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What do you guys like to use for mouse mapping?

I like unwrapping presents Christmas morning!

Nice effects, even though it's not SCREEN 0.

Want to bullet proof it? What I mean is, as coded, it fails if you pick a box like 46 but hold the left mouse button down for a few seconds. It will issue a message you clicked outside the box because it thinks you are clicking still on box 46. When you click OK, all subsequent clicks will be met with repeated looping outside the box error messages.

Check out the slight mouse revisions (see ----) dashes and the (2) remarked 'REMOVE' statements needed to fix the mouse held down issue.

Triggers on left mouse button depressed. Change mb value to = 2 for trigger on left mouse click released.
Code: (Select All)

Option _Explicit '                                            no typos for variables if you please
_Title "Drop Menu more 2 function test" '                                            b+ 2023-06-27
'                                                                      Instigated by Dimster here:
'    More! = 1. Highlite mouse overs  2. Handle extra long menu descriptions up to .5 screen width
'              So sorry Ultraman, no tool tips but extra long descriptions is better than nutt'n.

Const ButtonW = 100, ButtonH = 20 '                  basic rectangle size for title of menu panel
Type BoxType '                                            to be used for MouseZone click checking
    As String Label '                                                                  menu title
    As Long LeftX, TopY, BoxW, BoxH '                  left most, top most , box width, box height
End Type

Dim Shared As Integer NBoxes '                                          setting up a demo in main
NBoxes = 72 '                                                    exorbinant amount of menu titles
Dim Shared Boxes(1 To NBoxes) As BoxType '                    data array for positions and labels
Dim As Integer i, x, y, mz, nItems, choice '        index, positions, menu count, choice selected
ReDim menu$(1 To 1) '                                    dynamic array to store quick menu's into
Dim s$ '                                                                        a string variable

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32) '                                                      screen stuff
_ScreenMove 250, 50 '  somewhere in middle of my laptop, you may prefer to change for your screen
_PrintMode _KeepBackground '                              preserve background when printing stuff
Cls '                                          so we have solid black background for image saving

x = 0: y = 0 '                        set up boxes                  x, y for top left box corner
For i = 1 To NBoxes
    Boxes(i).Label = "Box" + Str$(i) '                                            quick menu title
    Boxes(i).LeftX = x: Boxes(i).TopY = y '                                        top left corner
    Boxes(i).BoxW = ButtonW '                                        width to constant set for all
    Boxes(i).BoxH = ButtonH '                                      height to constant set for all
    If (x + 2 * ButtonW) > _Width Then '          spread out the menu titles left right, top down
        x = 0: y = y + ButtonH '                    next title didn't fit across so start new row
        x = x + ButtonW '                                                        fits going across
    End If
    DrawTitleBox i '                                                    draw the menu title panel

    mz = MouseZone% '                          reports which menu panel has been clicked and mouse
    If mz Then '                              quick make up a list of items for the menu title box
        nItems = Int(Rnd * 10) + 1 '                                pick random 1 to 10 inclusive
        ReDim menu$(1 To nItems) '                                          resize menu$ by nItems
        For i = 1 To nItems '                                          menu option and description
            s$ = "Box" + Str$(mz) + " Menu Item:" + Str$(i) '              still needs to be less
            s$ = s$ + " with extra, extra, long description." '              than .5 screen width
            menu$(i) = s$ '                        item is described with fairly good width to it
        Next '                                                      his was alternate to tool tips
        choice = getButtonNumberChoice%(Boxes(mz).LeftX, Boxes(mz).TopY, menu$())
        If choice = 0 Then s$ = "You quit menu by clicking outside of it." Else s$ = menu$(choice)
        _MessageBox "Drop Menu Test", "Your Menu Choice was: " + s$, "info"
    End If
    _Limit 30
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

Sub DrawTitleBox (i) '                draw a box according to shared Boxes array then print label
    Line (Boxes(i).LeftX + 1, Boxes(i).TopY + 1)-Step(ButtonW - 2, ButtonH - 2), &HFF550088, BF
    Color &HFFFFFFFF
    _PrintString (Boxes(i).LeftX + (ButtonW - _PrintWidth(Boxes(i).Label)) / 2, _
    Boxes(i).TopY + ButtonH / 2 - 8), Boxes(i).Label
End Sub

Sub DrawChoiceBox (highliteTF%, leftX, topY, BoxW As Integer, S$) ' draw menu items for menu title
    If highliteTF% Then '                                reverse colors as mouse is over this item
        Line (leftX, topY)-Step(BoxW, ButtonH), &HFFAAAAAA, BF
        Color &HFF333333
        _PrintString (leftX + (BoxW - _PrintWidth(S$)) / 2, topY + ButtonH / 2 - 8), S$
        Line (leftX, topY)-Step(BoxW, ButtonH), &HFF333333, BF
        Color &HFFAAAAAA
        _PrintString (leftX + (BoxW - _PrintWidth(S$)) / 2, topY + ButtonH / 2 - 8), S$
    End If
    Line (leftX, topY)-Step(BoxW, ButtonH), &HFF000000, B '            draw black box around item
End Sub

