In Honor of America's Discovery Day
Automation of MazeRND maze
In reality ball flies aimlessly
and star intersects randomly
author of program encrypted maze into a string
We start variables and build walls of an empty maze
where delta is direction of movement 0 > / 1 < / 2 V / 3 ^
We fill 20% of walls and put a star and a ball
and add up string puz$
To be continued...
MAZEsite.bas (Size: 60.3 KB / Downloads: 20)
Automation of MazeRND maze
In reality ball flies aimlessly
and star intersects randomly
author of program encrypted maze into a string
Code: (Select All)
'x is wall & b is ball & y is star
If puzzle=11 Then
puz$="": grid=8
puz$=puz$+"x xb x"
puz$=puz$+"x yx x"
puz$=puz$+"x xx x"
puz$=puz$+"x x"
puz$=puz$+"x x"
puz$=puz$+"x x"
End If
where delta is direction of movement 0 > / 1 < / 2 V / 3 ^
Code: (Select All)
Dim d(22, 22), m(22, 22): m$="": all=0: Randomize Timer
delta=Int(Rnd*4): puz$="": grid=Int(Rnd*7)+8: f=grid
For a=1 To f: m(1, a)=1: m(f, a)=1: Next
For a=2 To f-1: m(a, 1)=1: m(a, f)=1:
For b=2 To f-1: m(a,b)=0
Next: Next
and add up string puz$
Code: (Select All)
For i=1 To .2*f^2 : m(Rnd*f, Rnd*f)=1: Next
m(Rnd*(f-3)+2, Rnd*(f-3)+2)=2 ' y
m(Rnd*(f-3)+2, Rnd*(f-3)+2)=3 ' b
For a=1 To f: For b=1 To f ': Print m(a,b);
If m(a,b)=1 Then m$=m$+"x"
If m(a,b)=0 Then m$=m$+" "
If m(a,b)=2 Then m$=m$+"y"
If m(a,b)=3 Then m$=m$+"b"
Next: Next: puz$=m$
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Russia looks world from future. Big data is peace data.
I never recommend anything & always write only about myself
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Russia looks world from future. Big data is peace data.
I never recommend anything & always write only about myself