11-01-2024, 09:34 PM
This is a way to draw lines from a Point x, y at an angle for a given length, fatness and color.
I used it to boldly present the Maze lines in Flipping Hex Maze code. Also included is FatLine which needs the Circle Fill sub FCirc. Here is the demo:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "FatPALline test" 'b+ 2024-11-01
Screen _NewImage(801, 590, 32): _ScreenMove 240, 60
Type BoardType
As Single x, y, flipped, flipping, a
End Type
Dim Shared ubX, ubY
ubX = 18: ubY = 16
Dim Shared b(ubX, ubY) As BoardType
Dim Shared cellR, xspacing!, yspacing!
cellR = 25
xspacing! = 2 * cellR * Cos(_D2R(30)): yspacing! = cellR * (1 + Sin(_D2R(30)))
Dim xoffset!
Color &HFF000000, &HFFAAAAFF
m = (m + 1) Mod ubX
For y = 0 To ubY
If y Mod 2 = 0 Then xoffset! = .5 * xspacing! Else xoffset! = 0
For x = 0 To ubX
b(x, y).x = x * xspacing! + xoffset! + .5 * xspacing! - 20
b(x, y).y = y * yspacing! + .5 * yspacing! - 20
If Rnd < .002 Then b(x, y).flipping = 1
showCell x, y
_Limit 60
Sub showCell (c, r)
If b(c, r).flipping Then b(c, r).a = b(c, r).a + _Pi(1 / 90)
If b(c, r).a >= _Pi(1 / 3) Then
b(c, r).flipping = 0: b(c, r).a = 0
If b(c, r).flipped Then b(c, r).flipped = 0 Else b(c, r).flipped = 1
End If
If b(c, r).flipped Then
For a = _Pi(1 / 6) To _Pi(2) Step _Pi(2 / 3)
FatPALline b(c, r).x, b(c, r).y, a + b(c, r).a, cellR, 4, &HFF000000
For a = _Pi(.5) To _Pi(2) Step _Pi(2 / 3)
FatPALline b(c, r).x, b(c, r).y, a + b(c, r).a, cellR, 4, &HFF000000
End If
End Sub
' ++++++++++++++++++ Featured Subroutines for Drawing +++++++++++++++++++++++
' needs Fcirc because needs FatLine
Sub FatPALline (BaseX, BaseY, RAngle, Lngth, Fat, K As _Unsigned Long) ' point angle length line
Dim x2, y2
x2 = BaseX + Lngth * Cos(RAngle)
y2 = BaseY + Lngth * Sin(RAngle)
FatLine BaseX, BaseY, x2, y2, Fat, K
End Sub
' 2023-09-27 000Test/Graphics/FatLine test and demo
Sub FatLine (x, y, x2, y2, wide As Integer, c As _Unsigned Long)
' this sub needs fcirc
Dim dx, dy, distance, r
dx = x2 - x
dy = y2 - y
distance = _Hypot(dx, dy)
r = Int(wide / 2)
If distance Then ' bullet proof
dx = dx / distance
dy = dy / distance
If r = 0 Then
Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), c
Dim i As Long
While i <= distance
FCirc x + i * dx, y + i * dy, r, c
i = i + 1
End If
If r = 0 Then ' bullet proof
PSet (x, y), c
FCirc x, y, r, c
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub FCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Long, RadiusError As Long
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub
Maze code Before FatPALline:
and after:
b = b + ...