center to side points
    Dim a, savex, savey
    For a = 0 To _Pi(1.9999) Step pAngle
        If a = 0 Then
            PSet (Place.X + Radius * Cos(a + RadRotation), Place.Y + Radius * Sin(a + RadRotation)), C
            savex = Place.X + Radius * Cos(a + RadRotation)
            savey = Place.Y + Radius * Sin(a + RadRotation)
            Line -(Place.X + Radius * Cos(a + RadRotation), Place.Y + Radius * Sin(a + RadRotation)), C
        End If
    Line -(savex, savey), C
End Sub
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by RhoSigma - 10-08-2024, 10:39 AM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 05:24 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 05:46 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-08-2024, 06:32 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 06:59 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-08-2024, 07:04 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 07:17 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 07:10 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 07:22 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-08-2024, 07:44 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 08:16 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 01:25 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-09-2024, 04:19 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 03:17 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 04:00 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 04:11 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 10:43 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-10-2024, 10:33 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 03:01 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 06:36 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 07:08 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 08:51 PM

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