12-04-2024, 02:41 AM
Here a camera/scenario with hero
and here the hero moving on the scrolling of background made by tiles
This is the 7th step of the tutorial and it goes beyond the goal to make a scrolling background and it shows how to render character (so also for obstacles, goods and enemies) on a moving background.
I thank @Bplus for the feedback to give me the stimulus to go on with this basical tutorial.
Code: (Select All)
Rem demonstration of scrolling of a camera (little view) on a scenario (Total view)
' global variables
Dim Scenario As Long, Camera As Long
Dim d As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, Sw As Integer, Sh As Integer, Cw As Integer, Ch As Integer
Dim k As String
' initialization
Sw = 1200
Sh = 800
Cw = 200
Ch = 200
x = 1
y = 1
k = ""
Randomize Timer
Scenario = _NewImage(Sw, Sh, 32)
Camera = _NewImage(Cw, Ch, 32)
Screen Camera
_Title "A demonstration of scrolling of a camera on a scenario"
' creating the scenario
_Dest Scenario
For a = 1 To 100
Line (Rnd * Sw, Rnd * Sh)-(Rnd * Sw, Rnd * Sh), _RGBA32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, 255), B
Next a
_Dest Scr
a = 1
While k <> "Q"
k = UCase$(InKey$)
If k = "W" Then y = y - 1
If k = "S" Then y = y + 1
If k = "A" Then x = x - 1
If k = "D" Then x = x + 1
a = a * -1
If x < 1 Then x = 1
If x > (Sw - Cw) Then x = Sw - Cw
If y < 1 Then y = 1
If y > (Sh - Ch) Then y = Sh - Ch
_PutImage (1, 1), Scenario, Camera, (x, y)-(Cw + x, Ch + y)
MakeHero x, Ch + y - 60, a
_PrintString (1, 1), "Use WASD to move camera"
_PrintString (1, 18), "Q to quit"
_Limit 100
Sub MakeHero (X As Integer, Y As Integer, status As Integer)
If X > _Width - 40 Then X = _Width - 40
If Y > _Height - 60 Then Y = _Height - 60
Line (X + 20, Y)-(X, Y + 40), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Line (X + 20, Y)-(X + 40, Y + 40), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Line (X, Y + 40)-(X + 40, Y + 40), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Paint (X + 20, Y + 20), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Circle (X + 10, Y + 30), 5, _RGBA32(255, 6, 6, 255)
Circle (X + 30, Y + 30), 5, _RGBA32(255, 6, 6, 255)
If status = 1 Then
Line (X + 15, Y + 40)-(X + 20, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
Line (X + 30, Y + 40)-(X + 35, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
ElseIf status = -1 Then
Line (X + 10, Y + 40)-(X + 15, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
Line (X + 25, Y + 40)-(X + 30, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
End If
End Sub
and here the hero moving on the scrolling of background made by tiles
Code: (Select All)
Rem Demonstration of scrolling towards right or left of the background
Rem STEP 7 adding a character on the background scrolling towards right /left & down/up in loop
' Global variables' declaration
Dim Back As Long, Scr As Long, x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer
Dim i As Integer, k As String, dx As Integer, dy As Integer, O As Integer, V As Integer, S As Integer
Dim Hx As Integer, Hy As Integer, M As Integer
_Title " Demo of background scrolling with character: step 7" ' title on the titlebar of the application
' variables' initialization
w = 800: h = 600
y = 1
x = 1
Scr = _NewImage(w, h, 32)
Back = _NewImage(w, h, 32)
dx = 1
dy = 1
S = 1
O = 1
V = 1
M = 1
Hx = 1
Hy = h - 60
Randomize Timer ' it starts the random generator of number
Screen Scr ' it creates window of the application
_Dest Back ' it sets the surface as destination of graphic output
' it draws a background by using a FOR loop with graphic instructions (LINE and _RGBA)
For i = 1 To 100
Line ((Rnd * (780) + 10), Rnd * (580) + 10)-(Rnd * (780) + 10, Rnd * (580) + 10), _RGBA32(Rnd * (255), Rnd * (255), Rnd * (255), 255), B
Next i
_Dest 0 ' it sets the surface of destination of graphic output as the window of the application
' it manages the keyboard input of user and the scrolling background
While k <> "Q"
k = UCase$(InKey$) ' it takes the input from keyboard
Cls 'it clears previous screen
_PutImage (x, y), Back, Scr 'it paints screen now
_PutImage (x - w, y), Back, Scr ' it completes the background on the left side
_PutImage (x, y - h), Back, Scr ' it completes the background on the upper side
_PutImage (x - w, y - h), Back, Scr ' it completes the background on the upper side
_PrintString (1, 1), "Press Q to quit program, S to stop/start demo, R to reverse directions" ' it shows instruction for user on the screen
_PrintString (1, 20), " O stop/start horizontal scrolling, V stop/start vertical scrolling"
MakeHero Hx, Hy, M
M = M * -1
' it starts/stops the scrolling
If k = "S" Then S = S * -1
If k = "R" Then
' it changes only scrolling activated
If O > 0 Then dx = dx * -1
If V > 0 Then dy = dy * -1
' it changes the direction of scrolling +1 = to right to bottom/ -1 = to left to up
End If
If k = "O" Then O = O * -1 'it sets the status of horizontal scrolling
If k = "V" Then V = V * -1 ' it sets the status of vertical scrolling
If S > 0 And O > 0 Then x = x + dx: Hx = Hx + dx ' it scrolls only horizontal
If S > 0 And V > 0 Then y = y + dy: Hy = Hy + dy ' it scrolls only vertical
If dx > 0 And x > w Then x = 1 ' it corrects x when it is over w and scrolling is to right
If dx < 0 And x < 1 Then x = w ' it corrects x when it is under 1 and scrolling is to left
If dy > 0 And y > h Then y = 1 ' it corrects y when it is over h and scrolling is to down
If dy < 0 And y < 1 Then y = h ' it corrects when it is under 1 and scrolling is to up
If Hx > w - 40 Then Hx = w - 40
If Hx < 1 Then Hx = 1
If Hy > h - 60 Then Hy = h - 60
If Hy < 1 Then Hy = 1
_Display ' it forces hardware to show image
_Limit 100 ' it reduces the number of cycles of CPU used by this application
Sub MakeHero (X As Integer, Y As Integer, status As Integer)
If X > _Width - 40 Then X = _Width - 40
If Y > _Height - 60 Then Y = _Height - 60
Line (X + 20, Y)-(X, Y + 40), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Line (X + 20, Y)-(X + 40, Y + 40), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Line (X, Y + 40)-(X + 40, Y + 40), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Paint (X + 20, Y + 20), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255), _RGBA32(127, 60, 227, 255)
Circle (X + 10, Y + 30), 5, _RGBA32(255, 6, 6, 255)
Circle (X + 30, Y + 30), 5, _RGBA32(255, 6, 6, 255)
If status = 1 Then
Line (X + 15, Y + 40)-(X + 20, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
Line (X + 30, Y + 40)-(X + 35, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
ElseIf status = -1 Then
Line (X + 10, Y + 40)-(X + 15, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
Line (X + 25, Y + 40)-(X + 30, Y + 60), _RGBA(127, 60, 227, 255), BF
End If
End Sub
This is the 7th step of the tutorial and it goes beyond the goal to make a scrolling background and it shows how to render character (so also for obstacles, goods and enemies) on a moving background.
I thank @Bplus for the feedback to give me the stimulus to go on with this basical tutorial.