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Rock Jockey 2.0 is ready for action
madscijr: "Perhaps building in some control options so people who prefer to use just the keyboard or just the mouse or gamepad will open it up to more players?"

That's a good idea. I could easily have the arrow keys *and* the mouse do what you're saying and then leave the side thruster controls for the letters 'a' and 'd'. But then I'd have to update the directions. Yawn... No, I like the idea and will make the changes. 

Thanks for the kind words too.

Messages In This Thread
Rock Jockey 2.0 is ready for action - by NakedApe - 12-17-2024, 12:08 AM
RE: Rock Jockey 2.0 is ready for action - by NakedApe - 01-08-2025, 11:17 PM

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