12-04-2024, 05:26 AM
From Tempo's SCREEN 0 code...
Minor modifications made for my purposes, only. I like this. From the old days, we couldn't get away with printing each character at a time. Too slow and you had to use PCOPY to remove flickering. In QB64 it's fast enough and _Display kills the flickering.
I'll give it a +2 because 1, it was made by another Italian, and 2, well it's in SCREEN 0!
Code: (Select All)
Width 80, 25 ' screen 0 only text 80 columns for 25 rows
_ControlChr Off
_Title "Scrolling text in SCREEN 0 with arrow keys"
Dim Row As String, Text(1 To 40) As String, cText(1 To 255, 1 To 40) As Integer, a As Integer, b As Integer, R As Integer, C As Integer
' initialization
' it builds a string of 255 characters
For a = 1 To 255
Row = Row + Chr$(a)
Next a
' it builds 40 rows of 255 characters for row
For a = 1 To 40
Text(a) = Right$(Row, a + 10) + Left$(Row, 255 - a - 10)
For b = 1 To 255
cText(b, a) = (b * a) Mod 7
Next b
Next a
R = 1
C = 1
While -1
_Limit 30
Row = UCase$(InKey$)
If Len(Row) = 2 Then
Select Case InStr("HPKM", Mid$(Row, 2, 1))
Case 1: R = R - 1
Case 2: R = R + 1
Case 3: C = C - 1
Case 4: C = C + 1
End Select
End If
If R = oldr And C = oldc Then _Continue
oldr = R: oldc = C
Cls , 0
For a = 0 To 24
Locate a + 1, 1
If (a + R) < 41 And (a + R) > 0 Then
For b = 1 To 80
If (C + b - 1 < 256) And (C + b - 1 > 0) Then
Color , cText(C + b - 1, a + R)
Print Mid$(Text(a + R), C + b - 1, 1);
Color , 0
Print " ";
End If
Next b
End If
Minor modifications made for my purposes, only. I like this. From the old days, we couldn't get away with printing each character at a time. Too slow and you had to use PCOPY to remove flickering. In QB64 it's fast enough and _Display kills the flickering.
I'll give it a +2 because 1, it was made by another Italian, and 2, well it's in SCREEN 0!