Awesome stuff guys! A couple days ago I found out how to make a 5 sided star. But I've also wanted to make the user be able to add as many points as they wish. I tried and tried but since I don't know a lot of math, I used Chat GPT and got this.
Macalwen, you might want to look at this code and see the explanations if you want to make pointed stars. I use this kind of math for different graphics and my clocks. But since I don't know how they actually work, I just copy the code to each thing I use. I also like experimenting with the numbers, variables, and equations. But I do like the way you did yours with the circles!
B+, as usual, I am amazed.
Macalwen, you might want to look at this code and see the explanations if you want to make pointed stars. I use this kind of math for different graphics and my clocks. But since I don't know how they actually work, I just copy the code to each thing I use. I also like experimenting with the numbers, variables, and equations. But I do like the way you did yours with the circles!

B+, as usual, I am amazed.

Code: (Select All)
'This was created using Chat GPT with a tiny bit added by SierraKen.
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32) ' Set graphics mode
Cls ' Clear screen
' Get user input for the number of spikes
Input "Enter the number of spikes for the star (5 or more): "; numSpikes
If numSpikes > 10000 Then
Print "The number of spikes cannot be more than 10000, using 10000 spikes instead"
numSpikes = 10000
End If
' Validate the input to ensure it's at least 5
If numSpikes < 5 Then
Print "The number of spikes must be at least 5. Using 5 spikes instead."
numSpikes = 5
End If
' Define the center of the star
cx = 400
cy = 300
'Define Pi
Pi = _Pi
' Define the size of the star
size = 200
' Calculate the angle between each point
angleStep = 360 / numSpikes
' Initialize an array to store the points of the star
Dim pointsX(numSpikes)
Dim pointsY(numSpikes)
' Loop to calculate the coordinates of each point
For i = 0 To numSpikes - 1
angle = i * angleStep
pointsX(i) = cx + size * Cos(angle * Pi / 180)
pointsY(i) = cy - size * Sin(angle * Pi / 180)
' Draw the lines connecting the points to form the star
For i = 0 To numSpikes - 1
' Connect the current point to the next one, wrapping around at the end
Line (pointsX(i), pointsY(i))-(pointsX((i + 2) Mod numSpikes), pointsY((i + 2) Mod numSpikes)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
Locate 35, 5: Input "Again (Y/N): ", ag$
If Left$(ag$, 1) = "y" Or Left$(ag$, 1) = "Y" Then GoTo start: