Yes same amount of bytes for each record which could be divided into fields numeric type and/or fixed length strings.
We did setup an RA for Dictionary words and definitions for PhilOfPerth, simple word and definition per record, try search?
Oh I might have quickie example:
We did setup an RA for Dictionary words and definitions for PhilOfPerth, simple word and definition per record, try search?
Oh I might have quickie example:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "UDT to Random Access File Test" ' b+ 2021-12-24
Type Image
As String * 255 Text, FileName
As Long SzX, SzY, PosX, PosY
End Type
Const SW = 1000, SH = 700
ReDim As Image TheItem(1 To 100), TheRecord
TheItem(1).Text = FakeText$(255)
TheItem(1).FileName = FakeText$(255)
Print TheItem(1).Text
Print Len(TheItem(1).Text)
Print TheItem(1).FileName
Print Len(TheItem(1).FileName)
Print "zzz"
'make fake data to file
For i = 1 To 100
TheItem(i).Text = FakeText$(255)
TheItem(i).SzX = 100 + Rnd * 20
TheItem(i).SzY = 70 + Rnd * 14
TheItem(i).PosX = Rnd * (SW - TheItem(i).SzX)
TheItem(i).PosY = Rnd * (SH - TheItem(i).SzY)
TheItem(i).FileName = FakeText$(255)
Open "Data Dump.RA" For Random As #1 Len = Len(TheRecord)
For i = 1 To 100
'odious and tedious is this
TheRecord.Text = TheItem(i).Text
TheRecord.SzX = TheItem(i).SzX
TheRecord.SzY = TheItem(i).SzY
TheRecord.PosX = TheItem(i).PosX
TheRecord.PosY = TheItem(i).PosY
TheRecord.FileName = TheItem(i).FileName
Put #1, , TheRecord
Close #1
Print "Data File Ready"
' OK we got data filed! Now can we get it back
Open "Data Dump.RA" For Random As #1 Len = Len(TheRecord)
For i = 1 To 100
Get #1, i, TheRecord
Print "Record Number:"; i
Print "Text: "; TheRecord.Text
Print "SzX:"; TheRecord.SzX
Print "SzY:"; TheRecord.SzY
Print "PosX:"; TheRecord.PosX
Print "PosY:"; TheRecord.PosY
Print "FileName:"; TheRecord.FileName
Print " zzz..."
Close #1
Function FakeText$ (lengthh)
BlankString$ = Space$(lengthh)
fini = Int(Rnd * 255) + 1
For i = 1 To fini
Mid$(BlankString$, i, 1) = Chr$(Rnd * (96 - 32) + 32)
FakeText$ = BlankString$
End Function
b = b + ...