12-14-2024, 11:28 AM
Hey man thanks for remembering us the use of _MEM, the QB64pe pointers.
So, as I got some time to spend into this features I go on with your demo.
It is fantastic! What can I modify to be nearest to _MEM logic?
Yes filling the screen using the same _MEM functions.
And ,TADA, here it is
So thanks, you have brought me to understand (o to remember?)how characters are stored into screen 0 memory.
I hope you like it.
Hey man thanks for remembering us the use of _MEM, the QB64pe pointers.
So, as I got some time to spend into this features I go on with your demo.
It is fantastic! What can I modify to be nearest to _MEM logic?
Yes filling the screen using the same _MEM functions.
And ,TADA, here it is
So thanks, you have brought me to understand (o to remember?)how characters are stored into screen 0 memory.
I hope you like it.
Code: (Select All)
_ControlChr Off
Dim Shared As Long Display, Widescreen
Display = _NewImage(120, 30, 0)
Widescreen = _NewImage(360, 90, 0) '3 times the display size.
Screen Display
_Dest Widescreen
Dim m As _MEM ' our MEM pointer
m = _MemImage(Widescreen)
'Fill the widescreen with some text
' il colore in memoria e' conservato come ASCII con valore del risultato di questa formula Fg+(Fg*Bg)+Bg
' ogni carattere usa 2 byte il primo e' il carattere il secondo e' il valore per colore primo piano e colore sfondo
For c = 1 To 3
For d = 1 To 30
finalLine$ = ""
base$ = Line120$(d)
finalLine$ = RawLine120$(base$, ColorText(15 - c, 7 - c)) + RawLine120$(base$, ColorText(15 - (c + 1), 7 - (c + 3))) + RawLine120$(base$, ColorText(15 - (c + 2), 7 - (c + 4)))
_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + ((d - 1) * 720) + ((c - 1) * 720 * 30), finalLine$
Next d
Next c
_MemFree m
'---------------> the PRINT method used in the original code<----------------------
''For xframe = 0 To 2
'' For yframe = 0 To 2
'' c = c + 1
'' For y = 1 To 30
'' Color 15 - c, c
'' Locate yframe * 30 + y, xframe * 120 + 1
'' p$ = Str$(y) + ") LINE NUMBER #" + Str$(y) + Space$(120)
'' p$ = Left$(p$, 120)
'' Print p$;
'' Next
'' Next
xstart = 1: ystart = 1
While _MouseInput: Wend
If _MouseX <= 3 Then xstart = xstart - 1
If _MouseX >= 118 Then xstart = xstart + 1
If _MouseY <= 3 Then ystart = ystart - 1
If _MouseY >= 28 Then ystart = ystart + 1
If xstart < 1 Then xstart = 1
If ystart < 1 Then ystart = 1
If xstart > 241 Then xstart = 241
If ystart > 61 Then ystart = 61
PutZero xstart, ystart
_Limit 30
Loop Until _KeyHit
Sub PutZero (xstart, ystart)
Dim As _MEM m(1)
m(0) = _MemImage(Display)
m(1) = _MemImage(Widescreen)
Dim As _Integer64 yOffset, xOffset, y
yOffset = (ystart - 1) * 720
xOffset = (xstart - 1) * 2
Dim temp As String * 240
For y = 0 To 29
_MemGet m(1), m(1).OFFSET + yOffset + y * 720 + xOffset, temp
_MemPut m(0), m(0).OFFSET + y * 240, temp
_MemFree m(0)
_MemFree m(1)
End Sub
' NEWCODE for filling the video screen memory
Function ColorText (Fg As Integer, Bg As Integer)
ColorText = Fg + (Fg * Bg) + Bg
End Function
Function Line120$ (a As Integer)
p$ = Str$(a) + ") LINE NUMBER #" + Str$(a) + Space$(120)
p$ = Left$(p$, 120)
Line120$ = p$
End Function
Function RawLine120$ (a As String, b As Integer)
For c = 1 To Len(a)
t$ = t$ + Chr$(Asc(a, c)) + Chr$(b)
Next c
RawLine120$ = t$
End Function