I've used this semaphore to communicate between dozen instances.
Just start multiple times and type something in one of the instances...
Just start multiple times and type something in one of the instances...
Code: (Select All)
Const SEMFILE = "~semaphore."
n% = n% + 1
Loop Until Not _FileExists(SEMFILE + _ToStr$(n%))
_Title "Semaphore " + _ToStr$(n%)
Open SEMFILE + _ToStr$(n%) For Binary Access Write As #1
_Limit 100
o% = 1
Do While _FileExists(SEMFILE + _ToStr$(o%))
If o% <> n% Then
r$ = sread$(o%)
If r$ <> "" Then Print o%; r$
End If
o% = o% + 1
_Title "Semaphore " + _ToStr$(n%) + "/" + _ToStr$(o% - 1)
Select Case k$
Case Chr$(27)
Exit Do
Case "l"
swrite "this is a line, this is a line, this is a line !!!"
Case Else
swrite k$
End Select
k$ = InKey$
Close #1
Kill SEMFILE + _ToStr$(n%)
Sub swrite (k$)
Put #1, , k$
End Sub
Function sread$ (o%)
Static ps&(1000)
Open SEMFILE + _ToStr$(o%) For Binary Access Read As #2
new& = LOF(2) - ps&(o%)
If new& > 0 Then
k$ = Space$(new&)
Get #2, ps&(o%) + 1, k$
ps&(o%) = ps&(o%) + new&
sread$ = k$
End If
Close #2
End Function
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience