Roll Image Down (opens) or Up (closes)
Should fit any image inside a given box on screen and maintain the images width : height ratio.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Roll Open and Close an Image" ' b+ 2024-10-29
Const SW = 1200, SH = 700
Screen _NewImage(SW, SH, 32): _ScreenMove 0, 0
i = _LoadImage("New PieSlice.PNG")
BoxRollDown 10, 10, _Width - 20, _Height - 20, i, 1
_PrintString (500, _Height - 40), "Press any to roll up."
BoxRollDown 10, 10, _Width - 20, _Height - 20, i, 0
_PrintString (500, _Height - 40), "Press any to roll down."
Sub BoxRollDown (x, y, w, h, i, DownTF)
' not likely the box w, h is same scale as image w, h
' so what fits what?
saveAD = _AutoDisplay
iw = _Width(i)
ih = _Height(i)
wR = w / iw
hR = h / ih
If wR < hR Then ' use w scale to accommodate smallest change
scale = w / iw
xo = 0: yo = (h - ih * scale) / 2
Else ' use h to accomadate smallest change
scale = h / ih
xo = (w - iw * scale) / 2: yo = 0
End If
' mult scale to fit box
Line (x, y)-Step(w, h), , B ' draw box
Line (x + xo, y + yo)-Step(iw * scale, ih * scale), &HFFFFFF00, B ' fit image inside
If DownTF Then
For yy = 0 To ih
_PutImage (x + xo, y + yo)-Step(iw * scale, yy * scale), i, 0, (0, 0)-(iw, yy)
_Limit 120
For yy = ih To 0 Step -1
Line (x + xo, y + yo)-Step(iw * scale, ih * scale), &HFF000000, BF
Line (x + xo, y + yo)-Step(iw * scale, ih * scale), &HFFFFFF00, B ' fit image inside
_PutImage (x + xo, y + yo)-Step(iw * scale, yy * scale), i, 0, (0, 0)-(iw, yy)
_Limit 120
End If
If saveAD Then _AutoDisplay
End Sub
Demo image is in zip
b = b + ...