I wouldn't use colons or slashes in the file name, Mac OS may have changed on what characters are allowed in file names
I wouldn't use colons or slashes in the file name, Mac OS may have changed on what characters are allowed in file names
Quote:When you use a slash in the file name, the actual file name doesn't contain the slash. Only displayed name (that is, the name you see in the Finder) contains the slash. The actual file name contains a colon [:].
Users have never been allowed to use colon in file names on Mac because it was - and still is - the path separator in HFS paths. So by using the illegal colon in the file name when you enter a slash, the system knows that the slash was entered by the user — and will interpret the colon accordingly.
Slash is the file separator in the Unix (POSIX) paths - which are the primary path types ever since OS X. Even though it's allowed in file names (for the reasons I explained in my post above), forward slash should NEVER be used in file names. Sooner or later it WILL cause problems - as you witness from this thread.
Many software titles may interpret forward slash for what it is - the path separator - which will lead to errors and other major headaches.