Edit: Woops, I just realized you guys were talking about non-graphical screens, oh well. People that use graphical screens can use mine.
I've been wanting one of these for awhile. So I just tried to make my own using _PRINTSTRING and it works great! I also happened to find an example one in the Wiki pages when I was looking up Width, but I like mine.
This will center the text you type from the INPUT to the center of the screen. It also asks you if you want it centered by height or not. If not, it will ask you what height pixel you wish to use.
This isn't a SUB, but you could easily make it into one if you wish to.
I've been wanting one of these for awhile. So I just tried to make my own using _PRINTSTRING and it works great! I also happened to find an example one in the Wiki pages when I was looking up Width, but I like mine.
This will center the text you type from the INPUT to the center of the screen. It also asks you if you want it centered by height or not. If not, it will ask you what height pixel you wish to use.
This isn't a SUB, but you could easily make it into one if you wish to.
Code: (Select All)
'This will center text in the middle of the screen.
Dim a As Long
height = 0
ht = 0
a& = _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Screen a&
Input "Print text to center -> ", a$
Input "Do you also want it centered by height (Y/N) ", yn$
If Left$(yn$, 1) = "Y" Or Left$(yn$, 1) = "y" Then
height = 1
Print "Screen height: ", _Height(a&)
Input "Type a height pixel here for text: ", ht
End If
aa = Len(a$)
bb = aa * 8
w = _Width(a&)
l = _Height(a&)
center = w / 2
halfbb = center - (bb / 2)
If height = 1 Then
_PrintString (halfbb, l / 2), a$
_PrintString (halfbb, ht), a$
End If
Locate 35, 1: Input "Again (Y/N) ", ag$
If Left$(ag$, 1) = "y" Or Left$(ag$, 1) = "Y" Then GoTo start: