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using libpari
here's small demo on how you can use libpari
this demo show but a tiny bit of what you can do with the lib
note, some functions will only work on a real console window hence my use of $Console:Only and _Dest _Console
attached below is the libpari dll if you don't want to install Pari/gp
Code: (Select All)
_Title "libpari-demo"
_Dest _Console

Declare Dynamic Library "libpari"
    Sub pari_init (ByVal parisize~&&, Byval maxprime~&&)
    Sub pari_close()
    Sub pari_print_version ()
    Function setdefault~&& (s As String, v As String, Byval flag&&)
    Function strtoGENstr~&& (s As String)
    Function setrealprecision&& (ByVal n&&, prec&&)
    Function GENtostr$ (ByVal x~&&)
    Function geval~&& (ByVal x~&&)
    Sub outmat (ByVal x~&&)
    Function gp_input~&& ()
    Function stoi~&& (ByVal x&&)
    Function abscmpiu& (ByVal x~&&, Byval y As _Unsigned _Integer64)
    Function abscmpui& (ByVal x As _Unsigned _Integer64, Byval y~&&)
    Function absequaliu& (ByVal x~&&, Byval y As _Unsigned _Integer64)
    Function gequal& (ByVal x~&&, Byval y~&&)
    Function gcmp& (ByVal x~&&, Byval y~&&)
End Declare

Dim As _Unsigned _Integer64 a, b, c, d, e, f
Dim As String s1, s2, s3
Dim As _Integer64 flag, prec

pari_init 80000000, 500000
prec = setrealprecision(50, prec)
s1 = "seriesprecision" + Chr$(0): s2 = "12" + Chr$(0)
f = setdefault(s1, s2, flag)
s1 = "fibonacci(300)" + Chr$(0)
a = strtoGENstr(s1) 'convert to GEN string
b = geval(a) 'eval the string in a
'outmat b
s3 = GENtostr(b) 'convert GEN to string
Print "fibonacci(300) = "; s3

s1 = "50!" + Chr$(0)
a = strtoGENstr(s1) 'convert to GEN string
b = geval(a) 'eval the string in a
'outmat b
s3 = GENtostr(b) 'convert GEN to string
Print "50! = "; s3

s1 = "sin(x)" + Chr$(0)
a = strtoGENstr(s1) 'convert to GEN string
b = geval(a) 'eval the string in a
'outmat b
s3 = GENtostr(b)
Print "sin(x) = "; s3

Print "evaluate a tiny program: for(i=2, 10, print(sqrt(i)))"
s1 = "for(i=2, 10, print(sqrt(i)))" + Chr$(0)
a = strtoGENstr(s1)
c = geval(a)
Print "enter an expression or simply press return to exit the loop"

s1 = " "
While s1 <> ""
    Input "enter an expression ", s1
    s2 = s1 + Chr$(0)
    c = strtoGENstr(s2)
    a = geval(c)
    outmat a

'Print "enter an A ";: a = gp_input
'Print "enter an B ";: b = gp_input
'Print gequal(a, b)
'Print gcmp(a, b)
'Print abscmpiu(a, 0)
'Print abscmpui(0, a)
'Print absequaliu(a, 0)

s1 = "plot(x=-Pi,Pi,sin(x))" + Chr$(0)
a = strtoGENstr(s1) 'convert to GEN string
Print "sin(x) = ";
b = geval(a) 'eval the string in a

Code: (Select All)
                                      GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.13.4 (released)
                              amd64 running mingw (x86-64/GMP-6.1.2 kernel) 64-bit version
                              compiled: Mar 25 2022, gcc version 8.3-posix 20190406 (GCC)
                                                threading engine: single
                                    (readline v8.0 disabled, extended help enabled)

fibonacci(300) = 222232244629420445529739893461909967206666939096499764990979600
50! = 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000
sin(x) = x - 1/6*x^3 + 1/120*x^5 - 1/5040*x^7 + 1/362880*x^9 - 1/39916800*x^11 + O(x^13)
evaluate a tiny program: for(i=2, 10, print(sqrt(i)))
[edit] the plot looked real bad in the post

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 4.33 MB / Downloads: 71)

Messages In This Thread
using libpari - by Jack - 06-10-2022, 04:03 AM
RE: using libpari - by Ed Davis - 09-05-2023, 09:39 PM
RE: using libpari - by Jack - 09-05-2023, 10:00 PM
RE: using libpari - by grymmjack - 09-06-2023, 12:03 AM
RE: using libpari - by Jack - 09-06-2023, 01:46 AM

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