Now let's see a SCREEN 0 example!!!
Actually that's the one thing I haven't yet coded in SCREEN 0, a lateral scroll routine. The IDE uses one, which I presume is written in SCREEN 0.
Hmm, with arrays it's pretty easy...
Use arrow left and right keys to laterally scroll the text on the screen.
Now if the text is a single variable with line breaks, that would require a slightly different approach.
Anyway, not goof proofed so if you remove the remark at the _clipboard option just be sure you copy enough text to cover 20 or more lines. This is just what I would start out with a s way of displaying and horizontally scrolling text in SCREEN 0.
Actually that's the one thing I haven't yet coded in SCREEN 0, a lateral scroll routine. The IDE uses one, which I presume is written in SCREEN 0.
Hmm, with arrays it's pretty easy...
Use arrow left and right keys to laterally scroll the text on the screen.
Code: (Select All)
ReDim l$(20)
For h = 1 To 20
For i = 1 To Rnd * 50 + 60
j = Int(Rnd * 10 + 48)
l$ = l$ + Chr$(j)
If Int(Rnd * 7) = 1 And Right$(l$, 1) <> " " Then l$ = l$ + " "
l$(h) = l$: l$ = ""
k = 1
For i = 1 To 20
Locate i, 1:
a$ = Space$(_Width)
Mid$(a$, 1) = Mid$(l$(i), k, _Width)
Print a$;
_Limit 60
b$ = InKey$
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(27): End
Case Chr$(0) + "K"
If k > 0 Then k = k - 1: Exit Do
Case Chr$(0) + "M"
k = k + 1: Exit Do
End Select
Now if the text is a single variable with line breaks, that would require a slightly different approach.
Code: (Select All)
Width 80, 25
_ScreenMove _Middle
For h = 1 To 20
For i = 1 To Rnd * 50 + 60
j = Int(Rnd * 10 + 48)
a$ = a$ + Chr$(j)
If Int(Rnd * 7) = 1 And Right$(a$, 1) <> " " Then a$ = a$ + " "
a$ = a$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Rem a$ = _Clipboard$
seed = 1
For i = 1 To 20
Locate i, 1
a1$ = Mid$(a$, seed, _Width + k)
If k < InStr(a1$ + Chr$(13), Chr$(13)) Then a1$ = Mid$(a1$, k + 1) Else a1$ = ""
If InStr(a1$, Chr$(13)) Then a1$ = Mid$(a1$, 1, InStr(a1$, Chr$(13)) - 1)
x$ = Space$(_Width)
Mid$(x$, 1) = a1$
Print x$;
seed = InStr(seed, a$, Chr$(13)) + 2
_Limit 60
b$ = InKey$
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(27): End
Case Chr$(0) + "K"
If k > 0 Then k = k - 1: Exit Do
Case Chr$(0) + "M"
k = k + 1: Exit Do
End Select
Anyway, not goof proofed so if you remove the remark at the _clipboard option just be sure you copy enough text to cover 20 or more lines. This is just what I would start out with a s way of displaying and horizontally scrolling text in SCREEN 0.
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.