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fast file find with wildcards, optional date range, match # bytes, binary compare?
Not bad, amigo! I think that does beat Steve's speed. I can't find the post on the old forums where he and I duked it out over this. His direntry.h was faster on smaller directories but slowed down considerably in larger ones. PowerShell kicked ass in big directories. The algorithm that PowerShell uses is technically faster than direntry.h at all times, but the slowdown happened due to including the time to call it from QB64.

I didn't find the one I was looking for but I did find this:

It would have been even faster if I had added "-NoProfile" to my PowerShell call.
The noticing will continue

Messages In This Thread
RE: fast file find with wildcards, optional date range, match # bytes, binary compare? - by SpriggsySpriggs - 12-19-2024, 03:00 PM

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