Function MouseZone% '                  returns the Shared Boxes() index clicked or 0 none clicked
    '                      Set the following up in your Main code of app
    'Type BoxType '                                        to be used for mouse click checking
    '  As Long LeftX, TopY, BoxW, BoxH '            left most, top most, box width, box height
    'End Type
    'Dim Shared As Integer NBoxes
    'Dim Shared Boxes(1 To NBoxes) As BoxType

    Dim As Integer i, mb, mx, my
    Do '<------
        If mb > 0 Then
            If mb = 1 Then
                mb = -1
                mb = 0: Exit Do ' Mouse button cycle completed.
            End If
        End If
        While _MouseInput: Wend ' poll mouse
        ' REMOVE mb = _MouseButton(1) ' looking for left click
        If mb = -1 And _MouseButton(1) = 0 Then
            mb = 2
        End If
        If _MouseButton(1) Then
            If mb = 0 Then
                mb = 1
            End If
        End If
        If mb = 1 Then
            mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY '                                        get the mouse position
            For i = 1 To NBoxes '        see if its in a menu tile box from data in Shared Boxes array
                If mx > Boxes(i).LeftX And mx < Boxes(i).LeftX + Boxes(i).BoxW Then
                    If my > Boxes(i).TopY And my < Boxes(i).TopY + Boxes(i).BoxH Then
                        MouseZone% = i ' REMOVE Exit Function '                  yes a click in this box index
                    End If
                End If
        End If
    Loop '<------
End Function

Function getButtonNumberChoice% (BoxX As Integer, BoxY As Integer, choice$())
    '          This fucion uses Sub DrawChoiceBox (highliteTF%, leftX, topY, BoxW As Integer, S$)
    '                                    BoxX, BoxY are top left corner from the Menu Title Panel
    '                                          We will be drawing our Menu Items below that panel
    Dim As Integer ub, lb, b '          choice$() boundaries and an index, b, to run through items
    Dim As Integer longest '                            find the longest string length in choices
    Dim As Integer menuW, menuX '  use menuWidth and menuX start box side so long menu strings fit
    Dim As Integer mx, my, mb '                          mouse status of position and left button
    Dim As Long save '      we are saving the whole screen before drop down to redraw after click
    Dim As Long drawerDown '          save drawer down after animate dropping drawers for Dimster

    ub = UBound(choice$): lb = LBound(choice$) '                                  array boundaries
    For b = lb To ub '                                              find longest string in choice
        If Len(choice$(b)) > longest Then longest = Len(choice$(b))
    If (longest + 2) * 8 > ButtonW Then '          don't use default button Width string too long
        menuW = (longest + 2) * 8 '            calculate the needed width, up to half screen fits
        If BoxX < _Width / 2 - 3 Then '          -3 ?? wouldn't work right until took 3 off middle
            menuX = BoxX '                                  use the same left side of box to start
            menuX = BoxX + ButtonW - menuW '  right side box align minus menu width = x start box
        End If
        menuW = ButtonW '                use default sizes that fit nicely under menu title panel
        menuX = BoxX
    End If
    save = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32) '        save our beautiful screen before dropping menu
    _PutImage , 0, save

    '                                                        Animate dropping drawers for Dimster
    For b = lb To ub ' clear any previous highlites
        DrawChoiceBox 0, menuX, BoxY + b * ButtonH, menuW, choice$(b)
        _Limit 5
    drawerDown = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32) '    save our beautiful screen after dropping menu
    _PutImage , 0, drawerDown

    Do '                                                                until a mouse click occurs
        _PutImage , drawerDown, 0 '            actually this is better to clear screen with image
        While _MouseInput: Wend '                                                      poll mouse
        mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY: mb = _MouseButton(1)
        For b = lb To ub '                scan through the box dimension to see if mouse is in one
            If mx > menuX And mx <= menuX + menuW Then
                If my >= BoxY + b * ButtonH And my <= BoxY + b * ButtonH + ButtonH Then
                    If mb Then '                                                  item is clicked!
                        _PutImage , save, 0 '                            put image of screen back
                        _FreeImage save '                throw out screen image so no memory leak
                        _FreeImage drawerDown
                        '              delay before exit to give user time to release mouse button
                        '                              set function, restore autodisplay and exit
                        getButtonNumberChoice% = b: _Delay .25: _AutoDisplay: Exit Function
                        '          indicate mouse over this menu item! draw highlight in box = -1
                        DrawChoiceBox -1, menuX, BoxY + b * ButtonH, menuW, choice$(b)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        If mb Then '                                  there was a click outside the menu = cancel
            _PutImage , save, 0 '                          put image before dropdown draw back up
            _FreeImage save '                            leaving sub avoid memory leak, dump image
            _FreeImage drawerDown
            '                          delay before exit to give user time to release mouse button
            '                                          set function, restore autodisplay and exit
            getButtonNumberChoice% = 0: _Delay .25: _AutoDisplay: Exit Function
        End If
        _Display '    display was needed here to avoid blinking when redrawing the highlited item
        '_Limit 60
    Loop '                                                              until a mouse click occurs
End Function


Messages In This Thread
RE: What do you guys like to use for mouse mapping? - by Pete - Yesterday, 06:45 PM

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