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Much closer! First fix was NOT letting bs = Ball speed drop below 0 in fact not letting it drop below gravity was better.

Then the ball could be trapped in corner until it bounced in place and came to dead stop, STUCK in that corner.
Fix for that was to move the baseX of flippers closer to edge of screen so ball could only be trapped just inside the top circle not next to wall.

Increased gravity and deadened ball more when hit walls or flippers not moving, so the trap takes less time and ball rolls down flipper, still slow but better.

No more melting through flipper and double balls drawn. Plus ball is not passing through flippers while it is going down fast! and flippers are going up.

Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Test flippers: left ctrl for left flipper, right ctrl for right" 'b+ 2024-11-16
' instead of a light beam reflecting off surface angle in = angle out

' here we try angle out is perpendicular to flipper
' result: not a hell of allot of difference flipper goes righjt over the ball near tip
' and ball falls right through or trips and dribbles???????
' 2024-11-23 moved Weird Filpper code into here and dumped previous  code I had.

Const XMax = 600, YMax = 720
Const SCX = 300, Gravity = .5

Type FlipperType
    As Single baseX, baseY ' DrawFlipper needs these
    As Single tipX, tipY ' need to track collisions on ends of flipper
    As Single UpA, DownA, CurA
    As Long LeftFlipTF, TargetUpTF ' true false boolean
End Type

Type CircleType
    As Single x, y, r
End Type

Dim As FlipperType leftFlip, rightFlip
' some parts of Type are constant declare now
leftFlip.LeftFlipTF = -1
leftFlip.baseX = SCX - 280
leftFlip.baseY = YMax - 140
leftFlip.UpA = -_Pi(1 / 12) ' 315 degrees NE
leftFlip.DownA = _Pi(1 / 6)
leftFlip.TargetUpTF = 0 ' test a key press OK
leftFlip.CurA = leftFlip.DownA ' flipper at rest in down position

rightFlip.LeftFlipTF = 0
rightFlip.baseX = SCX + 280
rightFlip.baseY = YMax - 140
rightFlip.UpA = _Pi(13 / 12) ' 180 + 45 = 225 degrees NE
rightFlip.DownA = _Pi(5 / 6)
rightFlip.TargetUpTF = 0 ' flipper at rest in down position
rightFlip.CurA = rightFlip.DownA

Dim Shared FLen, BaseR, TipR
FLen = 230: BaseR = 30: TipR = 12
Dim Shared LFC(FLen) As CircleType, RFC(FLen) As CircleType
Dim ftime, rtime
Dim bx, by, br, bs, ba, bdx, bdy, i, lffirstI, lflastI, rffirsti, rflasti

Screen _NewImage(600, 720, 32): _ScreenMove 300, 0
bx = SCX: by = 360: br = 25: bs = 5: ba = _D2R(40) ' Ok symmetric 40 an 140
bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
    Line (0, 0)-(XMax, YMax), &H22000000, BF
    If _KeyDown(100306) And Timer(.001) > ftime + .1 Then leftFlip.TargetUpTF = -1 ' left side ctrl
    If _KeyDown(100305) And Timer(.001) > rtime + .1 Then rightFlip.TargetUpTF = -1 ' right side ctrl
    drawBall bx, by, br, _RGB32(250)
    DrawFlipper leftFlip
    DrawFlipper rightFlip

    'update ball
    bdy = bdy + Gravity
    If bdy < -br Then bdy = -br ' keep ball from melting through flipper
    ba = _Atan2(bdy, bdx)
    bx = bx + bdx
    If bx < br Then bx = br: bdx = -bdx: bs = bs - Gravity
    If bx > XMax - br Then bx = XMax - br: bdx = -bdx: bs = bs - Gravity
    by = by + bdy
    If by < br Then by = br: bdy = -bdy: bs = bs - Gravity
    If bs < Gravity Then bs = Gravity
    If by > YMax - br Then Exit Do

    'update flippers
    lffirstI = -1: rffirsti = -1: lflastI = -1: rflasti = -1
    For i = 0 To FLen
        If _Hypot(by - LFC(i).y, bx - LFC(i).x) < br + LFC(i).r Then ' collision
            If lffirstI < 0 Then lffirstI = i Else lflastI = i
        End If
        If _Hypot(by - RFC(i).y, bx - RFC(i).x) < br + RFC(i).r Then ' collision
            If rffirsti < 0 Then rffirsti = i Else rflasti = i
        End If
    If lffirstI >= 0 Then
        If lflastI > 0 Then
            i = (lffirstI + lflastI) / 2
            i = lffirstI
        End If

        If leftFlip.TargetUpTF And leftFlip.CurA <> leftFlip.UpA Then
            bs = bs + i / 50
            bs = bs - Gravity
            If bs < Gravity Then bs = Gravity
        End If
        ba = _Atan2(by - LFC(i).y, bx - LFC(i).x)
        bx = LFC(i).x + (br + LFC(i).r) * Cos(ba): by = LFC(i).y + (br + LFC(i).r) * Sin(ba) ' move ball back above flipper
        bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
        'bx = bx + bdx: by = by + bdy

