Testing flipper action, this has best results so far. I've given up on angle-in = angle-out like ball hitting wall.
Off a flipper, ball action works best ball going out perpendicular to flipper for me anyway...
Anyone have Pinball code hanging around? I have a pretty good JB example with spring action off bumper (not bumper really more bell than bumper, what do you call them?)
Off a flipper, ball action works best ball going out perpendicular to flipper for me anyway...
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Weird flippers left ctrl for left flipper, right ctrl for right" 'b+ 2024-11-16
' instead of a light beam reflecting off surface angle in = angle out
' here we try angle out is perpendicular to flipper
Const XMax = 600, YMax = 720
Const SCX = 300, Gravity = .1
Type FlipperType
As Single baseX, baseY ' DrawFlipper needs these
As Single tipX, tipY ' need to track collisions on ends of flipper
As Single UpA, DownA, CurA
As Long LeftFlipTF, TargetUpTF ' true false boolean
End Type
Type CircleType
As Single x, y, r
End Type
Dim As FlipperType leftFlip, rightFlip
' some parts of Type are constant declare now
leftFlip.LeftFlipTF = -1
leftFlip.baseX = SCX - 265
leftFlip.baseY = YMax - 140
leftFlip.UpA = -_Pi(1 / 6) ' 315 degrees NE
leftFlip.DownA = _Pi(1 / 6)
leftFlip.TargetUpTF = 0 ' test a key press OK
leftFlip.CurA = leftFlip.DownA ' flipper at rest in down position
rightFlip.LeftFlipTF = 0
rightFlip.baseX = SCX + 265
rightFlip.baseY = YMax - 140
rightFlip.UpA = _Pi(7 / 6) ' 180 + 45 = 225 degrees NE
rightFlip.DownA = _Pi(5 / 6)
rightFlip.TargetUpTF = 0 ' flipper at rest in down position
rightFlip.CurA = rightFlip.DownA
Dim Shared FLen, BaseR, TipR
FLen = 215: BaseR = 30: TipR = 12
Dim Shared LFC(FLen) As CircleType, RFC(FLen) As CircleType
Dim ftime, rtime
Dim bx, by, br, bs, ba, bdx, bdy, i, lffirstI, lflastI, rffirsti, rflasti
Screen _NewImage(600, 720, 32): _ScreenMove 300, 0
bx = SCX: by = 360: br = 25: bs = 15: ba = _D2R(40) ' Ok symmetric 40 an 140
bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
Line (0, 0)-(XMax, YMax), &H22000000, BF
If _KeyDown(100306) And Timer(.001) > ftime + .1 Then leftFlip.TargetUpTF = -1 ' left side ctrl
If _KeyDown(100305) And Timer(.001) > rtime + .1 Then rightFlip.TargetUpTF = -1 ' right side ctrl
drawBall bx, by, br, _RGB32(250)
DrawFlipper leftFlip
DrawFlipper rightFlip
'update ball
bdy = bdy + Gravity
bx = bx + bdx
If bx < br Then bx = br: bdx = -bdx
If bx > XMax - br Then bx = XMax - br: bdx = -bdx
by = by + bdy
If by < br Then by = br: bdy = -bdy
If by > YMax - br Then Exit Do
lffirstI = -1: rffirsti = -1: lflastI = -1: rflasti = -1
For i = 0 To FLen
If _Hypot(by - LFC(i).y, bx - LFC(i).x) < br + LFC(i).r Then ' collision
If lffirstI < 0 Then lffirstI = i Else lflastI = i
End If
If _Hypot(by - RFC(i).y, bx - RFC(i).x) < br + RFC(i).r Then ' collision
If rffirsti < 0 Then rffirsti = i Else rflasti = i
End If
If lffirstI >= 0 Then
If lflastI > 0 Then
i = (lffirstI + lflastI) / 2
i = lffirstI
End If
ba = _Atan2(by - LFC(i).y, bx - LFC(i).x)
bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
bx = bx + bdx: by = by + bdy
If leftFlip.TargetUpTF Then leftFlip.TargetUpTF = 0: ftime = Timer(.001)
ElseIf rffirsti >= 0 Then
If rflasti > 0 Then
i = (rffirsti + rflasti) / 2
i = rffirsti
End If
ba = _Atan2(by - RFC(i).y, bx - RFC(i).x)
bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
bx = bx + bdx: by = by + bdy
If rightFlip.TargetUpTF Then rightFlip.TargetUpTF = 0: rtime = Timer(.001)
End If
_Limit 30
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
If _KeyDown(27) = 0 Then _Delay 2: GoTo restart
Function FlipAngle (f As FlipperType)
Dim da
da = _Pi(1 / 24)
If f.LeftFlipTF Then ' left flipper
If f.TargetUpTF Then ' move CCW subtract
If f.CurA - da < f.UpA Then
f.CurA = f.UpA
f.TargetUpTF = 0 'target hit
f.CurA = f.CurA - da
End If
Else ' move CW
If f.CurA + da > f.DownA Then f.CurA = f.DownA Else f.CurA = f.CurA + da
End If
Else ' right flip
If f.TargetUpTF Then ' move CW
If f.CurA + da > f.UpA Then
f.CurA = f.UpA
f.TargetUpTF = 0
f.CurA = f.CurA + da
End If
Else ' move CCW
If f.CurA - da < f.DownA Then f.CurA = f.DownA Else f.CurA = f.CurA - da
End If
End If
FlipAngle = f.CurA
End Function
Sub SetFlipperRadii
Dim i, f
f = (BaseR - TipR) / FLen
For i = 0 To FLen
LFC(i).r = BaseR - i * f
RFC(i).r = LFC(i).r
End Sub
Sub DrawFlipper (f As FlipperType)
' setup to drawLink
Dim ang, i
ang = FlipAngle(f)
For i = 0 To FLen
If f.LeftFlipTF Then
LFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
LFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
FC3 LFC(i).x, LFC(i).y, LFC(i).r, &HFFAA8800
RFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
RFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
FC3 RFC(i).x, RFC(i).y, RFC(i).r, &HFFAA8800
End If
For i = 0 To FLen
If f.LeftFlipTF Then
LFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
LFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
FC3 LFC(i).x, LFC(i).y, LFC(i).r - 5, &HFFFFFFFF
RFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
RFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
FC3 RFC(i).x, RFC(i).y, RFC(i).r - 5, &HFFFFFFFF
End If
End Sub
Sub FC3 (cx As Long, cy As Long, r As Long, clr~&) ' no suffix punctuation use the Global Default Type as Long or Single or Double
Dim As Long r2, x, y ' for Option _Explicit
If r < 1 Then Exit Sub
Line (cx - r, cy)-(cx + r, cy), clr~&, BF
r2 = r * r
y = y + 1
x = Sqr(r2 - y * y)
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr~&, BF
Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), clr~&, BF
Loop Until y = r
End Sub
Sub drawBall (x, y, r, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim rred As Long, grn As Long, blu As Long, rr As Long, f
rred = _Red32(c): grn = _Green32(c): blu = _Blue32(c)
For rr = r To 0 Step -1
f = 1 - Sin(rr / r) ' thank OldMoses for Sin ;-))
FC3 x, y, rr, _RGB32(rred * f, grn * f, blu * f)
End Sub
Anyone have Pinball code hanging around? I have a pretty good JB example with spring action off bumper (not bumper really more bell than bumper, what do you call them?)
b = b + ...