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Drawing Tools Subs or Functions with Demo
Arcs and PieSlices

These routines follow Basic Trig functions that start 0 Degrees/Radians Due East and go Clock wise around the screen from there:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Arc & PieSlice (Filled) testing, escape for 2nd test" ' bplus rev 2024-10-15
Randomize Timer

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 60
Dim As Single xc, yc, a, x1, y1, s, e, r, degree10, at, xoff, yoff, radius, x, y, cnt
Dim sa$
Dim cc As _Unsigned Long
degree10 = _Pi(2 / 36)
xc = 400: yc = 300
r = 250
    cc = _RGB32(Rnd * 155 + 100, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 200 + 55)
    s = Rnd * _Pi(2): e = Rnd * _Pi(2)
    For a = 0 To _Pi(1.999) Step degree10

        ' Regular East = 0 calcs
        x1 = xc + r * Cos(a)
        y1 = yc + r * Sin(a)
        at = Int(_R2D(_Atan2(y1 - yc, x1 - xc)) + .0001)
        If at < 0 Then at = at + 360
        sa$ = _Trim$(Str$(at))
        xoff = _PrintWidth(sa$) / 2
        yoff = 16 / 2
        _PrintString (x1 - xoff, y1 - yoff), sa$
    radius = Rnd * 100 + 100
    Arc 400, 300, radius, s, e, cc
    PieSlice 400, 300, radius - 10, s, e, cc, 1 ' test all fills !!!!
    Print "Start Angle:"; Int(_R2D(s)) ' covert to degrees
    Print "End Angle:"; Int(_R2D(e))
    Print: Print "zzz, Press any...."
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
_Title "Failure if the Screen floods by a bad Paint Job, any ky quits."
    cc = _RGB32(Rnd * 155 + 100, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 200 + 55)
    s = Rnd * _Pi(2): e = Rnd * _Pi(2)
    radius = Rnd * 100 + 10
    x = Rnd * _Width: y = Rnd * _Height
    Arc x, y, radius, s, e, cc
    PieSlice x, y, radius - 5, s, e, cc, 1 ' test all fills !!!!
    _Limit 1
    cnt = cnt + 1
    If cnt Mod 50 = 49 Then Cls
Loop While InKey$ = ""

Sub Arc (CX, CY, R, RAStart, RAStop, C~&) ' rev 2024-10-14
    'CX, CY Center Circle point, R = radius, C~& = color
    ' RaStart and RAStop are Radian angles,
    ' RAStart is first angle clockwise from due East = 0 Radians
    ' Arc will start drawing there and go clockwise until raEnd is reached
    'note in Basic: degrees start due East = 0 and go clockwise

    Dim raEnd, stepper, a
    If RAStop < RAStart Then raEnd = RAStop + _Pi(2) Else raEnd = RAStop
    stepper = 1 / R
    For a = RAStart To raEnd Step stepper
        If (a - RAStart) < stepper Then
            PSet (CX + R * Cos(a), CY + R * Sin(a)), C~&
            Line -(CX + R * Cos(a), CY + R * Sin(a)), C~&
        End If
End Sub

Sub PieSlice (XC, YC, R, RStart, REnd, C As _Unsigned Long, FillTF) 'rev 2024-10-15
    ' XC, YC Center for arc circle with radius R
    ' RStart is the Radian Start Angle, use _D2R for conversion from Degrees to Radians
    ' REnd is Radian End Angle
    ' Arc will start at rStart and go clockwise around to rEnd Radians

    Dim rStop, rMid, stepper, a, x, y
    Dim bc As _Unsigned Long
    bc = _RGB32(_Red32(C), _Green32(C), _Blue32(C))
    If REnd < RStart Then rStop = REnd + _Pi(2) Else rStop = REnd
    rMid = rStop - RStart
    Line (XC, YC)-(XC + R * Cos(RStart), YC + R * Sin(RStart)), bc
    Line (XC, YC)-(XC + R * Cos(rStop), YC + R * Sin(rStop)), bc
    stepper = 1 / R ' the bigger the radius the smaller  the steps
    For a = RStart To rStop Step stepper
        x = XC + R * Cos(a)
        y = YC + R * Sin(a)
        If a > RStart Then Line -(x, y), bc Else PSet (x, y), bc
    If FillTF Then Paint (XC + R / 2 * Cos(RStart + rMid / 2), YC + R / 2 * Sin(RStart + rMid / 2)), C, bc
End Sub

