Total commander sees the unicode special characters. Power shell or dir does not. Did all the above and was able to change the cmd prompt links on my desktop to use Lucida Console Font. All shell captures did not work. Even the desktop cmd links links opened did not sees the special characters.
I did find every invocation of cmd.exe and maybe power shell uses the location or short cut link to define what font is used. re: cmd.exe in windows directory uses default font. Change to lucida, then loads lucida next execution. But execute a unmodified desktop link, it's back to normal.
I found using lucida or even utf-8 is not the problem. The correct code page must be used before displaying the character. Total commander seems to realize this and adjusts it's display. Even for korean, Chinese, Japanese and English etc ... all in one directory.
This is one stubborn problem.
----------------- investigation of registry------------
default font is defined by keys in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console
Under the string keyname: FaceName is the default font used.
Each key located in Console is unique to it's start location. I can have any number of cmd.exe links defined with a different font/codepage to each one.
Still a stubborn problem
I did find every invocation of cmd.exe and maybe power shell uses the location or short cut link to define what font is used. re: cmd.exe in windows directory uses default font. Change to lucida, then loads lucida next execution. But execute a unmodified desktop link, it's back to normal.
I found using lucida or even utf-8 is not the problem. The correct code page must be used before displaying the character. Total commander seems to realize this and adjusts it's display. Even for korean, Chinese, Japanese and English etc ... all in one directory.
This is one stubborn problem.
----------------- investigation of registry------------
default font is defined by keys in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console
Under the string keyname: FaceName is the default font used.
Each key located in Console is unique to it's start location. I can have any number of cmd.exe links defined with a different font/codepage to each one.
Still a stubborn problem