        'If leftFlip.TargetUpTF Then leftFlip.TargetUpTF = 0: ftime = Timer(.001)
    ElseIf rffirsti >= 0 Then
        If rflasti > 0 Then
            i = (rffirsti + rflasti) / 2
            i = rffirsti
        End If
        If rightFlip.TargetUpTF And rightFlip.CurA <> rightFlip.UpA Then
            bs = bs + i / 50
            bs = bs - Gravity
            If bs < Gravity Then bs = Gravity
        End If
        ba = _Atan2(by - RFC(i).y, bx - RFC(i).x)
        bx = RFC(i).x + (br + RFC(i).r) * Cos(ba): by = RFC(i).y + (br + RFC(i).r) * Sin(ba) ' move ball back above flipper
        bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
        'bx = bx + bdx: by = by + bdy
        'If rightFlip.TargetUpTF Then rightFlip.TargetUpTF = 0: rtime = Timer(.001)
    End If

    _Limit 60
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
If _KeyDown(27) = 0 Then _Delay 2: GoTo restart

Function FlipAngle (f As FlipperType)
    Dim da
    da = _Pi(1 / 48)
    If f.LeftFlipTF Then ' left flipper
        If f.TargetUpTF Then ' move CCW subtract
            If f.CurA - da < f.UpA Then
                f.CurA = f.UpA
                f.TargetUpTF = 0 'target hit
                f.CurA = f.CurA - da
            End If
        Else ' move CW
            If f.CurA + da > f.DownA Then f.CurA = f.DownA Else f.CurA = f.CurA + da
        End If
    Else ' right flip
        If f.TargetUpTF Then ' move CW
            If f.CurA + da > f.UpA Then
                f.CurA = f.UpA
                f.TargetUpTF = 0
                f.CurA = f.CurA + da
            End If
        Else ' move CCW
            If f.CurA - da < f.DownA Then f.CurA = f.DownA Else f.CurA = f.CurA - da
        End If
    End If
    FlipAngle = f.CurA
End Function

Sub SetFlipperRadii
    Dim i, f
    f = (BaseR - TipR) / FLen
    For i = 0 To FLen
        LFC(i).r = BaseR - i * f
        RFC(i).r = LFC(i).r
End Sub

Sub DrawFlipper (f As FlipperType)
    ' setup to drawLink
    Dim ang, i
    ang = FlipAngle(f)
    For i = 0 To FLen
        If f.LeftFlipTF Then
            LFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
            LFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
            FC3 LFC(i).x, LFC(i).y, LFC(i).r, &HFFAA8800
            RFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
            RFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
            FC3 RFC(i).x, RFC(i).y, RFC(i).r, &HFFAA8800
        End If
    For i = 0 To FLen
        If f.LeftFlipTF Then
            LFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
            LFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
            FC3 LFC(i).x, LFC(i).y, LFC(i).r - 5, &HFFFFFFFF
            RFC(i).x = f.baseX + i * Cos(ang)
            RFC(i).y = f.baseY + i * Sin(ang)
            FC3 RFC(i).x, RFC(i).y, RFC(i).r - 5, &HFFFFFFFF
        End If
End Sub

Sub FC3 (cx As Long, cy As Long, r As Long, clr~&) ' no suffix punctuation use the Global Default Type as Long or Single or Double
    Dim As Long r2, x, y ' for Option _Explicit
    If r < 1 Then Exit Sub
    Line (cx - r, cy)-(cx + r, cy), clr~&, BF
    r2 = r * r
        y = y + 1
        x = Sqr(r2 - y * y)
        Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr~&, BF
        Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), clr~&, BF
    Loop Until y = r
End Sub

Sub drawBall (x, y, r, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim rred As Long, grn As Long, blu As Long, rr As Long, f
    rred = _Red32(c): grn = _Green32(c): blu = _Blue32(c)
    For rr = r To 0 Step -1
        f = 1 - Sin(rr / r) ' thank OldMoses for Sin ;-))
        FC3 x, y, rr, _RGB32(rred * f, grn * f, blu * f)
End Sub
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
Pinball - by bplus - 11-22-2024, 09:22 PM
RE: Pinball - by PhilOfPerth - 11-22-2024, 10:50 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-22-2024, 11:07 PM
RE: Pinball - by NakedApe - 11-22-2024, 11:34 PM
RE: Pinball - by SierraKen - 11-23-2024, 05:59 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-23-2024, 06:12 PM
RE: Pinball - by SierraKen - 11-23-2024, 10:40 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-23-2024, 11:41 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-24-2024, 05:33 AM
RE: Pinball - by Pete - 11-24-2024, 06:18 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-24-2024, 07:17 PM
RE: Pinball - by SierraKen - 11-24-2024, 08:24 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-24-2024, 08:43 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-24-2024, 09:45 PM
RE: Pinball - by SierraKen - 11-25-2024, 02:45 AM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-25-2024, 02:04 PM
RE: Pinball - by grymmjack - 11-25-2024, 03:11 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-25-2024, 04:40 PM
RE: Pinball - by SierraKen - 11-25-2024, 09:34 PM
RE: Pinball - by bplus - 11-25-2024, 11:17 PM
RE: Pinball - by SierraKen - Yesterday, 12:33 AM
RE: Pinball - by PhilOfPerth - Yesterday, 04:42 AM

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