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Help needed regarding Lesson 17
Oh I had it right!

Testing a mod to _ATan2 that will treat North as 0 Dgerees or Radians and go Clockwise around ascending angle value.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Atan4North0 test" ' bplus 2024-10-11

' testing an ATan function that would return 0 for North AND increase going Clockwise around

Screen _NewImage(1200, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 40, 60
Dim degree30, xc1, xc, yc, xc2, r, a, x1, y1, at, sa$, xoff, yoff, x2, y2
degree30 = _Pi(2 / 12) ' like hours on clock
xc1 = 300: xc2 = 900: yc = 300: r = 200
_PrintString (xc1 - _PrintWidth("Regular East = 0 Deg/Rads Calcs") / 2, 292), "Regular East = 0 Deg/Rads Calcs"
_PrintString (xc2 - _PrintWidth("Terry's North = 0 Deg/Rads Calcs") / 2, 292), "Terry's North = 0 Deg/Rads Calcs"

For a = 0 To _Pi(1.999) Step degree30

    ' Regular East = 0 calcs
    x1 = xc1 + r * Cos(a)
    y1 = yc + r * Sin(a)
    at = Int(_R2D(_Atan2(y1 - yc, x1 - xc1)) + .0001)
    If at < 0 Then at = at + 360
    sa$ = _Trim$(Str$(at))
    xoff = _PrintWidth(sa$) / 2
    yoff = 16 / 2
    _PrintString (x1 - xoff, y1 - yoff), sa$

    ' North = 0 calcs
    x2 = xc2 + r * Sin(a)
    y2 = yc + r * -Cos(a)
    at = Int(_R2D(ATan4North0(y2 - yc, x2 - xc2)) + .0001)
    If at < 0 Then at = at + 360
    sa$ = _Trim$(Str$(at))
    xoff = _PrintWidth(sa$) / 2
    yoff = 16 / 2
    _PrintString (x2 - xoff, y2 - yoff), sa$

    _Limit 1

Function ATan4North0 (dy, dx)
    ATan4North0 = _Pi - _Atan2(dx, dy) ' this was totally unexpected!
End Function

See now it fixes a couple mixups in Lesson 17 Asteroid Demo
Code: (Select All)
_Title "** Asteroid demo using radians fix" ' bplus  2024-10-11

' fix -COS and alternate _ATAN2 for North = 0 calcs  using ATan4North0

' From Lesson 17
'                Vx! = Sin(_D2R(Degree!)) '  calculate the x vector quantity
'                Vy! = -Cos(_D2R(Degree!)) ' calculate the y vector quantity

' Notice the negative sign next to Cos.
' This is a rotation of the coordinate system so _Atan2 is not going to return
' correct radian angle to match North = 0

' I added a modified ATan4North function to use in place of _Atan2 for Asteroid Demo
' to work as Terry intended using those Vx Vy forumlas.

Const FALSE = 0, TRUE = Not FALSE '      truth detectors
Const PI = 3.1415926, PI2 = 2 * PI '     useful PI values
Const SPINRATE = PI2 / 360 '             asteroid spin rate
Const SWIDTH = 640, SHEIGHT = 480 '      screen dimensions
Const MAXASTEROIDS = 20 '                number of asteroids on screen

Type XYPAIR '                            2D point location definition
    x As Single '                        x coordinate
    y As Single '                        y coordinate
End Type

Type OBJECT '                            object definition (points that make up an object)
    Radian As Single '                   direction of point
    Radius As Single '                   distance to point from center
End Type

Type ASTEROID '                          asteroid definition
    Loc As XYPAIR '                      asteroid location
    Dir As Single '                      asteroid radian direction
    Speed As Integer '                   asteroid speed
    Size As Integer '                    asteroid size
End Type

Dim Object(10) As OBJECT '               object point data
Dim Asteroid(MAXASTEROIDS) As ASTEROID ' asteroids array
Dim Vector As XYPAIR '                   vector calculations
Dim Obj As Integer '                     object counter
Dim Ast As Integer '                     asteroid counter
Dim P1 As XYPAIR '                       first object point for PSET
Dim Np As XYPAIR '                       next object point for LINE
Dim Spin As Integer '                    TRUE to activate spin, FALSE otherwise

Randomize Timer '                                                        seed RND generator
For Obj = 1 To 10 '                                                      cycle through object points
    Read Vector.x, Vector.y '                                            get object x,y vector point
    Object(Obj).Radius = _Hypot(Vector.x, Vector.y) '                    calculate radius from vector