More Newly revised PieSlice and testing code, works for transparent colors with more dependable Fills.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Arc & PieSlice (Filled) testing, escape for 2nd test" ' bplus rev 2024-10-15
Randomize Timer

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 60
Dim As Single xc, yc, a, x1, y1, s, e, r, degree10, at, xoff, yoff, radius, x, y, cnt
Dim sa$
Dim cc As _Unsigned Long
degree10 = _Pi(2 / 36)
xc = 400: yc = 300
r = 250
    cc = _RGB32(Rnd * 155 + 100, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 200 + 55)
    s = Rnd * _Pi(2): e = Rnd * _Pi(2)
    For a = 0 To _Pi(1.999) Step degree10

        ' Regular East = 0 calcs
        x1 = xc + r * Cos(a)
        y1 = yc + r * Sin(a)
        at = Int(_R2D(_Atan2(y1 - yc, x1 - xc)) + .0001)
        If at < 0 Then at = at + 360
        sa$ = _Trim$(Str$(at))
        xoff = _PrintWidth(sa$) / 2
        yoff = 16 / 2
        _PrintString (x1 - xoff, y1 - yoff), sa$
    radius = Rnd * 100 + 100
    Arc 400, 300, radius, s, e, cc
    PieSlice 400, 300, radius - 10, s, e, cc, 1 ' test all fills !!!!
    Print "Start Angle:"; Int(_R2D(s)) ' covert to degrees
    Print "End Angle:"; Int(_R2D(e))
    Print: Print "zzz, Press any...."
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
_Title "Failure if the Screen floods by a bad Paint Job, any ky quits."
    cc = _RGB32(Rnd * 155 + 100, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 200 + 55)
    s = Rnd * _Pi(2): e = Rnd * _Pi(2)
    radius = Rnd * 100 + 10
    x = Rnd * _Width: y = Rnd * _Height
    Arc x, y, radius, s, e, cc
    PieSlice x, y, radius - 5, s, e, cc, 1 ' test all fills !!!!
    _Limit 1
    cnt = cnt + 1
    If cnt Mod 50 = 49 Then Cls
Loop While InKey$ = ""

Sub Arc (CX, CY, R, RAStart, RAStop, C~&) ' rev 2024-10-14
    'CX, CY Center Circle point, R = radius, C~& = color
    ' RaStart and RAStop are Radian angles,
    ' RAStart is first angle clockwise from due East = 0 Radians
    ' Arc will start drawing there and go clockwise until raEnd is reached
    'note in Basic: degrees start due East = 0 and go clockwise

    Dim raEnd, stepper, a
    If RAStop < RAStart Then raEnd = RAStop + _Pi(2) Else raEnd = RAStop
    stepper = 1 / R
    For a = RAStart To raEnd Step stepper
        If (a - RAStart) < stepper Then
            PSet (CX + R * Cos(a), CY + R * Sin(a)), C~&
            Line -(CX + R * Cos(a), CY + R * Sin(a)), C~&
        End If
End Sub

Sub PieSlice (XC, YC, R, RStart, REnd, C As _Unsigned Long, FillTF) 'rev 2024-10-15
    ' XC, YC Center for arc circle with radius R
    ' RStart is the Radian Start Angle, use _D2R for conversion from Degrees to Radians
    ' REnd is Radian End Angle
    ' Arc will start at rStart and go clockwise around to rEnd Radians

    Dim rStop, rMid, stepper, a, x, y
    Dim bc As _Unsigned Long
    bc = _RGB32(_Red32(C), _Green32(C), _Blue32(C))
    If REnd < RStart Then rStop = REnd + _Pi(2) Else rStop = REnd
    rMid = rStop - RStart
    Line (XC, YC)-(XC + R * Cos(RStart), YC + R * Sin(RStart)), bc
    Line (XC, YC)-(XC + R * Cos(rStop), YC + R * Sin(rStop)), bc
    stepper = 1 / R ' the bigger the radius the smaller  the steps
    For a = RStart To rStop Step stepper
        x = XC + R * Cos(a)
        y = YC + R * Sin(a)
        If a > RStart Then Line -(x, y), bc Else PSet (x, y), bc
    If FillTF Then Paint (XC + R / 2 * Cos(RStart + rMid / 2), YC + R / 2 * Sin(RStart + rMid / 2)), C, bc
End Sub

b = b + ...

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RE: Drawing Tools Subs or Functions with Demo - by bplus - 10-15-2024, 04:48 PM

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