    ' _Atan2 takes y's first , x's 2nd
    ' so modified  ATan4North0(Vector.y, Vector.x)
    ' uses the same order
    Object(Obj).Radian = ATan4North0(Vector.y, Vector.x) '              calculate direction from vector
Next Obj
For Ast = 1 To MAXASTEROIDS '                                            cycle through asteroids
    Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x = Int(Rnd * (SWIDTH - 40)) + 20 '                random location
    Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y = Int(Rnd * (SHEIGHT - 40)) + 20
    Asteroid(Ast).Dir = Rnd * PI2 '                                      random direction
    Asteroid(Ast).Speed = Int(Rnd * 6) + 2 '                             random speed
    Asteroid(Ast).Size = 2 ^ Int(Rnd * 3) '                              random size
Next Ast
Screen _NewImage(SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, 32) '                                  graphics screen
Spin = FALSE '                                                           no asteroid spin
Do '                                                                     begin main loop
    Cls '                                                                 clear screen
    _Limit 60 '                                                           60 frames per second
    Locate 2, 19: Print "Press the spacebar to activate asteroid spin" '  print directions
    If _KeyHit = 32 Then Spin = Not Spin '                                flip spin flag if spacebar pressed
    If Spin Then '                                                        spin asteroids?
        For Obj = 1 To 10 '                                               yes, cycle through object points
            Object(Obj).Radian = Object(Obj).Radian + SPINRATE '         move radian location
            If Object(Obj).Radian > PI2 Then Object(Obj).Radian = Object(Obj).Radian - PI2 ' keep within limits
        Next Obj
    End If
    For Ast = 1 To MAXASTEROIDS '                                         cycle through asteroids
        Vector.x = Sin(Object(1).Radian) '                               calculate vector from 1st object point
        Vector.y = -Cos(Object(1).Radian) ' <<<  This should be -Cos
        P1.x = Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x + Vector.x * Object(1).Radius * Asteroid(Ast).Size ' plot location on screen
        P1.y = Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y + Vector.y * Object(1).Radius * Asteroid(Ast).Size
        PSet (P1.x, P1.y) '                                               draw a pixel
        For Obj = 2 To 10 '                                               cycle through remaining points

            ' these assume North = 0 so Vectors are rotated 90 degrees
            Vector.x = Sin(Object(Obj).Radian) '                         calculate vector from object point
            Vector.y = -Cos(Object(Obj).Radian) ' <<<< this should be -Cos
            Np.x = Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x + Vector.x * Object(Obj).Radius * Asteroid(Ast).Size ' plot location
            Np.y = Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y + Vector.y * Object(Obj).Radius * Asteroid(Ast).Size ' on screen
            Line -(Np.x, Np.y) '                                          draw line from previous point
        Next Obj
        Line -(P1.x, P1.y) '                                              draw final line back to start
        Vector.x = Sin(Asteroid(Ast).Dir) '                              get vector from asteroid radian
        Vector.y = -Cos(Asteroid(Ast).Dir) ' <<<  This should be -Cos
        Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x = Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x + Vector.x * Asteroid(Ast).Speed ' plot location on screen
        Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y = Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y + Vector.y * Asteroid(Ast).Speed
        If Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x < -19 Then Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x = SWIDTH + 19 '        keep asteroids on screen
        If Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x > SWIDTH + 19 Then Asteroid(Ast).Loc.x = -19
        If Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y < -19 Then Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y = SHEIGHT + 19
        If Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y > SHEIGHT + 19 Then Asteroid(Ast).Loc.y = -19
    Next Ast
    _Display '                                                            update screen with changes
Loop Until _KeyDown(27) '                                                leave when ESC pressed
System '                                                                 return to operating system
' Asteroid object data (10 coordinate vector points)
Data 0,-5,5,-10,10,-5,7,0,10,5,2,10,-5,10,-10,5,-10,-5,-5,-10

Function ATan4North0 (dy, dx)
    ATan4North0 = _Pi - _Atan2(dx, dy) ' this was totally unexpected!
End Function

BTW I dislike this immensely:
Code: (Select All)
' From Lesson 17
'                Vx! = Sin(_D2R(Degree!)) '  calculate the x vector quantity
'                Vy! = -Cos(_D2R(Degree!)) ' calculate the y vector quantity

So much easier and straight forward to use East = 0 degrees and not have to modify _ATan2.
' Vx = Cos(angle)
' Vy = Sin(angle)
Since sin(a)^2 + cos(a)^2 = 1, you have your Normal Vector

(x, y) around the point (xcenter, ycenter)
x = xcenter + radius*Cos(angle)
y = ycenter + radius*Sin(angle)

x is always associated with Cos
y is always associated with Sin.

But it appears Terry has invested heavily in that formula for Vx, Vy from Lesson 17.
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by RhoSigma - 10-08-2024, 10:39 AM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 05:24 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 05:46 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-08-2024, 06:32 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 06:59 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-08-2024, 07:04 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 07:17 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 07:10 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 07:22 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-08-2024, 07:44 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-08-2024, 08:16 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 01:25 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by SMcNeill - 10-09-2024, 04:19 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 03:17 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 04:00 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 04:11 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-09-2024, 10:43 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-10-2024, 10:33 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 03:01 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 06:36 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 07:08 PM
RE: Help needed regarding Lesson 17 - by bplus - 10-11-2024, 08:51 PM

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